AdrenalineFrequenc (AdrenalineFrequency)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (28)
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Member Since 11th March 2011
AdrenalineFrequenc joined 5082 days ago and last visited 4985 days ago
Comments 16
Forum Posts 38
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About Me

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Music is my life. Writing is a passion. I try to enjoy life, but people get in the way. My name is Haley [Adrenalinefrequency] Cooper and I live to write. I've won medals in writing competitions all across the state of Ohio.

My Chemical Romance has inspired me to do anything, and everything I want. I'm a rebelious character, so following the rules is out of the question. Say no to change, rules and goody goody two shoes who tell you shit that makes no sense. Make your life the way YOU want it, and don't let one person stand in your way. <3

On with me. I actively am writing a book which I REALLY hope to get published. It's a series of two books- and I know that seems farfetched, I'm not a stranger to other people's opinions. I dream big, and I will live that way no matter how hard it is, or how many sacrifices because NO ONE can crush my dreams, because they are my dreams and I am a straight forward girl. I live for this stuff.

My Reading List

Kings and Queens by ImperfectedStone (The Gardener)
House of Glass by SilverMoon (Miranda)
Skeletons by skinnyjean (Llamaliscious)
The Eyes of Woe by Ninevite (Ed)
Where Was Daddy? by 0HisBlackDahlia0 (Dahlia)

Poets I Follow
