Muggle (The Word And Verse)

Twisted Dreamer
Read Poems (46)
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Member Since 26th November 2011
Muggle joined 4710 days ago and last visited 2602 days ago
Comments 42
Forum Posts 149
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

The Word and Verse is the collaborated effort of several DU members of different backgrounds, nationalities, age groups and sexes who have come together on this profile to organize a semi-regular satirical newsletter.

About Me

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The Word and Verse (code name: Muggle) is the collaborated effort of several DU members of different backgrounds, nationalities, age groups and sexes. By permission of our benevolent Webmistress, we've come together on this profile to organize a semi-regular newsletter, keeping you in the loop with the lighter side of current events here on DU. From forum drama to trends in the Latest Poems, to personal advice and critique, with competitions, world issues and some fair liberties taken along with every barb we point in your general direction, our mission is to celebrate, enlighten and poke fun at you - the community.
We aim to make this little project as inclusive as possible, so opportunities to let you all return the flavors of strawberries and/or vomit will be bestowed. Send us private messages with suggestions, ideas or opinions, comment on selected articles, post in our thread: We're really just all about you mangy lot.


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