Popular Poems About Feeling Trapped
Popular poems about feeling trapped. Poems are listed in order of their popularity this month.
we are all just caught in a frame
you know that moment on the bus when you’re
aware that you’re talking to yourself
and embarrassed you look out of the window
and the world carries on just the same ..
aware that you’re talking to yourself
and embarrassed you look out of the window
and the world carries on just the same ..
51 reads
Born Onto Death Row
Every second I murder my life
I am alive
I am serving a death sentence
Born onto death row
Walking around
Dancing on my grave
By living, I am killing my life
Die, Die, Die
I breathe in
I breathe out
I am killing, digging a grave
Pounding coffin nails
I'm alive, I'm the killer
I'm the victim, I'm alive
I am alive
I am serving a death sentence
Born onto death row
Walking around
Dancing on my grave
By living, I am killing my life
Die, Die, Die
I breathe in
I breathe out
I am killing, digging a grave
Pounding coffin nails
I'm alive, I'm the killer
I'm the victim, I'm alive
#FeelingTrapped #TruthOfLife
#FeelingTrapped #TruthOfLife
85 reads
Nuclear Family
Have you tested your nuclear family today?
You may need to
There's been a nation wide falling out amongst this group
I wouldn't get to close
You may catch what they already have
Once contaminated,
Like so many American families
You'll never leave your home again
You may need to
There's been a nation wide falling out amongst this group
I wouldn't get to close
You may catch what they already have
Once contaminated,
Like so many American families
You'll never leave your home again
#FeelingTrapped #home
#FeelingTrapped #home
84 reads
How we each see the world
Judge not others until you judge thyself 🙏 How we each see the world is as different as day and night, yet we each have our own opinions on what we see and hear and believe. Yet sometimes we have to learn to understand that, there are those things that we may never truly understand about the government 🤨 For sure as this world is constantly changing right, before our eyes but yet it's times like these often times, the deepness of the truth will reveal itself and awaken your own thoughts and insight and mind. For sure we can agree or disagree, whether right or wrong fits the...
80 reads
DU Poetry : Popular Poems About Feeling Trapped