Image for the poem Hot



Bake the moisture from my eyes
Sear the ground, kill the plants
Harsh dry unrelenting wind
Outback summer bring it in

The painted desert shimmers
Even the birds are quite
The sun sets in raging orange glow
Tomorrow will be hotter still

Summer time in the outback is harsh
Drying up even the sweat that
Runs down the locals faces
Notice that not even the wild life stir

The dingos don't bother to fight
Over the last piece and the eagles don't
Even bother take it from under their nose
You can slowly watch the painted ground
Begin to crack and turn to dust
Tonight will be hotter still

The dead grass crackles under my tread
The ants rush about over concrete stinging hot
The lane dribbles melted tarmac
Even the crows are silent this afternoon

The wind is dry and burns
The face of the working man.
You know the one wearing the old Akubra
Missing a feather because it got taken
Away in the harsh wind

The sun has taken the last of the water
From the watering hole
So now the withered emu walks
Along that tattered fence
Covered over with dust
He's looking for water

He's waiting for the next rain
We are waiting for the next rain

Nj’~13*      Mfc ‘13
Written by Hakamike
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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