
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (3)
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Birthday 12th January
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 11th May 2013
DruchiiPrincess joined 4317 days ago and last visited 4258 days ago
Comments 9
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Poet Introduction

I'm a writer. A poet not so much. I do write music, but am more interested in feedback on my real life musings and the metaphorical twisted up experiences I've put to page to keep from going insane with flashbacks and memories.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Anne Rice, Dan Abnet, Ani DiFranco

About Me

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A little bit to scratch the surface of me........
"Renegade. truth seeker, light bringer, always down to fight for a cause that's worth it, lover of animals and nature but not so much people, kid at heart, RAIDERS FAN and football nut, musical spirit, and promote the underground freshness from clothing to music. I've been a super raver, a street kid, a bully, a thug, a convict, a thrill seeker and vagabond traveler all of my life. I fear nothing earthly for I have realized all my worst fears and then some. Just because I am not afraid of death, does not mean I will lie down and let it take me, I will fight till my last breath. I love my family, ride for my HOMIES which are fewer now than ever in life, and I live to gain a position to help others realize the dreams that I will never realize. Capricorn-goat-head-stubborn ass-loud mouthed, blunt-to-the-point-type of chick that can back up much more than I talk when pushed but attempts to remain peaceful resolutions to life situations. Confident in ways that make others uncomfortable and insecure in ways others never see. WHAT ARE YOU?"

My Reading List

Mornin~Glori by morninglori

Poets I Follow
