Hunting hells king

Confronted by a demon hunting the king of hell on my quest
I spoke "It is I, he of great acclaimed verbal carnage and death
Move aside demon, or I will have at thee with words stricken of godly flint
It is wise for you not scew the shadowless perception of my hint
I have been blessed of the heavens and spit fire greater than hell
Now step aside, let me pass,  and move on feeling well"
The beast then presented  its final words full of hate
With a few flicks of its tongue it sealed its own fate:
"Ah, genus irritable vatum...Cave quid dicis quando, et qui
For I am a demon spawned of the greatest depths of hells fire
It is you who comes seeking your own humanly defea...."
This powerful demons words were unwisely chosen but exact
Yet it wasnt quick enough to keep its tongue before its retract
Disected by the blade that I carry for this reason
Another demons tongue hunting satan this season
Now added to the collection, another demon i control
With the possession of its tongue, I now own the beasts soul
"Go forth quickly demon, NOW, as an example to represent
My lack of patience to await your damned masters ascent
A creature such as you should have never ventured this far
You now have realized the power, in which you were destined to spar
Your tongue forever mine to use as demonly bait
Crawl back to your hell, and tell satan I wait"
Written by artkytech
Published | Edited 29th Dec 2012
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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