Harper83 (Harper)

Twisted Dreamer
1awards Australia
Read Poems (8)
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Member Since 19th August 2011
Harper83 joined 4963 days ago and last visited 93 days ago
Comments 76
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Poet Introduction

I write from experience and feelings.  I like to have fun with words :)

Favorite Poets/Writers

Marcus Zusak, James Reese

About Me

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I live in a beachside town in Australia, I currently work as a scientific research assistant but also do some glamour modelling.  I graduated really young and have four degrees including Behavioral Science and Art History, .

I was the chubby girl in high school, team that with being four years younger than everyone and being smart I was teased relentlessly.  But then I found the gym, sex, tattoos and surfing and am now having the last laugh.  I'm not the stereotypical 'surfer chick', however if I'm not at work I'll be surfing, writing or pleasuring myself in one way or another..

I love all things pleasurable, surfing, the beach, writing, photography, getting tattooed, fireworks, trees, the countryside, reading, clouds, the moon, money, every kind of art, music, males, females,  thunderstorms, lightning, literature, learning, I'm very passionate, I love to laugh, I collect books and original art, I love my job, I work hard - probably too hard, I earn a shit load of money - probably too much but donate a lot of it.

My Reading List

Philosophical Shit by Indie (Miss Indie)
The gentle confides by MilkyJoe (Milky)
Sweet sweater of tears by MilkyJoe (Milky)
Rotting by MilkyJoe (Milky)

Poets I Follow
