Poems about Choices and Decisions
Poems about choices and decisions, poetry about making important life decisions, and evaluating different options. In a world of possibilities, it can be overwhelming when presented with different choices; decisions which may affect our lives and the lives of others.
It's not my problem, it's yours

45 reads
we’ll have the usual, thanks
where shall we go for lunch
I’m fed up with the café
that old bloke always
at the table next to ours
reading aloud from his newspaper
McDonald’s he suggests
fine she says we’ll have lunch
in the café
I’m fed up with the café
that old bloke always
at the table next to ours
reading aloud from his newspaper
McDonald’s he suggests
fine she says we’ll have lunch
in the café
56 reads
Lion's debutants jesters and rakes
stained glass windows and childhood pranks
my masters come calling for a tithe to the king
in harmony now we all must sing
dance till tranced by fairies and fools
slitting the throat of all that they rule
death to us all into silence we sink
stained glass windows and childhood pranks
my masters come calling for a tithe to the king
in harmony now we all must sing
dance till tranced by fairies and fools
slitting the throat of all that they rule
death to us all into silence we sink
65 reads
Truth or Door!
I maintain hope for us, even if it's just a shard.
Each day your constant secrets and lies make it more and more hard.
I know you are telling me the truth, about anything at all.
Because of it our relationship is taking a quick and ugly fall.
So much resentment has built up for me over time.
Only you can fix it, it's in your hands not mine.
I know it all, even though you don't think that I do.
I know you have been unfaithful not just with one but a few!
I don't think you love me, like you claim
Instead of putting out fires you're lies and...
Each day your constant secrets and lies make it more and more hard.
I know you are telling me the truth, about anything at all.
Because of it our relationship is taking a quick and ugly fall.
So much resentment has built up for me over time.
Only you can fix it, it's in your hands not mine.
I know it all, even though you don't think that I do.
I know you have been unfaithful not just with one but a few!
I don't think you love me, like you claim
Instead of putting out fires you're lies and...
64 reads
List #12: Questions I've Been Pondering Lately
1. Why is space so incredibly vast? Is it just a mall with billions of empty stores? I mean, really, what's it being used for?
2. Would quitting my job be cowardly or brave?
3. How is it possible that so many Americans support Trump?
4. Am I agnostic or atheist or just someone with no desire to own the "truth"?
5. Where can I move that's not all guns, Trump, and Jesus?
6. How am I going to find the motivation to go on a diet? I don't want to break up with food.
7. When should I get a new cat? Should I force myself to look in more than one
2. Would quitting my job be cowardly or brave?
3. How is it possible that so many Americans support Trump?
4. Am I agnostic or atheist or just someone with no desire to own the "truth"?
5. Where can I move that's not all guns, Trump, and Jesus?
6. How am I going to find the motivation to go on a diet? I don't want to break up with food.
7. When should I get a new cat? Should I force myself to look in more than one
148 reads
Let not your heart be heavy
Through life we will be tested by somethings, that we may not see it coming our way. BUT yet it doesn't mean that you keep an blind eye close, to really not see that is before you. For that will be your time to become aware that you have to learn, some lessons that you thought you didn't have to learn. How to navigate through the process of the nonsense, that will surely bring you down. For sure life wasn't meant to be easy, when you know that it's hard to find the right one for you. FOR sure life is a mind game of chance or even leaps of your own faith at times. Which makes your thoughts run...
79 reads
Precipice Trilogy
life is dangerous
when death is calling
and you chase yourself
to answer
death is dangerous
a seductive void
when life is giving you
too much something
is one foot in the grave
oops, don't trip
when death is calling
and you chase yourself
to answer
death is dangerous
a seductive void
when life is giving you
too much something
is one foot in the grave
oops, don't trip
137 reads
You Want To Join Me In A Portrait?
Jennifer lets Rose come out.
After dropping her robe, Rose saw Eric.
She smiled while Jennifer painted.
After dropping her robe, Rose saw Eric.
She smiled while Jennifer painted.
141 reads
I hope to see you there
Gentle air fills dying lungs
Under blue skies and bitter chill
Folk tunes playing through blown out speakers
Nervousness fills aching bones
Picking lint off of an expensive sweater without breaking eye contact
How did I get here?
Years of dreaming was never enough
Restlessness and addiction kept me stuck
Until the final push from the one who promised to never let me fall
An open door to the visions that have flooded my brain since adolescence
A bigger view caused for an emotional afternoon
But who am I to...
Under blue skies and bitter chill
Folk tunes playing through blown out speakers
Nervousness fills aching bones
Picking lint off of an expensive sweater without breaking eye contact
How did I get here?
Years of dreaming was never enough
Restlessness and addiction kept me stuck
Until the final push from the one who promised to never let me fall
An open door to the visions that have flooded my brain since adolescence
A bigger view caused for an emotional afternoon
But who am I to...
86 reads
Just shut up and listen
It's me again the story teller of unspoken words ✍️ We all have been in a situation for one reason or another, 🤨 that we let what we say cause you to act a certain way not be heard. 🤔 Whether you are wrong or right in what you think and say to someone else, I say that to say this which ever the way you may take what it is I'm about to say to you. 🤨 When you don't agree with what someone say to you, how do you respond for do you begin yelling and cursing, 😠 yet you still not listening and thinking that they are wrong, for speaking to you in a calm...
69 reads
Heads your dead
I have two choices
Should I pull the plug or not?
I should flip a coin
Should I pull the plug or not?
I should flip a coin
83 reads
i want
be with.
i want
go to.
i want
to do.
i want
be with.
i want
go to.
i want
to do.
85 reads
DU Poetry : Poems about Choices and Decisions