Image for the poem An Elemental New Year

An Elemental New Year

- An Elemental New Year -

Part One: Fire

As the New Year cometh swift, on wings of light,
I greet the first day, and I welcome the first night.
How oft I wonder, what the New Year would be...
If time were timeless, if we all knew immortality.
Instead of losses that grow with time's passing,
We may all experience only delights, everlasting.
Perhaps in Heaven, the spirits there know of this,
For they now know only the joys of celestial bliss.
Only one worldly joy would I desire above all else,
The riches of love, for that is the only true wealth.
Men fight over land, over money, and over fame...
Whilst all I hunger for, is to bathe in love's flame.

Part Two: Earth

In the east the dragons dance, as fireworks play,
Every nation hath its' custom, for New Year's Day.
No man is a nation unto himself, it is so oft said...
Yet how lonely is life, so many still live as if dead!
To touch a single heart is a miracle Heaven-sent,
So many hearts are in pieces, their joys all spent.
Why cannot human beings be as angels in soul...
Knowing only happiness, wanting not to control?
A new year should be a time for miracles to come,
And the sorrows of the past to at last be undone.
We have so much power, yet do we know a way,
To use that power for good, and to not go astray?

Part Three: Air

So many texts we fill with knowledge and wisdom,
Yet what of love, truest wealth of God's kingdom?
Compassion for one another, and a hand to hold,
How many lack this, lonely whilst they grow old...
So much time is wasted waiting for joys to arrive;
Because so much joy is missing from all our lives!
Praise the bringers of joy, for they are so blessed,
They brave the greatest dangers, forever tested!
We waste our praise so often on shallow things...
Making paupers of those who are our true kings.
So many saviors have we hung thus upon trees,
Forgetting their wisdom, like words in the breeze.

Part Four: Water

For the New Year, let us remember what peace is,
It can be as simple, as giving a loved one a kiss...
Or reaching out to someone we never knew prior,
Words can be as water, soothing even raging fire.
Why use words to wound when words can heal...
Why ignore our senses when it is so easy to feel?
Let us live in the moment, and let it last forever...
Let us embark upon peace as our great endeavor!
Peace is what results when love is allowed to be,
A flower blooming in every heart, with true dignity.
The scent of which is pleasing unto the very spirit,
Welcoming all who would happily venture near it.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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