
They year is 2996 and a League of planets have decided that an expedition to the outer rim of the most recent discovered galaxy labeled "Outrhythm".  20 humans and one Bio have been sent to see if the planet can be inhabited.  They have been gone for 2 years and since that time, there has been no known recording of their, until this was discovered 27 years ago, in 1985 AD.  The reason for this has been theorized that due to the location of Waylay station near a wormhole, the information locked into the Bio was thrust into the past and somehow passed into someone or something, yet that source of information is highly classified, but for some reason, has been released.  This is the first journal entry from that incident.[/i]

  The settlement on this planet has not been so easy as their data gathered.  For what they thought was a planet is actually a moon that is almost 300,000 miles from it's parent planet.  The orbital course is nothing that is compared to "normal".  It moves in zigzag patterns, sometimes, not moving for weeks or days, but you can feel the whole moon moving about, while all of the equipment that they brought with them is constantly tossed about and breaking.  The only thing that helps the surviving 4 members live is the shelter that I had made and the edible food that I was able to grow for them.  My functional programing was to be a recorder and if an emergency arrives, their protector and provider.  They cannot survive in the natural atmosphere of this moon, so when directed, I would gather samples of the surface of this moon, for them to analyze.  Now as we wait for the rescue vessel to take us to the Waylay station, so that we can travel back to earth, I record this message in hope that if we make it back in time, they can retrieve any information that may be vital to them.  It may be somewhat customary for a Bio to have somewhat human emotions, besides the fact that we are made in human images, but with Indigo skin, this is in order to process and convey information in a format that is balanced with the thought process of humans.  Binary information input processors have been surgically implanted in the whole crew, but the reaming four do not have any, so all of their information and forms of communication are done on a verbal basis.

  The moon has not moved in six days, so I begin to prepare us and our belongings for the next orbital thrust.  The four survivors try to abide their time by studying what they have learned of this moon,reading text from stories that were written in the 19th century and sleeping. The four survivors are: Dr. T. Lout,genetics. Dr. P.Kio,astronomy.  Dr. L. Outo,psychology and Staff Sargent Hou of the Maze Galactic corps.  The Sargent seems to be on the brink of insanity and spends much of her time speaking quietly in private to  Dr. Outo.  They seem to have bonded, much more than when we all arrived. Since we could not keep the 16 other dead crew members bodies in the containment shelter with us, I had to store them in our ship, but that has sustained some damage, when the planet shifted last, so I salvaged as  much of their remains as I could and sealed the ship with my personal phosphorus torch, as best as I could, so now we just wait.  

  At this time, they are all sleeping while I am recording this.  I have made makeshift brackets to attempt to hold our shelter in place, when the moon does shift.  When this does happen, I hope that I do not have to watch another one of them die.  I am not programed to predict the outcome of any situation, just how to function when an emergency arrives.  I was made specifically for this mission and I cannot help but to wonder what my function would be when we arrive back on Earth?  They may disassemble me and say that my services have been rendered, so am no longer useful.  At this moment, all we can do is wait.  

End of Entry #0- Bio # Nothing
Written by 999 (Panophobia)
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