Luca (Luca Della Casa)

Thought Provoker
5awards Italy
Read Poems (53)
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Member Since 21st October 2011
Luca joined 4903 days ago and last visited 1541 days ago
Comments 575
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Poet Introduction

For an Italian it is difficult (or impossible) to make poetry in English, I can only try to translate my stuff from my original language, hoping and wishing to improve. I will be above all an enthusiastic reader.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Celine, Bukowsky, Burroughs, Neruda, Prevert

About Me

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Visual designer & copy, possessed by darkest art, music and poetry.

I am deeply affected by my emotions and I have to drop them to keep my sanity. Writing helps me and moved on. This is all about.
The desire of violence produced by the mind should not leave the innermost folds of ourselves. And if that happens, it should be only through the catharsis of a poem.

I'm trying to be a floating brain (tray to follow the good teachers, from Socrate to Bukowsky, lol) look at anything that seems interesting to me without necessarily share or reject. I absorb as much as I can and keep only what may serve me. Being a floating brain is a difficult exercise, which I try to practice every day and that helps me to control depression and madness.

Regret has left me a few more tears to shed, as I write, or read poems about human's hope, misery, and pain.

I like almost all French romantic authors, poets such as Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Prevert ... As for the prose, I love American authors like Poe, Hemingway, Stainback, Dos Pasos, Miller... I find that the Beat Generation in literature was something exceptional and when I was younger, I devoured everything from Kerouak, Ginsberg and Bouroghs.
However above all I prefer Celine and Bukowsky. I'm rediscovering Bukowsky as a poet and I become emotional when reading poems such as The genius of the crowd

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Strung Out and A Lit Cigarette by 4Ever4Gotten (Danielle Nicole)
Act of Contrition by Grace (IDryad)
Corvette Fantasy by Amazon
Dinner party by Hotvixen069
If Only I Knew How to Love You by fieryangelsouljia (M6rr6g6n)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (25)