It's So Eclectic

Close your eyes and slowly inhale the touch of the wind            
It speaks of old Negro tales the ear refuses to lend            
Sacred whispers of the Middle passage as ships on troubled waters braved        
Christened by the dark depth as weary souls wade            
Captives of past generations residing in cramped living quarters on a journey to a new frontier            
Only to fall prey to savagery, more brutal than killing the buffalo and hunting the deer            
Shh… can you hear the echoes give us freedom as it bemoans            
Hope and prayers in the hymn of its unified songs            
Listen carefully to the swaying of the trees            
Can you feel the wraith of death funneling in the depth of the dark seas            
That triangle trade governed by water the flow taken its retribution upon humanity's lands            
Allah giveth, the rushing streams eradicating mementos back out to sea from the Hebrew man denied of their contributive hands            
Sinking, drowning civilization in its wicked path            
Tears in remembrance, bodies jettisoned over the ship in an internal bath            
Unto the hands who altered the destiny of my existence, souls lost in a murky grave            
I atone, for the steps now I must pave            
Plantation weary bones that gave me the umbilical cord passed down to me            
Tribes filled with the descendants of Kings and Queens            
We didn’t need the American dream            
Our beautiful hues bathed in the synergy of spiritual truth        
Footsteps in union, love and honor sought in the intellectual pursuit          
Our hands tilled the soil to bring to surface the kindred sentiments of our labor            
In its abundance we shared and in the presence of barren land we never wavered            
The strands of our hair, was the assure of our divine wealth            
The spices in the sway of our hips, a softened comfort to a warrior's heart, he felt, made his eyes melt            
Such beautiful language from the dialect of our tongues            
Vast acreage to nurture stretched beyond the horizon of the sun            
The universal was our stairs to the Heavens, the vows in our blood to be rebirthed absence of forlorn            
Rare amulets upon our necks adorned            
Giving unto the stars the loins to be fruitful and multiply of a male first born            
Peace, harmony as we roamed among the beasts            
Only taking in humbled blessing as we dined on their coats of honors as rotisserie flavored meat            
Giving back to the planet with seeds to sow in homage to their feast            
We hunted by day, prayed for deliverance at night            
Not suffering mental instability            
Rewards given unto us soaring with reverence of our earthly flights        
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
This is the African Store in Memphis, Tennesse (African Art And Accessories,) I purchased my two tubes of non-paraben toothpaste and Black Soap, which has my Creole skin feeling baby smooth and appearing so soft and supple.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone,

This poem paired with this video quite beautifully if I must admit
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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