
Strange Creature
United States
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Member Since 18th December 2013
Arriana_Azania1984 joined 3931 days ago and last visited 3930 days ago
Comments 7
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Poet Introduction

I have been writing poetry and short stories on and off for years! My very first poem was written at 12 years old and my first story was written when I was 9 and it was also published in "Reader's Digest". Thanks for reading!

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Shakespeare, Chauncer, Ben Franklin,Dante, Socrates

About Me

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I absolutely LOVE to read, write, and draw. I not only write poetry, but I also write short suspense/horror stories. I have two wonderful kids; one girl, Sacorra, who's 11 years old and a boy, Gavin-Ilias, who's 9 years old. I have a 17 month old dog named Awnya (short for Annastasia). I love her so, so , much!!! My then boyfriend named her. I wanted to either name her "Gizmo", "Ewok",or "mini-Chewie" (as Chewbaca, it's funny but my little angel everyone calls her one of those 3 things!!!! On a down note, I'm I am in a wheelchair for 7 years due 2 a domestic incident which ended with me being shot and paralyzed from the waist down. For those who have actually read through ALL of this, thank you and so sorry it's so, so long!!!!!

Poets I Follow
