What you've done to me

 I cant be with you
You've caused me so much pain
The things you did,
You wouldn't stop 

'leave me alone'
You never listened
You caused me so much pain,
 i cant be with you

 Then you tell me everything
What you've been feeling
How long its been for
And That you want to take your life 

It scared me
I believed you
Even after all you did to me
I believed you 

I was crying myself to sleep at night
I know you didnt know that
I didnt tell anyone 
i dont tell anyone anything

 My friends were right
You have made me change
But in a different way than what they think
I keep that  way secret 

Now you'll be thinking
How have i changed
Would you like me to tell you
Or would that be unfair of me 

To put you through the torture of not being able to talk
Not being able to tell people whats happening
And knowing that it is all your fault
Thats what you did to me 

Its your fault i do this to myself
The scars on my arms
The thoughts in my head
The hatred towards myself 

Is that what you wanted to hear
I have punished myself
Is that what you wanted
Because i think it is 

You said it was my fault you wanted to kill yourself 
you said i was a mistake
And now you are still trying to make my life miserable 
Well you succeeded

It is
When i'm gone
Will you know 

Will you know
That is was all your fault
Will you know
That you could have stopped it 

If anything happens
It's your fault
You and no one else
It will be  your fault   

Written by x---savemysoul---x
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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