Bullying Poems
Bullying poems, poetry about bullying and the emotional effects of being bullied. Poems about being abused, ridiculed, dominated or coerced by others, including harassment and threats. Also poetry about standing up to bullies.
The boys push the blind man down the escalator
The boys steal the money out of the guitar player's hat
The boys tease the crippled man
The boys kick the junkie
The boys beat on anybody and anyone that looks different to them
The boys are well respected in their community
The boys call the cops when their bikes were stolen...By the other boys
The boys steal the money out of the guitar player's hat
The boys tease the crippled man
The boys kick the junkie
The boys beat on anybody and anyone that looks different to them
The boys are well respected in their community
The boys call the cops when their bikes were stolen...By the other boys
#fear #violence
#fear #violence
54 reads
Like I Do
I wonder if German sympathizers
ones who risked their lives
to hide Jews
felt like I do now
watching history
circle back 'round
Did compassionate colonials
feel the same
toward Native Americans
my sacred ancestors
Or benevolent individuals
for the LGBTQ+ community
with a mind wise enough
to know we don't choose
who we Love
because Love is Love
and leads only the worthy
feel like I do
Those who are different
in race, heritage
and religious...
ones who risked their lives
to hide Jews
felt like I do now
watching history
circle back 'round
Did compassionate colonials
feel the same
toward Native Americans
my sacred ancestors
Or benevolent individuals
for the LGBTQ+ community
with a mind wise enough
to know we don't choose
who we Love
because Love is Love
and leads only the worthy
feel like I do
Those who are different
in race, heritage
and religious...
#religion #war
#religion #war
272 reads
Quiet those destructive feelings
I can tell noone about
But they're burning inside me
And serpentine scars, won't let them out
Trust can be so deceiving
When your angels lose their wings
Hide from the fake tongued liars
Who pretend to be kings and queens
Am I ready to be free
From this misery and deceit
Or will I always be a slave
And run away from what I seek
They know how to kill a smile
Keep me subdued and caged
The calm comes before the storm
When I'm unleashed with all my rage
I can tell noone about
But they're burning inside me
And serpentine scars, won't let them out
Trust can be so deceiving
When your angels lose their wings
Hide from the fake tongued liars
Who pretend to be kings and queens
Am I ready to be free
From this misery and deceit
Or will I always be a slave
And run away from what I seek
They know how to kill a smile
Keep me subdued and caged
The calm comes before the storm
When I'm unleashed with all my rage
90 reads
1 Comment
the ubiquitous bully
nobody loved him like I did
n’t either it was him or the rest of us
just getting him wrong
but no it was him ..
n’t either it was him or the rest of us
just getting him wrong
but no it was him ..
88 reads
Father and his son, the wimp
The boy turned fifteen. His father bought him a shotgun. He taught his son how to load, clean and shoot the gun. He would say, "Kid you've got to stand up for yourself, always." He would make the boy shoot round after round, his shoulder would ache. He would rather read comics, go on his phone, and jerk off like any normal teenager. He didn't like going to the rifle range with his father. The place gave him the creeps.
One Saturday morning in June, his father said, "Get your rifle and get in the car, MOVE IT!" He did what he was told. He sat in the front seat...
One Saturday morning in June, his father said, "Get your rifle and get in the car, MOVE IT!" He did what he was told. He sat in the front seat...
#ShortStory #son
#ShortStory #son
106 reads
To Be
To be torn from innocence
To be laughed at
To be humiliated
To be doubted
To be doubting self
To be discounted
To be harrassed
To be challenged
To be bullied
To be attacked
To be beaten up
To be discarded
To be spat on
To be judged
To be hated
To be confined
To be raped
To be brave
To be stubborn
To be tough
To be focused
To be persevering
To be better
To be released
To be vindicated
To be a survivor
To be reborn
To be laughed at
To be humiliated
To be doubted
To be doubting self
To be discounted
To be harrassed
To be challenged
To be bullied
To be attacked
To be beaten up
To be discarded
To be spat on
To be judged
To be hated
To be confined
To be raped
To be brave
To be stubborn
To be tough
To be focused
To be persevering
To be better
To be released
To be vindicated
To be a survivor
To be reborn
118 reads
Bullied Girl
They knock her glasses...
off her face and step on them!
Crunch! Broken!
They trip her and kick...
her books down the hall!
Fatty tripped on her two left feet!
They push her into a bathroom stall...
and take her skirt and panties.
Snap! Photo!
She screams and cries...
until the nurse gets her pants to wear!
She hates this school!
They mock the pants...
It's a boy! Ugly enough.
"Ugly. Ugly." They chant.
"She wants to be a...
off her face and step on them!
Crunch! Broken!
They trip her and kick...
her books down the hall!
Fatty tripped on her two left feet!
They push her into a bathroom stall...
and take her skirt and panties.
Snap! Photo!
She screams and cries...
until the nurse gets her pants to wear!
She hates this school!
They mock the pants...
It's a boy! Ugly enough.
"Ugly. Ugly." They chant.
"She wants to be a...
#death #violence
#death #violence
76 reads
A Fistful Of Silence
huge fist
no voice
words lost
in throat
about in
forced silence
within their
hood holds
the darkness
of a
beast knows
my weakness
pushes me
that known edge
no voice
words lost
in throat
about in
forced silence
within their
hood holds
the darkness
of a
beast knows
my weakness
pushes me
that known edge
#bullying #fear
#bullying #fear
221 reads
don't twist the knife
I won't forgive you for this
save the guilt trips
for your own personal relationships
the only thing we've ever shared
is DNA and 15 years
living under the same roof
You don't know me
and I don't know you
but I know what kind of man you are
and it's not one I'll be keeping around
for potential good times
When the dust settles on this
sliver of our lives
I don't expect to see you again
I don't know why you never
really loved me
with the same heartache
I loved you with
save the guilt trips
for your own personal relationships
the only thing we've ever shared
is DNA and 15 years
living under the same roof
You don't know me
and I don't know you
but I know what kind of man you are
and it's not one I'll be keeping around
for potential good times
When the dust settles on this
sliver of our lives
I don't expect to see you again
I don't know why you never
really loved me
with the same heartache
I loved you with
154 reads
Open Season
It's no secret that MAGA approves
of talking trash and violent moves,
so help a proud boy out
by leaving them no doubt...
about who self defense behooves.
of talking trash and violent moves,
so help a proud boy out
by leaving them no doubt...
about who self defense behooves.
120 reads
In On It
Once I was thin, relatively, I think,
I don't know
but by comparison, not at all.
When they said I was "healthy"
it was a joke I wasn't in on,
a frog in my cereal,
maggots in my macaroni,
it was the taste of iron
in every bite
I wanted to be relative, I wanted to be thin
by comparison, thinner and shrink wrapped
so tight, so smooth, my bones were clutching
skin around them like a blanket
in a storm
And then I was thin, and the hollow mapped
out my sinew, and praise filled...
I don't know
but by comparison, not at all.
When they said I was "healthy"
it was a joke I wasn't in on,
a frog in my cereal,
maggots in my macaroni,
it was the taste of iron
in every bite
I wanted to be relative, I wanted to be thin
by comparison, thinner and shrink wrapped
so tight, so smooth, my bones were clutching
skin around them like a blanket
in a storm
And then I was thin, and the hollow mapped
out my sinew, and praise filled...
252 reads
Beyond The Stigma
Disability doesn’t come for free
It’s not free from
Lack of self worth
Maybe it’s meant to be
To be a martyr
Pave the way
For those that will follow
So they won’t feel the pain
The right of acceptance is a battle
There’s no emergency here
Just a single spastic
Once stamped on
There will be no more trouble
What remains undercover
Becomes normal behaviour
It’s not free from
Lack of self worth
Maybe it’s meant to be
To be a martyr
Pave the way
For those that will follow
So they won’t feel the pain
The right of acceptance is a battle
There’s no emergency here
Just a single spastic
Once stamped on
There will be no more trouble
What remains undercover
Becomes normal behaviour
#bullying #disability
#bullying #disability
159 reads
DU Poetry : Bullying Poems