Sex appeal

My sexy curves dripping wet when you see me stepping out the shower
My Full lips beg for a bite
My flirtatious eyes screaming you to lay my body down
My behind needing a spanking
My pussy craving a licking
My mouth wanting to taste your manlyhood
My long thicke legs in need for your body's oils
My tounge is parched in need for your moisture
My heart does not want you but my body screams for you
ill try all my devilish tricks
I see you watching my every move
Your heart does not want me, but your body needs me
We do not want a relationship, just one night to fulfill our thirsty angry needs
Then we can go on living knowing we were satisfied by eachothers bodies..
Written by Ebony_Sky
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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