The Switch That Flipped (after life...)

The current attacked every point, flames sprang from every joint
As the onlookers watched on in horror
Pain shot through every pore, shocks scorched my very core
My life ended, no feeling of honour

You twelve sat and watched me burn, counted cash that you earn
While I died in front of your eyes
Go back to your lovely homes, expensive stately homes
And remember those terrible lies

Now death has come over me, vision of truths I see
Your lies show up on your faces
Whispering clandestine, planning the fate of my
Life in your devious places

I thought I had done the crime, happily did my time
But now that I see that was wrong
You framed me to die in here, locked away all my fear
I was a fool for so long

Now that I have my chance, I’ll make all of you dance
A tune I’ll sing, there’s no escape
Ghosts of the dead are here, they’ll make me reappear
To wreak vengeance on you with my hate
Written by Katana
Published | Edited 2nd Jul 2012
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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