
Lost Thinker
United States
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Birthday 9th April
Member Since 28th June 2015
Beyondthenight joined 3537 days ago and last visited 2107 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Im new my poetry backgrounds bare I only do it for the outlet of sht and pain I deal with. So deff expect dark depressing sht from me.

About Me

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Hey Im Gavin most call me kidd my back storys a fucked one. I express my life in poetry. The genre I use is normally depressing, dark, and the bullshit I've seen in love. In a good some up of my life everyone I ever loved has failed me, and I have given up mentally and physically on life. I only continue because its sin to kill yourself even tho I have tried to many times, and for the fact I believe theres somthing left on this planet I must do or God would have let me die by now. Overall I'm a guy that doesn't wanna give up but has already, who wears a fake smile and refuses to love but wants to be proven love does exist.

Before I go if you are suicidal or just depressed and your like me that thinks meds are a waste and psych helps bullshit and only real remedy is to talk to someone who understand hit me up idc who you are or what you have done it happened but your alive for a reason, and that means something. In my personal count I have stoped 4 suicides helped 9 people and befriended 8 and there my closes friends.

And farther entry of me I'm a young father 18yr the mothers deceased.
My fathers a complete ass and hope he dies. My moms never been a mother. Abused by both as a kid. I wanna love someone who will love for the person he is. I'm a redneck and proud country boy but im definitely not by name normal country lol I'm a poet theres somthin off fer it right there.

Anyhow thats all bless you and your life bye.

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