
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (5)
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Age 47
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Member Since 4th October 2012
DrGonzo joined 4370 days ago and last visited 3962 days ago
Comments 23
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Poet Introduction

Im crazy ,Insane,Mental,A carear criminal,Wanted for something in most States  and other than that im a pretty well okay im kinda a good guy.

About Me

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Hey kids well im a real life comedian why you may ask cuase when i herd there was a job that would pay me to be in bars and drink alnight i was like duh sign me up.

Well that at least untill my modeling carear kicks in
hey the zombie look is really in.
Im a barroom poet i like work harsh and brutal cause not everyone can write about flowers and pretty shitte all the time .

Ive been all over the net and thrown off most poetry sites and made alot of friends in the meantime.
I yern for being out on the road and never pass up a good drink.

Im influenced by Burkowski Thompson. my favorite book will always be on the road by Jack .K

Im a music freak was DJ for alotta years
im a total nut if ya know and if ya dont ya will soon ask me anything just be warned i'll tell ya what i really think.

Most everyone calls me Gonzo cause well im nuts.
so stay crazy and Cheers

My Reading List

You Can't Fake Country Music by lepperochan (Craic-Dealer)

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