Long Poems About Self Discovery
Long poems about self discovery. 300 words or more, most recently published poems first.
Just Catching Up/Do Dead People Pray?
It’s been a long time since I’ve written, but you are, in fact, a spectator. So you see everything, but you know me. I have to put it all down on paper, and then give it to others because some days it’s the only proof I have that I am anywhere at all.
My body is a locked jaw, grinding teeth to dust, and it’s all to keep something inside. I’m uncertain what will tumble out if I let it all go. Will it have teeth, claws, and green and yellow froth coming from its mouth? Or will it fall to the ground, its mummified parts turning to dust after eons in darkness?
It’s been a long time since I’ve written, but you are, in fact, a spectator. So you see everything, but you know me. I have to put it all down on paper, and then give it to others because some days it’s the only proof I have that I am anywhere at all.
My body is a locked jaw, grinding teeth to dust, and it’s all to keep something inside. I’m uncertain what will tumble out if I let it all go. Will it have teeth, claws, and green and yellow froth coming from its mouth? Or will it fall to the ground, its mummified parts turning to dust after eons in darkness?
73 reads
Secret Family Tree
From what I can remember when we all gathered together, at Big Mama's house where the elders of the women's, would prepare a Home Town cook out for gathering, for the family. IT was a time that I will never forget. As it was a gathering of the elders and uncles and aunts and sisters and brothers, with their off springs children running around playing children games. While the olders people would play cards or shuffle board games, as the elders would look out and see the families all together in one place. Yet they could be found sitting up under a old oak tree, in the shade of the afternoon...
65 reads
The stream of life
Skipped like a stone upon the stream of life,
you sink so quick but in the moment you float on.
The ripples.. reflecting each memory, a shimmer in the darkness of eternity.
Broadcasting a signal, a long lasting symbol of sheer perseverance,
cycles of suffering and satisfaction
understanding not even a fraction of oneself..
This game is endless and never won but it's simply played for fun.
I follow the flow of frequencies wherever they lead.
While temptations deceive gratitude brings peace.
In this evolution of self with moments...
you sink so quick but in the moment you float on.
The ripples.. reflecting each memory, a shimmer in the darkness of eternity.
Broadcasting a signal, a long lasting symbol of sheer perseverance,
cycles of suffering and satisfaction
understanding not even a fraction of oneself..
This game is endless and never won but it's simply played for fun.
I follow the flow of frequencies wherever they lead.
While temptations deceive gratitude brings peace.
In this evolution of self with moments...
65 reads
AS I am me a writer
Here I am, as I am me as a writer of unspoken words ✍️ For let's take a few seconds to analyze, what I'm saying about a situation that affects, us all as writers of words ✍️ That being said is why do we judge someone else, by the entity that they use to showcase who they are in real life 🤨 But yet that is far from the truth, of who they really are in real life 🤨 For sometimes we hide behind a mask as a disguise, as we use an entity not to hide, behind a mask as a disguise. 😔 BUT to learn lessons on this subject of life. For sure as writers we...
73 reads
Subconscious Beliefs
For the sake of my public shadow work, I am going to uncover the things I believe. Doing this, I am going to say the first thought that comes to my mind. And trust that it's leading me somewhere.
1. Fat people are disgusting and despicable. They're only jealous bitches trying to ruin my life.
2. Atheists are going to undermine me at any moment and treat me like a child. They're hypocrites just like Christians!
3. I doubt my own spiritual experiences in the name of "logic" and pleasing atheists who really don't care about me.
1. Fat people are disgusting and despicable. They're only jealous bitches trying to ruin my life.
2. Atheists are going to undermine me at any moment and treat me like a child. They're hypocrites just like Christians!
3. I doubt my own spiritual experiences in the name of "logic" and pleasing atheists who really don't care about me.
73 reads
He asks, "What's on your mind?"
I respond with nothing,
but the silence betrays me—
he sees it in my eyes, the quiet
drift of thought. So again, he asks,
"What's on your mind?"
And I answer, simply, "Life."
He wants to know more,
to pull me from my reverie,
but he knows better
than to break the stillness.
Let me be, lost in wonder,
staring through the window
at the passing trees,
the strangers in their cars,
the signs, the void of motion.
I'm not rude, I’m just...
I respond with nothing,
but the silence betrays me—
he sees it in my eyes, the quiet
drift of thought. So again, he asks,
"What's on your mind?"
And I answer, simply, "Life."
He wants to know more,
to pull me from my reverie,
but he knows better
than to break the stillness.
Let me be, lost in wonder,
staring through the window
at the passing trees,
the strangers in their cars,
the signs, the void of motion.
I'm not rude, I’m just...
73 reads
At Your Alter
Most high I am at your alter, your Soulja tried and true. My heart never falters I stand tall because I am you.
I keep my crown in heaven because hell is a place my feet has already walk through. I keep the sun in my heart as I rise and paint the sky blue.
I have fought internal battles so can you count the multitude of demons that I have slew. How can a bird cry about a sky he never flew.
I danced on the battlefield where the cold winds blew. So how could I find the warmth of love if I have not found no fire in you.
I sailed the sea with...
I keep my crown in heaven because hell is a place my feet has already walk through. I keep the sun in my heart as I rise and paint the sky blue.
I have fought internal battles so can you count the multitude of demons that I have slew. How can a bird cry about a sky he never flew.
I danced on the battlefield where the cold winds blew. So how could I find the warmth of love if I have not found no fire in you.
I sailed the sea with...
84 reads
Just shut up and listen
It's me again the story teller of unspoken words ✍️ We all have been in a situation for one reason or another, 🤨 that we let what we say cause you to act a certain way not be heard. 🤔 Whether you are wrong or right in what you think and say to someone else, I say that to say this which ever the way you may take what it is I'm about to say to you. 🤨 When you don't agree with what someone say to you, how do you respond for do you begin yelling and cursing, 😠 yet you still not listening and thinking that they are wrong, for speaking to you in a calm...
69 reads
Yin & Yang
It’s yin and yang,
the dance of light and dark,
each needing the other
to keep life balanced.
We tug at the threads of blame,
claiming truth on either side,
but in reality—
neither of us is always right
nor always wrong.
We move through life,
clutching at self-preservation,
yet sleepwalking in the shadow of our own minds,
unaware of the darkness we fear.
If you fear your shadows,
know this—
you haven’t touched divinity yet,
there’s still more of you to...
the dance of light and dark,
each needing the other
to keep life balanced.
We tug at the threads of blame,
claiming truth on either side,
but in reality—
neither of us is always right
nor always wrong.
We move through life,
clutching at self-preservation,
yet sleepwalking in the shadow of our own minds,
unaware of the darkness we fear.
If you fear your shadows,
know this—
you haven’t touched divinity yet,
there’s still more of you to...
95 reads
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The deception behind the mask
Man to woman and Woman to man let's be serious about, that scenario of what is happening in today's, in society of people's and there true intentions. 🤨 For sure don't we deserve to have something, that is real evidence of love and honor and respect. 💯 FOR sure what would you rather have in your life and world, don't you think that you are worthy of that, kind of devotion and truth and genuine honesty and trust. 💯 For now let's take it farther than that in each relationship, whether good or bad did you feel that you were getting that in return, 🤔 of that what...
67 reads
He calls me his Narcissus—
So does that make him my Echo,
Torturing his soul as he chases me.
I could let him come up for air,
But what fun would that be?
You see, I could be savage, if necessary,
But please—don’t provoke the dark side of me.
Dancing topless, it’s so hard
Not to fall in love with myself.
I trace my body with my fingers,
Spinning around the pole,
I lock eyes with the girl I love most:
Enchanted, I make my way to the mirror,
Placing both hands upon its...
So does that make him my Echo,
Torturing his soul as he chases me.
I could let him come up for air,
But what fun would that be?
You see, I could be savage, if necessary,
But please—don’t provoke the dark side of me.
Dancing topless, it’s so hard
Not to fall in love with myself.
I trace my body with my fingers,
Spinning around the pole,
I lock eyes with the girl I love most:
Enchanted, I make my way to the mirror,
Placing both hands upon its...
104 reads
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The Girl Who Tells The Relentless Truth
Love me or hate me, I'm gonna be me.
Princess Alia/Diana Rose.
Princess of Hell and Earth.
I give you Earth by tending to the dying Garden of Eden as the Modern Day Eve.
I give you Hell by telling you the relentless truth you don't wanna hear.
Wanna hear you're a fat loser who needs to get off their ass and staying playing video games and eating cheetos in your mother's basement?
I'll tell you.
Wanna hear that you're a fat bitch who needs to stop endlessly complaining about why you're so...
Princess Alia/Diana Rose.
Princess of Hell and Earth.
I give you Earth by tending to the dying Garden of Eden as the Modern Day Eve.
I give you Hell by telling you the relentless truth you don't wanna hear.
Wanna hear you're a fat loser who needs to get off their ass and staying playing video games and eating cheetos in your mother's basement?
I'll tell you.
Wanna hear that you're a fat bitch who needs to stop endlessly complaining about why you're so...
86 reads
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DU Poetry : Long Poems About Self Discovery