
Lost Thinker
Read Poems (23)
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Member Since 25th March 2013
Apostrophe-es joined 4198 days ago and last visited 1938 days ago
Comments 46
Forum Posts 12
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I've been writing for many a year now, I lost my poetic voice for several years, I'm trying to find it again. Bear with me on the quality, I promise improvement.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Virgil, Dante, Poe, Catullus, William Blake, Percy Shelley.

About Me

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Writing is a true experience, which can only be described by the most capable of the practice. I write, I fight, I live then I die.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Frozen. by Donchonorgo (Louis Lee Warner)
Rubber Band by Page_Writer (Mad Girl)
Teache's Pet by King_Poet (Daniel Parx)
The Scar by JollisaRose (Jen)
Withdrawal by mbass33 (matthew bass)

Poets I Follow
