
In quiet earth, the hushed decay
The whispering soil that takes away
A symphony of flesh unwound
To feed the roots below the ground
A slow unthreading of life's seam
A slipping into death’s soft dream

The bloom of dusk in pallid skin
A canvas drawn with veins grown thin
The marrow’s sigh, the sinew’s rest
The bones laid bare in their final test
A crimson river stills to clay
As warmth and breath are stripped away

A banquet for the smallest guest
The life that feasts on life’s last vest
Silent mouths with unseen hands
Remake the form in shifting sands
Soft petal blooms from the within
A dance of rot, a tender sin

The sunken eye, the hollowed cheek
The creeping dark in visage bleak
The skin that once held light and grace
Now falls in folds, a worn embrace
A dulcet scent of earth and bloom
A murmur from a shadowed room

A garden grows where life recedes
The grass that curls, the tangled weeds
The quiet touch of earth’s caress
A lover’s claim in wilderness
The ribs arch high, a broken gate
That yields to time and whispers fate

A fog of dusk that lingers close
In veins that now are still as ghosts
The heart’s last hymn, a throbbing husk
Grows still beneath the veiling dusk
The coil of life, unwound and gone
Leaves only echoes of the dawn

The worms that weave a silent thread
Through tombs of dreams, the once bright red
Now turned to shades of dust and mold
A wealth of life in death untold
The soil drinks deep the body's song
In choral hum that lingers long

The bones grow thin, the marrow fades
Like ancient towers in cascades
The brittle white, a ghostly spire
A testament to time's desire
To claim what’s left of all that’s bright
And fold it gently into night

The earth enfolds in soft embrace
A cradle for the fading grace
And all that's lost returns to seed
To feed the earth's unending greed
For in the dark, the quiet deep
We rest in death’s eternal keep
Written by ThePalestRider
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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