" Greed Takes A Holiday"

We held the line the best we could  
we held hands and sang songs  
our doom approached  
we drowned in tsunamis of fear  
the enemy came at night  
armed to the teeth  
with evil and bad intent  
lint and spiked clubs  
and the odd hidden handgun.
i cast my mind back to the night before  
last night was peaceful  
we gave thanks with friends and family  
a one day cease fire  
but now the war continues  
"Hold the line, man your battle stations"  
rang out the voice of our captain  
"we will serve and die by our uniform".  
without warning the attack begins  
Black Friday is here.  
The doors of the store fly open  
the first wave annihilates  
our first line of defense.  
we were overrun so quickly  
are senses are shattered  
we never stood a chance  
the enemy camped outside  
drinking coffee in flasks.  
death destruction,  
flying body parts  
the isles of this store have become a battlefield  
its floors have become a mausoleum  
"Hold the line" that's easy for you to say,  
when customers vs customer  
in a race to purchase  
a marked down frying pan and barbecue set.  
one woman elbows a staff member in the face  
another steals the managers brief case.
staff and customers are robbed at gunpoint
people are knifed for much less.  
we hold the line but the line becomes slack  
all this destruction for a "tickle me Elmo"  
and a pack of ballpoint pens.  
We fought to the last man  
victory was ours  
as was there bounty.  
the store is empty  
all stock depleted  
we collapse on the ground  
are spirits defeated  
as the fat cat  
counts in his counting house  
way outside enemy lines.  
the battle has been won  
but the war sadly  
limps on.  
Greed never takes a holiday after all.
Written by zenithquasar77 (Marcus cooke)
Published | Edited 23rd Nov 2012
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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