It's All In The Planning

I grew tired of the neon lights and country music, in the small hick town where I would dance.
For small hick town men
who had fat hick town wives.
I grew tired; tired of the sweaty dollars they would jam in my top.
Brushing their calloused hands against my breast,
I would meet their eyes; they were such scared pathetic men, like deer caught in headlights.

Sometimes I would get tired from counting, I made more than enough.
I never lost a day’s sleep
Nor cared about right and wrong.

He owned that bar for years, and everyone said when I left
the place went downhill.
A new girl would come, I figured.
But he waited; the other girls said he was hopelessly in love,
and they talked quietly of how he waited.

I waited and I hated,
with my can of gasoline and a lock.
I drove my car round back and smoked
And watched the smoke dance around my index finger, how it curled, turning a yellowish then grey then white.
I popped my trunk and heard the click
I closed it then did it again. The click, the click.

The gas can was heavy spilling on my shirt, wondering how many were inside.
I poured the gasoline out, spelling my name in script
I made such a beautiful C.  My Y was perfect.
My lock made the perfect click.
I made a ring of fire, just for my special friends
who tortured me all day with his music.

I wasn’t in the mood for watching the flames.
So I went home and listened to the fire trucks and watched the news,
And dreamed of better days to come.
With Nevada in the distance.


Written by sunnysayz2002
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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