
Strange Creature
United States
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Member Since 12th September 2010
Dawn joined 5124 days ago and last visited 4568 days ago
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I Don't Know
I Don't know
My heart is cold,but it still warms.
My eyes are there, yet I blind.
My fingers are broken, yet I type

I Don't Know
I look at myself and wonder who I am
Wonder about the girl everyone sees.
Wonder where my life begins.
Wonder when my life ends.

I Don't Know
I've been stabbed, yet there is no blood.
I've fallen,yet I am together.
I've closed my eyes, yet I lye awake.

I Dont Know
I love, but yet, I hate
I cry,but yet, I laugh.
I anger,but yet, I calm.

I Don't Know who I am, yet i SEE HER.
Who am I?
Where am I?
And, Why am I here?
Please help me figure out Who and What I am.

My Reading List

I've been watchin you by bedfordgal
Desperation by FallenStar

Poets I Follow