Spoken Word #3: (Insert bullshit here)

Would you rather stare at the ground and pretend like you don't see or do you want to get to know the past that created me, listen to my mistakes judgement free? Or will you simply jump, from assumption to conclusion and then skip to utter confusion as you get lost in the gossip blurring the line of who I am with a rumor's illusion. I'm surprised that you haven't KOd from that contusion right-hooked into your thoughts by all the bullshit you've failed to deflect until I've otherwise proven. I understand that you have no reason to trust my word, but I can't seem to comprehend why you have grounds to assume that you know the shit I've endured, to belittle my worth by the dirt that you've heard, to limit my potential by a simple mishap that occurred. The truth is, while you look at me condescendingly all I can do is pity you and the arrogant view your ignorance restricts you to. Let me enlighten you boo, lemme help you get the facts straight that all the lies bend and misconstrue. My mistakes don't define me, rather they re-fine me so that I may refind the dreams that my failures discouraged me from holding on to, that disbelievers like you have blinded me from seeing a destiny only God knows is true. I may fuck up time in and time out but I never let any of these bumps or bruises anchor me down to a bunch of excuses blaming everyone but myself asking why God would do this. You see, I may be too young to have heard or seen it all but I do know how hard reality hits after failure knocks you into a free fall. Did you hear that, that rumble I mean? Seems like the sound of a starved success fiend. Well excuse my ambition, it seems to be famished, craving for that perfect opportunity to do damage. Contrary to what my mistakes have misled you to believe, I attain a great potential that in the end, only knows how to achieve. Have you heard enough facts to overcome all the fabrications that have written my life into your most criticized fiction? No? None of my truth penetrated that ignorant view? Alright well this will be easy for me to break down for an idiot like you. Let me be clear, my life is mine to live and will never be yours to dictate. Your views of me may change, but it will never affect the reality of how strong I still stand. The only way my strength and independence could ever downgrade and disappear is if I left you in command, letting your opinions and thoughts run the life that I am meant to control with my own two hands. So baby, stop trying to make me feel guilty for living my life and start feeling foolish for not living your own. Tell me how my life looks from your point of view since that seems to be the only thing you’re watching, but don’t be surprised if the only thing that answers is my middle finger because I don’t give a fuck.
Written by jenaebay
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