Long Poems About Denial
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Long poems about denial. 300 words or more, most recently published poems first.
The Source
Life's been cruel to me so far
If I could catch a falling star
I wouldn't wash away my scars
I'd piece together all the shards
Of broken glass
Shattered years past
Filthy memories left unbathed
But no one walks away unscathed
Long ago I got the point
Aching bones and creaking joints
Any comfort is a privilege
Afforded only by indifference
I see the light
Can't close the distance
Sprinting toward sweet deliverance
Long after my feet are blistered
Where most would yield,...
If I could catch a falling star
I wouldn't wash away my scars
I'd piece together all the shards
Of broken glass
Shattered years past
Filthy memories left unbathed
But no one walks away unscathed
Long ago I got the point
Aching bones and creaking joints
Any comfort is a privilege
Afforded only by indifference
I see the light
Can't close the distance
Sprinting toward sweet deliverance
Long after my feet are blistered
Where most would yield,...
142 reads
White Grimsby the Dole Capital of England! But evidently to racists the truth hurts!
By Stanley Collymore
If you invest in idleness rather than
training; if you literally promote
dependency rather than the
work ethic don't be surprised then when you have large numbers of individuals who very wilfully become idle and clearly dependent
on the taxpayer. These odious scroungers: obviously undoubtedly, from infant school
to compulsory secondary one, and clearly
with no intention actually of ever learning anything! Obviously, enter their own adult
life specifically and undoubtedly, with the ...
If you invest in idleness rather than
training; if you literally promote
dependency rather than the
work ethic don't be surprised then when you have large numbers of individuals who very wilfully become idle and clearly dependent
on the taxpayer. These odious scroungers: obviously undoubtedly, from infant school
to compulsory secondary one, and clearly
with no intention actually of ever learning anything! Obviously, enter their own adult
life specifically and undoubtedly, with the ...
70 reads
Loonies still complaining about the colour of obviously fictional cartoon characters!
By Stanley Collymore
It's a shame the same consideration
isn't give to the history nonsense
taught in a rather widespread
fashion within white Western organized and
obviously run schools, all of them depicting
all Black people as essentially slaves, while
pushing European features as the standard
of beauty. How do these clearly, discernibly
ingrained morons, suppose little Black kids
feel, being systematically told, that nothing beautiful or even vaguely so, does or really, ...
It's a shame the same consideration
isn't give to the history nonsense
taught in a rather widespread
fashion within white Western organized and
obviously run schools, all of them depicting
all Black people as essentially slaves, while
pushing European features as the standard
of beauty. How do these clearly, discernibly
ingrained morons, suppose little Black kids
feel, being systematically told, that nothing beautiful or even vaguely so, does or really, ...
66 reads
Catherine Meyer - typical of the white racist c**ts who infest Britain and the genocidally acquired overseas lands!
By Stanley Collymore
No doubt it didn't even occur to
Catherine Meyer that calling
an Asian gentleman, Lord
Dhobka: a bona fide peer of this United
Kingdom realm, where rather evidently
she herself is discernibly ensconced in
and whose lawful name she obviously
actually, also simply and categorically
rather callously, couldn't bother to find
out but simply specifically, did choose
basically, to patronizingly, and racially,
because he's distinctly from, a British
racial minority,...
No doubt it didn't even occur to
Catherine Meyer that calling
an Asian gentleman, Lord
Dhobka: a bona fide peer of this United
Kingdom realm, where rather evidently
she herself is discernibly ensconced in
and whose lawful name she obviously
actually, also simply and categorically
rather callously, couldn't bother to find
out but simply specifically, did choose
basically, to patronizingly, and racially,
because he's distinctly from, a British
racial minority,...
62 reads
Remind me again; which Century we're in!
By Stanley Collymore
I doubt very much if Liz Windsor ever
bathed any of her children; and
much less so literally with
the state crown on! So simply give over, you gullible, and distinctly sycophantic morons,
as your elitist, self-entitled and discernibly perceived as by you, as aptly undoubtedly
your societal betters; are basically taking
the piss and, rather distinctly, having you
on surely! Can't you see? As Liz Windsor
in actuality basically never saw much of
her children who were crucially brought ...
I doubt very much if Liz Windsor ever
bathed any of her children; and
much less so literally with
the state crown on! So simply give over, you gullible, and distinctly sycophantic morons,
as your elitist, self-entitled and discernibly perceived as by you, as aptly undoubtedly
your societal betters; are basically taking
the piss and, rather distinctly, having you
on surely! Can't you see? As Liz Windsor
in actuality basically never saw much of
her children who were crucially brought ...
87 reads
The valorous Kate Middleton - defeating the perilous cancer that she never had!
By Stanley Collymore
Why are you sycophantic morons
so wanting evidently intelligent
and clearly astutely mentally
liberated persons to quite unreservedly have
any sympathy whatever, for Kate Middleton,
when you're clearly not that bothered about
all those other British citizens with genuine
not fictional cancers, that really couldn't be
treated, even for the actual said amount of
money, because they simply obviously just
don't have it, crucially required to deal with
Charles, and also his...
Why are you sycophantic morons
so wanting evidently intelligent
and clearly astutely mentally
liberated persons to quite unreservedly have
any sympathy whatever, for Kate Middleton,
when you're clearly not that bothered about
all those other British citizens with genuine
not fictional cancers, that really couldn't be
treated, even for the actual said amount of
money, because they simply obviously just
don't have it, crucially required to deal with
Charles, and also his...
66 reads
A very plausible letter written by Kate Middleton's PR team!
By Stanley Collymore
Oh give it a rest Daily Mail and clearly
crucially likeminded monarchical
sycophants! Kate Middleton
was perfectly well enough for Wimbledon in
the summer so this odiously contrived crap
you're promulgating Daily Mail has actually
got to be sarcasm, right? Kate a beacon of strength, really? Someone, who effectively
takes a year of "work" while very evidently
discernibly ordinary people, regardless of
truly healthy, or otherwise circumstances
actually have no choice but to soldier on! ...
Oh give it a rest Daily Mail and clearly
crucially likeminded monarchical
sycophants! Kate Middleton
was perfectly well enough for Wimbledon in
the summer so this odiously contrived crap
you're promulgating Daily Mail has actually
got to be sarcasm, right? Kate a beacon of strength, really? Someone, who effectively
takes a year of "work" while very evidently
discernibly ordinary people, regardless of
truly healthy, or otherwise circumstances
actually have no choice but to soldier on! ...
55 reads
The vacuous Richard Eden - and falsified vulturine stories in the Daily Mail again!
By Stanley Collymore
Whatever each of you brainwashed
and braindead morons really think,
Meghan will never, even obviously
wearing a shroud, return to Britain
under any circumstances, so truly
get over it, as well as evidently so
your Richard Eden evilly fancifully
made up stories. And that clearly
similarly includes unquestionably
requisite, and significantly feudal
so-called serfs really pathetically
very preposterously royal duties!
That rather pointedly also, refers
irrefutably, to Meghan's husband ...
Whatever each of you brainwashed
and braindead morons really think,
Meghan will never, even obviously
wearing a shroud, return to Britain
under any circumstances, so truly
get over it, as well as evidently so
your Richard Eden evilly fancifully
made up stories. And that clearly
similarly includes unquestionably
requisite, and significantly feudal
so-called serfs really pathetically
very preposterously royal duties!
That rather pointedly also, refers
irrefutably, to Meghan's husband ...
60 reads
Drug taking and its addiction coupled with the rather crass hypocrisy associated with its taking!
By Stanley Collymore
The hypocrisy quite honestly is startling!
Thus the sole reasons that widespread
drug taking and addiction, evidently in
tandem with its discernibly self-evidently also
universal dealing and importation into Britain
is so passively and even enticingly tolerated,
and no truly effective and also discouraging legislation is ever, very seriously introduced
into parliament! Which is precisely because
of the critical prevalence of a rather natural addiction to drugs and its simply attendant
and quite consummate...
The hypocrisy quite honestly is startling!
Thus the sole reasons that widespread
drug taking and addiction, evidently in
tandem with its discernibly self-evidently also
universal dealing and importation into Britain
is so passively and even enticingly tolerated,
and no truly effective and also discouraging legislation is ever, very seriously introduced
into parliament! Which is precisely because
of the critical prevalence of a rather natural addiction to drugs and its simply attendant
and quite consummate...
75 reads
Gwynplaine's Sentiment
Amidst the fog-wrapped coasts of France's sullen shore,
I was borne, a child plucked from humanity's womb—
a husk emptied, reshaped, molded by hands cruel and arcane.
O Heaven, did you witness the crime cast in your name?
Were your stars still fixed as mine fell from grace,
my face carved in grins by blades that spared no flesh nor soul,
leaving me bound forever to a smile that knew no mirth,
a grin in eternal mockery of all joy?
Look upon me, oh silent ones, whose pity wounds sharper than the steel—
for I am Gwynplaine, the jester...
I was borne, a child plucked from humanity's womb—
a husk emptied, reshaped, molded by hands cruel and arcane.
O Heaven, did you witness the crime cast in your name?
Were your stars still fixed as mine fell from grace,
my face carved in grins by blades that spared no flesh nor soul,
leaving me bound forever to a smile that knew no mirth,
a grin in eternal mockery of all joy?
Look upon me, oh silent ones, whose pity wounds sharper than the steel—
for I am Gwynplaine, the jester...
144 reads
Breaking News! Fearing the outbreak of WW3 France has discreetly already surrendered!
By Stanley Collymore
This is actually as a consequence
of the Joe Biden Administration
essentially trying to create as
much trouble as it quite simply can, for the
incoming Donald Trump one! And logically
observing this, and effectively, perceptibly
so from both a quite personal and as well
also a literally unquestionably, thoroughly
significantly, objective perspective; firmly,
such undoubtedly, self-evidently massive
decisions such as this one with the likely
prospect evidently of global warfare very ...
This is actually as a consequence
of the Joe Biden Administration
essentially trying to create as
much trouble as it quite simply can, for the
incoming Donald Trump one! And logically
observing this, and effectively, perceptibly
so from both a quite personal and as well
also a literally unquestionably, thoroughly
significantly, objective perspective; firmly,
such undoubtedly, self-evidently massive
decisions such as this one with the likely
prospect evidently of global warfare very ...
68 reads
And me too, publicly and clearly conveniently shouts the odious, vulturine egoist Nadine Dorries!
By Stanley Collymore
Quite bluntly I don't believe a solitary
word that this plainly malevolently
egregious, actually egotistically
inured, discernibly rabid attention seeker and
toxically, though pathetically so, significantly,
basically vaingloriously, virtue-signalling and
post-menopausal hag, is lyingly stating! This
sprog, obviously born on the 21st May 1957,
allegedly sexually assaulted by a vicar when
she was aged nine and thus mathematically
a situation that would have very purportedly
occurred in 1966, but...
Quite bluntly I don't believe a solitary
word that this plainly malevolently
egregious, actually egotistically
inured, discernibly rabid attention seeker and
toxically, though pathetically so, significantly,
basically vaingloriously, virtue-signalling and
post-menopausal hag, is lyingly stating! This
sprog, obviously born on the 21st May 1957,
allegedly sexually assaulted by a vicar when
she was aged nine and thus mathematically
a situation that would have very purportedly
occurred in 1966, but...
61 reads
DU Poetry : Long Poems About Denial