Long Poems About Denial
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Long poems about denial. 300 words or more, most recently published poems first.
The Church of England - Disestablishment won't be amiss for the right reasons, though not convenient ones.
By Stanley Collymore
Henry VIII wanted, against proper
religious protocols, the express
disapproval, and similarly too
the implacable non-consent of the Pope, at
the time as well as undoubtedly the Roman
Catholic's, obviously controlling authorities,
to flimsily divorce his lawful wife Catherine
of Aragon and crucially, marry his mistress
Anne Boleyn: who, actually, most ironically,
on his quite arbitrarily, breaking away from
the Roman Catholic Church really because
of the clearly aforementioned stated facts ...
Henry VIII wanted, against proper
religious protocols, the express
disapproval, and similarly too
the implacable non-consent of the Pope, at
the time as well as undoubtedly the Roman
Catholic's, obviously controlling authorities,
to flimsily divorce his lawful wife Catherine
of Aragon and crucially, marry his mistress
Anne Boleyn: who, actually, most ironically,
on his quite arbitrarily, breaking away from
the Roman Catholic Church really because
of the clearly aforementioned stated facts ...
55 reads
The pervasive feudal-mindset shackles of privileged, private education, in the UK and USA!
By Stanley Collymore
In very marked contrast to Britain
the rest of Europe and most of
the world, quality education
is mainly publicly funded and is furthermore
universally publicly and also politically seen
as an inalienable right for everyone; and as
such most certainly and quite evidently not
simply, only a privilege for some! Moreover,
numerous countries globally provide better
education, and literally do so with fees that
obviously cost 95% less to students than it
basically would in Britain and likewise also ...
In very marked contrast to Britain
the rest of Europe and most of
the world, quality education
is mainly publicly funded and is furthermore
universally publicly and also politically seen
as an inalienable right for everyone; and as
such most certainly and quite evidently not
simply, only a privilege for some! Moreover,
numerous countries globally provide better
education, and literally do so with fees that
obviously cost 95% less to students than it
basically would in Britain and likewise also ...
61 reads
Nigel Farage - the odiously self-serving, virtue signalling, racist and fascist con man!
By Stanley Collymore
Crowdfunding, relative in all respects
to Nigel Farage, is actually the true
grift here! Odious tricks crucially
associated with which Nigel has undoubtedly
quite effectively acquired, having learnt them
in the USA! For Nigel Farage evidently knows
full well that this discernibly virtue signalling
private prosecution he's initiating is naturally
pure farce, but none the less simply ensures
for himself the key public attention, that this
odiously vile and obsessive attention...
Crowdfunding, relative in all respects
to Nigel Farage, is actually the true
grift here! Odious tricks crucially
associated with which Nigel has undoubtedly
quite effectively acquired, having learnt them
in the USA! For Nigel Farage evidently knows
full well that this discernibly virtue signalling
private prosecution he's initiating is naturally
pure farce, but none the less simply ensures
for himself the key public attention, that this
odiously vile and obsessive attention...
62 reads
All of these Windsors certainly need real jobs; but what skills do they actually have?
By Stanley Collymore
Essentially and quite inescapably
so Andrew is quite irrefutably a
brother to Charles, Anne and
also Edward; and, as such, they're evidently,
specifically meant to be a biological family.
That said, crucially look at the way Charles
despicably treated Diana - unquestionably
the mother of his children. So significantly
and undoubtedly relatives though they are
essentially, very basically and distinctively
undeniably, there's simply too no love lost
between some of them!...
Essentially and quite inescapably
so Andrew is quite irrefutably a
brother to Charles, Anne and
also Edward; and, as such, they're evidently,
specifically meant to be a biological family.
That said, crucially look at the way Charles
despicably treated Diana - unquestionably
the mother of his children. So significantly
and undoubtedly relatives though they are
essentially, very basically and distinctively
undeniably, there's simply too no love lost
between some of them!...
72 reads
The corrupt impudence of these bloody hypocrites is absolutely mindboggling!
By Stanley Collymore
Quite extraordinary to say the very
least and most hypocritically so
the specifically vile case that
the Canadian public, whom we're assuredly
and very definitively told by the many Daily
Mail's troll commentators, in Canada, that
the overwhelming majority, of Canadians,
and rather significantly their government,
most categorically actually don't want to
ever see Harry, who is crucially basically
fifth in line, to the British monarchy: and
of which Canada is simply a dutiful and
Quite extraordinary to say the very
least and most hypocritically so
the specifically vile case that
the Canadian public, whom we're assuredly
and very definitively told by the many Daily
Mail's troll commentators, in Canada, that
the overwhelming majority, of Canadians,
and rather significantly their government,
most categorically actually don't want to
ever see Harry, who is crucially basically
fifth in line, to the British monarchy: and
of which Canada is simply a dutiful and
77 reads
British idiots never change! They just discernibly breed more of the same!
By Stanley Collymore
Due to a rather recent expose' by
Channel 4's Dispatches Team
detailing how the British
monarchical family fleeces the NHS, MoD
and very distinctively so even registered
charities, as well as ordinary citizens of
our country, left right and centre; quite
obviously, the Palace PR flunkies have
actually gone, simply expectedly with
those that have functioning brains in
their head and crucially not pretend
ones in their rear ends, on evidently
an undeniably, distinctly full charm ...
Due to a rather recent expose' by
Channel 4's Dispatches Team
detailing how the British
monarchical family fleeces the NHS, MoD
and very distinctively so even registered
charities, as well as ordinary citizens of
our country, left right and centre; quite
obviously, the Palace PR flunkies have
actually gone, simply expectedly with
those that have functioning brains in
their head and crucially not pretend
ones in their rear ends, on evidently
an undeniably, distinctly full charm ...
72 reads
Cenotaph Remembrances!
By Stanley Collymore
Brave Kate? Really? Give us a
bloody break! When her
sort, the rest of the
Windsors kind, the politicians, bankers
and the arms dealers, who collectively
obviously profit from war, tell the rest
of us we must distinctively fight their
induced wars as it's distinctly, a very
genuinely needed, and undoubtedly
too a noble cause! No, it isn't! So be
honest, obviously brave and clearly
defiant for once in evidently telling
them that they, and essentially also ...
Brave Kate? Really? Give us a
bloody break! When her
sort, the rest of the
Windsors kind, the politicians, bankers
and the arms dealers, who collectively
obviously profit from war, tell the rest
of us we must distinctively fight their
induced wars as it's distinctly, a very
genuinely needed, and undoubtedly
too a noble cause! No, it isn't! So be
honest, obviously brave and clearly
defiant for once in evidently telling
them that they, and essentially also ...
101 reads
True causes of riots in Amsterdam handily shunned, by a virtue signalling Dutch king seeking popularity!
By Stanley Collymore
More nonsense from Holland's Wilem-
Alexander, since he either knows or
should do so what racial ethnicity
those odious Nazis, exclusively of Europe or
else Europeans quite basically in obviously
discernibly genocidally acquired lands like
Australia, New Zealand, Canada and aptly
quite undeniably clearly the USA, actually
ethnically were rather undoubtedly in the
1930s, and similarly also, the 1940s and
still are distinctly so in the 21st Century!
Quite undoubtedly also, very exclusively ...
More nonsense from Holland's Wilem-
Alexander, since he either knows or
should do so what racial ethnicity
those odious Nazis, exclusively of Europe or
else Europeans quite basically in obviously
discernibly genocidally acquired lands like
Australia, New Zealand, Canada and aptly
quite undeniably clearly the USA, actually
ethnically were rather undoubtedly in the
1930s, and similarly also, the 1940s and
still are distinctly so in the 21st Century!
Quite undoubtedly also, very exclusively ...
64 reads
Are the white British in a retrogressive state or have they always been this stupid?
By Stanley Collymore
I think it's high time that this question
be seriously asked: how in the 2024,
effectively the 21st Century, do we
still have families calling themselves royal; not
only in Britain, which is rather simply, my main
concern, but obviously contemptibly globally?
Essentially, we're meant to be living in an age
where we're informed, in no uncertain terms,
that everyone shall obviously be viewed and
also generally, treated equally in the eyes of
the law; and yet somehow, there still openly
I think it's high time that this question
be seriously asked: how in the 2024,
effectively the 21st Century, do we
still have families calling themselves royal; not
only in Britain, which is rather simply, my main
concern, but obviously contemptibly globally?
Essentially, we're meant to be living in an age
where we're informed, in no uncertain terms,
that everyone shall obviously be viewed and
also generally, treated equally in the eyes of
the law; and yet somehow, there still openly
58 reads
Rich landowners aren't necessarily farmers!
By Stanley Collymore
An excellent job undertaken Rachel
Reeves; so thoroughly well done
and likewise effectively keep
going with more of the same! Frankly, and
most unequivocally also, I quite obviously
rather distinctly, simply don't actually feel
the least bit sorry for the vast majority of
these evidently allegedly, British farmers,
significant numbers of whom are clearly
essentially, quite conspicuously, literally
undoubtedly, and rather unquestionably
discernibly wealthy landowners; literally
An excellent job undertaken Rachel
Reeves; so thoroughly well done
and likewise effectively keep
going with more of the same! Frankly, and
most unequivocally also, I quite obviously
rather distinctly, simply don't actually feel
the least bit sorry for the vast majority of
these evidently allegedly, British farmers,
significant numbers of whom are clearly
essentially, quite conspicuously, literally
undoubtedly, and rather unquestionably
discernibly wealthy landowners; literally
67 reads
USA elections - don't count your political chickens before they're hatched!
By Stanley Collymore
Donald Trump has no policies
and what he and his ilk glibly,
glaringly and very gloatingly
pass off as such are firmly based on and
deeply entrenched in hatred, arrogance
and the clearly delusional myth of white
supremacy! Evidently then obviously no
wonder that he unquestionably attracts
rather intellectually challenged, gullible,
dimwitted and literally demented cunts
generally, and, similarly so, pathetically
self-professed celebrity ones, basically
like the South African deeply...
Donald Trump has no policies
and what he and his ilk glibly,
glaringly and very gloatingly
pass off as such are firmly based on and
deeply entrenched in hatred, arrogance
and the clearly delusional myth of white
supremacy! Evidently then obviously no
wonder that he unquestionably attracts
rather intellectually challenged, gullible,
dimwitted and literally demented cunts
generally, and, similarly so, pathetically
self-professed celebrity ones, basically
like the South African deeply...
70 reads
You Meghan haters are clearly the sorriest lot of losers conceivably! Absolutely unhinged!
By Stanley Collymore
The problem for these serf sycophants of
Kate Middleton and the feudal, British
monarchical system is that Kate
doesn't get any attention or leverage without
you actually prime assholes mention of the
unquestionably cleverer, very intellectually
accomplished, crucially competent and a
discernibly more able, mentally liberated
African American woman, plainly clearly
so quite distinctly by name Ms Meghan
Markle; literally, rather than the fatuous
bone idle; distinctively, simply workshy,
The problem for these serf sycophants of
Kate Middleton and the feudal, British
monarchical system is that Kate
doesn't get any attention or leverage without
you actually prime assholes mention of the
unquestionably cleverer, very intellectually
accomplished, crucially competent and a
discernibly more able, mentally liberated
African American woman, plainly clearly
so quite distinctly by name Ms Meghan
Markle; literally, rather than the fatuous
bone idle; distinctively, simply workshy,
74 reads
DU Poetry : Long Poems About Denial