Image for the poem Pilgrimage


Unto me my mystique has never been compromised, it does not dwell in echoing chaos found in the ruins of dark                  
The gluttony souls that bear false witness who cannot give the aspiration of their own existence a divine stark                  
You may preach, the beautiful benediction of Psalms, and embrace Proverbs, and realize life is still an evolution, paint me as you wish, I will still become the covenant of my Ark                  
If humans would only navigate and encircle the core of their cosmic journey while in celestial flight                  
Forgiveness learns to love and do not settle for who’s wrong, who’s right                  
Contentment, strife, hatred, low vibrations is never where my mind roams                  
There is nothing more degrading then to be in the company of Hebrew greatness who sacrifices upon the pyre of the mind from the valley of dry bones                              
Time is marching on, rather you are in the midst of your quiet storms                  
Bow your head, pray, and let the Book of Genesis be the force of ascending for your soul to atone, the temple, may it offer love, without malice or universal scorn                  
The spirit of the soul revolutionizes once asunder and torn                  
I’m walking my beautiful road on earth, and navigating my starship to my find peace in the sanctuary of my own spiritual home              
What I pray for is all future Kings and Queens feel the worth of their beautiful lineage once again                  
Before the adaption of the Ten Commandments to denounce the provocation of sin                  
A winging journey, faith, love, serenity of self is not promising a seat on divine throne, only the saint of a soul is promised in
My sacred words, always gives me a reason, it gives me true meaning, therefore, find your purposes, then tell me, the riddle without the key, you can’t, eyes blinded from the bed of Mother Nature and the powers to be in me, I do not have to try                    
In the elevation of my journey, debates are like caressing water, to me                  
What is not in black and white, the shade of gray is where my faith comfort thee                  
The human eyes can only see what is reveled in time                  
If you need answers, I will gladly give them to you                  
An awakening in the enlightenment of truth, you must seek that from the sky                  
Ask the Creator, to explain the Seasons, where they interchange                  
Human beings are still at the bargaining table of peace, asking, how, when, and if ever why  
I am wading in the water with my hands reaching toward the skies  
Can the feet ever find its own purpose in this spinning wheel of time
A dimension where you lose your heart, love, and chaos of the world that strangles the beautiful hemispheres incased in the mind  
What the Sun cannot provide warmth
Religion, race, gender against gender the new age hindrance for no one to reach the pinnacle of their higher self, stifling the evolution of the soul being spiritual reborn
Hold your torch up, the days are shortening, yet they are fading so fast
A planetary shift not ever seen within any other generation past  
The oceans are bringing the cleansing saturation, overspilling in its wraith
The ozone layer is half diminished  
Military combination of toxic chemicals sprayed into the air, the cries from civilization, knowing our lifespan it will always finish
The soil is being charred, manmade pollutants floating atop the seas, it's now hard to even get Honey from the Bees
Condominiums erected, where once stood tall thriving tress
Where... oh, where are we all heading
The puppeteers are manipulating, mental propaganda, pseudo-outbreaks will be coming, more lies of brainwashed by the government will be rapidly spreading
Are you ready, my Kings, to lead the Queens, upon the rock of salvation, to keep her head afloat, her feet rooted in faith and steady
You can find the benediction of my vessel in The Emerald Tables, if you dare to take a look
The utopia of my bread and water, my sacred ground, and withing the pages, which peace is ordained in the scrolls of its Book
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Published | Edited 21st Aug 2024
Author's Note
You have to love self in order to love other.. always,

All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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