Sad Poems
Poems about sadness and sorrow encompass a range of subjects including depression, grief, heartbreak and suffering. Sad poems tell painful stories and offer a window into the soul of someone who is struggling in life or feeling alone.
Related Themes
Not Really a Poem, so to Speak
i am already hating THIS YEAR, 2025
My Mom dies Monday morning, 10 MAR 25,
BUT i got a text, she went peacefully
a pseudonym for dying in one's sleep?
AND now informed this same week,
DUP has been on an intravenous lifeline
to no avail.
& on top of all of this, a Veteran neighbor caught wind of my Mom's demise
and is worried about suicide.
i am determined to get through APRIL'S NaPo
after all,
i still have to write out my Grief and process the tumultuous other array of feelings
bombarding me,
My Mom dies Monday morning, 10 MAR 25,
BUT i got a text, she went peacefully
a pseudonym for dying in one's sleep?
AND now informed this same week,
DUP has been on an intravenous lifeline
to no avail.
& on top of all of this, a Veteran neighbor caught wind of my Mom's demise
and is worried about suicide.
i am determined to get through APRIL'S NaPo
after all,
i still have to write out my Grief and process the tumultuous other array of feelings
bombarding me,
38 reads
Alas…Dear Diary
Dear Diary,
I recently discovered the poetry site I’ve found refuge in for nearly six years is shuttering its doors.
I feel afloat at sea with no oars, in a dinghy with a huge hole in the bottom and no life preserver.
Where am I going to go when the bell tolls 2 am and I can no longer sign on to DUP? No longer see familiar faces and avatars. No longer read poems and stories I’ve come to rely on, to push me through another sleepless night. Share thoughts and jokes with fellow bards.
I know nothing lasts forever but stupidly I figured I would...
I recently discovered the poetry site I’ve found refuge in for nearly six years is shuttering its doors.
I feel afloat at sea with no oars, in a dinghy with a huge hole in the bottom and no life preserver.
Where am I going to go when the bell tolls 2 am and I can no longer sign on to DUP? No longer see familiar faces and avatars. No longer read poems and stories I’ve come to rely on, to push me through another sleepless night. Share thoughts and jokes with fellow bards.
I know nothing lasts forever but stupidly I figured I would...
107 reads
An Endless Sadness
Had a nightmare last night. It was quite dark and disturbing like many of them. My friend Joe was in it, telling me I had changed. That I wasn't the girl he thought he knew. That he didn't want to talk to me. That I was tainted now. Forever. Josh was saying it, and anyone I ever knew said these things.
I woke up like I usually do, like I'm getting out of a trance rather than a nightmare.
I personally hate it when people say to not let someone or something have so much power over you. Because I'm already good at that, considering my situation. But if something, even if...
I woke up like I usually do, like I'm getting out of a trance rather than a nightmare.
I personally hate it when people say to not let someone or something have so much power over you. Because I'm already good at that, considering my situation. But if something, even if...
26 reads
Looking For Slow Ways to Get Involved
Watched another video of Heidi Priebe talking about to become more of the real you and less the fake you. Whew, that was a lot. Realizing I still have a lot of people pleasing behaviors. Anyway, she talked about how you should seek out places where your true, future self would seek if you had no fears.
And I can't think of a single place but an art club or something. Looking at volunteer opportunities related to that, and I want to go back to bed thinking about all the responsibilities they're listing. I'm tired from all the pressure my family and others put on me and in turn, I...
And I can't think of a single place but an art club or something. Looking at volunteer opportunities related to that, and I want to go back to bed thinking about all the responsibilities they're listing. I'm tired from all the pressure my family and others put on me and in turn, I...
37 reads
Toy Girl
Dancing with death within
An unsweetened serenade
Bitter sweet
Nothing sweet at all
Just sadness, fear, and betrayal
And a sickness
That churns inside
Am i worth so little
Is anyone
So worthless
As to be treated as a toy
by Jemia
by Jemia
An unsweetened serenade
Bitter sweet
Nothing sweet at all
Just sadness, fear, and betrayal
And a sickness
That churns inside
Am i worth so little
Is anyone
So worthless
As to be treated as a toy
by Jemia
by Jemia
#philosophical #sadness
#philosophical #sadness
43 reads
Surrounded by Nothing, You At Last Find Solitude
The skin peels in ribbons, curling like the pages of unwritten regrets,
unfolding where the fingers once traced warmth on cold glass,
a silent fog of breath lingering, dissolving into absence.
The house is empty now—
or perhaps, it was never full,
only a place where shadows learned to walk without sound,
where voices whisper backwards, syllables twisting like snapped necks.
A clock ticks without hands, bleeding minutes into the floorboards.
A rat scurries through the hollowed-out ribcage of something forgotten,
gnawing on the marrow of lost...
unfolding where the fingers once traced warmth on cold glass,
a silent fog of breath lingering, dissolving into absence.
The house is empty now—
or perhaps, it was never full,
only a place where shadows learned to walk without sound,
where voices whisper backwards, syllables twisting like snapped necks.
A clock ticks without hands, bleeding minutes into the floorboards.
A rat scurries through the hollowed-out ribcage of something forgotten,
gnawing on the marrow of lost...
42 reads
detour ahead
these last days will be...precious
as reality upends for some of us
when we crawl back into journals
or our skulls
unsure how to get the thoughts out
where they can make a difference
to others
& ourselves
let me say this...
it's only a moment
not the final script
these were good days
filled with wild inspiration
& healing
the journey doesn't end
just because the road ran out
we simply forge onward
as we blaze new trails
taking memories with us
I...for intensely...
as reality upends for some of us
when we crawl back into journals
or our skulls
unsure how to get the thoughts out
where they can make a difference
to others
& ourselves
let me say this...
it's only a moment
not the final script
these were good days
filled with wild inspiration
& healing
the journey doesn't end
just because the road ran out
we simply forge onward
as we blaze new trails
taking memories with us
I...for intensely...
#respect #sadness
#respect #sadness
125 reads
Toothpaste We Can't Put Back In
Stupidity is contagious
Stupidity is spread
Ignorance is ostentatious
And ignorance is bred
We say what we want
Irregardless of the facts
We worship our servant
And our hatred attracts
Other people like minded
No one thinks for themselves
The system keeps us divided
And we no longer delve
Into information to learn
Or things that really matter
We'd rather the world burn
And be torn and tattered
We live in our hatred
While being self centered
This fear...
Stupidity is spread
Ignorance is ostentatious
And ignorance is bred
We say what we want
Irregardless of the facts
We worship our servant
And our hatred attracts
Other people like minded
No one thinks for themselves
The system keeps us divided
And we no longer delve
Into information to learn
Or things that really matter
We'd rather the world burn
And be torn and tattered
We live in our hatred
While being self centered
This fear...
77 reads
End of an era
I'm legit heartbroken that DU is shutting down. This place has been a safe haven for me for the last 13 years.
If anyone wants to stay in contact with me, message me, and if I think we'd be friends irl, I can add you on Facebook or Instagram.
Peace out, Indie
If anyone wants to stay in contact with me, message me, and if I think we'd be friends irl, I can add you on Facebook or Instagram.
Peace out, Indie
99 reads
Au revoir
My time here was very short lived as Jade72, but I had some great exchanges over that period with people who inspire me. I also was on this site as Healed a few years back and left because of trolls..
Over all my experience here was for the most part enlightening.
I am sad that DUP is shutting down in a few months, I will have to find another home for my pieces 😔
I appreciate you all and hope to read you on other sites.
Nancie xox
Over all my experience here was for the most part enlightening.
I am sad that DUP is shutting down in a few months, I will have to find another home for my pieces 😔
I appreciate you all and hope to read you on other sites.
Nancie xox
104 reads
What can I say that I have not already said about this community?
My 1-year anniversary is coming up and I have created something for that day.
If I say I am not sad about this, I would be lying.
In one year I have met so many amazing people.
Did I get along with everyone no, but that is life isn't it?
This site had become a touchstone in my life.
Some where I could go to meet, post and sometimes be a support.
Weird, thought came to me The Sound of Music when she said when one door closes another opens. I believe that. It has to be hard to say...
My 1-year anniversary is coming up and I have created something for that day.
If I say I am not sad about this, I would be lying.
In one year I have met so many amazing people.
Did I get along with everyone no, but that is life isn't it?
This site had become a touchstone in my life.
Some where I could go to meet, post and sometimes be a support.
Weird, thought came to me The Sound of Music when she said when one door closes another opens. I believe that. It has to be hard to say...
105 reads
by Jemia
by Jemia
44 reads
DU Poetry : Sad Poems