
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (4)
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Relationship Status Single
Member Since 19th April 2014
Mz_Fallen_Angel joined 3985 days ago and last visited 3898 days ago
Comments 26
Forum Posts 11
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Poet Introduction

I tend to be shy but once you slither your way into my soul you will know my deepest darkest secrets.  I love to write storys or poems. please feel free to message me or just stop by and say hi! I welcome everyone no matter how dark or bright they ar

Favorite Poets/Writers

William Shakespeare, Leonardo da vinci,

About Me

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Hellerrrrr there!! hows life? there's a couple of things you might want to know about me before we continue with this passionate relationship!
Name: Samantha
Birthday: May 6th
Fav Animal: Wolves (White one)
Music: I'm a dork I like queen, Beatles, etc. I love dark songs that have a deep meaning to them. I also love if songs are loud and heavy. "I dont care" is a song I like too.
Nickname: Wolfy
Hobbies: Cheerleading, Geocaching, reading, track, archery, camping, writing, singing.
Height: 5'3
Nationality: Mexican, Puerto rican, American.
Eye Color: light brown and has gold flecks inside
Self Note: i tend to walk around the truth. I listen to other peoples problems but my own. Guess im to scared. I act happy when my eyes hold all my secrets. I dont look people in the eye when i smile because i dont want them to see my shattered soul. I cover my trembling soul with a sarcastic one. I sometimes pretend to be someone im not so no-one can pity me. Im sometimes funny, out going, silly, playful, protective, smart, dumb, and I HATE BULLYING.
well thats really all u need to know. If you want to get to know the real me message me. so hope you like my poems and ill see yall later!! oh and follow pleaseee!!!!!!! Thanks beautyss

Poets I Follow
