The Big Guy Chapter 3
The Big Guy
Chapter 3
“It’s been a long time for me, too. I don’t get very many dates, let alone relationships.”
“That doesn’t make much sense to me, Lucy. You’re an attractive woman with a great outgoing and upbeat personality. I’d ask you out. That’s exactly what I’m doing right now. I want to go out for dinner and maybe a movie. You pick the night. It looks like I’m going to be here for a while.” There was still a lot of flooding in the area, and it was still raining.
“I accept. We can go out on Thursday if that’s okay with you. However, I have an awful itch that needs scratching right now. Want to help me with it?”
I rolled over to face her. We were closer physically than we’d ever been, and a second or two later, we were even closer as I realized that Lucy was naked under the covers. “I don’t know,” I replied, a huge grin on my face. “Exactly what did you have in mind?”
She pulled my hand to her breast as she whispered, “I was hoping you’d give me the fucking I’ve been wanting ever since we first met.” She leaned forward for our first kiss as her hand sought and found my hard-as-granite erection. It was already poking out the slit in my boxers.
The kiss was incredible as Lucy pressed her lips into mine, her tongue pushing insistently through the small gap between my teeth. That gap increased as I moved back, our tongues wrestling and winding around each other like two snakes in their mating embrace. On and on, it went as we clutched each other tightly. One of my hands teased her nipples while the other wrapped itself around one of the globes of her ass, pulling her pussy into close contact with my cock.
Lucy groaned into my mouth as she rubbed the spongy head into her clit. It was only a few seconds later that she pulled me onto her body, her legs spread widely. The kiss continued as she pulled me into her cunt. ‘I’m safe, Matt. I’ve been on an implant for years to help with my period. Come on, give it to me hard. I want it…you…so badly.”
I pushed forward through her tightness, amazed at her wetness. Her pussy was gushing, and we’d barely even started. She wrapped her legs around my waist as we began to move together. She rose to meet my every thrust, grinding her clit into my hard firm abdominals.
We moved together—faster and faster, harder and harder—until Lucy’s body seemed to explode, shaking and twisting wildly as she screamed into the night. Still, she moved with me even though we were humping at a frenetic pace that no human beings could long sustain. She began to shake again as I felt the rumbling deep within my core. I could almost feel my balls as they moved up to my body until the eruption drove six powerful bursts of hot, slick cum deep into Lucy’s body. “Oh, God—Matt; I’m…I’m Cumming again. Oh…Ooohhhh. Aaaaahhhh!” She seemed to collapse into the bed in exhaustion, and strong as I was, I wasn’t much better.
We were mutually destroyed, but what a wonderful experience it had been. I slid off to the side, pulling Lucy up onto my body, her head with her hair hanging now in long sweaty ribbons on my chest and her leaking cunt oozing onto my thigh. I pulled the blanket over us, and seconds later, we were sound asleep, our bodies intertwined. It was a glorious feeling.
When I opened my eyes the following morning, Lucy was awake and looking down at me. I smiled and pulled her down for a searing kiss that lasted for more than a minute. Our faces were covered in spit when she broke it. “Thanks, Matt; you answered my question.”
“What question?”
“I wanted to know if last night was a one-time thing or if it was more.”
“And,” I asked, a twinkle in my eyes.
“It’s going to happen again.”
“And again and again, as long as you want it. I thought it was incredible, and you were even better.” She must have agreed because she moved down first to kiss me again and then to slide down my body until she was able to lick the dried secretions from my rapidly engorging cock.
She was between my legs when she took me deep into her mouth. Up and down she went until I thought my cock had turned to stone, then she moved back up until her beautiful trimmed cunt was just over me. She closed her eyes and groaned in her ecstasy as she slowly lowered herself down my pole. “I love this, Matt. You’re long enough to go all the way in, and you’re so thick that you stretch me out until my entire cunt tingles with lust for more and more. I don’t think I could ever get enough of your cock, Matt. Oh God—you must think I’m a terrible slut.”
“Not at all; I’d never think of you that way. A slut would have fucked me our first night together, and you would have had sleazy guys chasing you every day. I know you were telling me the truth about the last time you had sex. Why would you lie? There’s no reason to do that, just as I had no reason to lie. No, you’re not a slut, but I’m thrilled you like my little friend.”
Lucy was riding me slowly—taking me sincerely into her velvet vault—her head back as she moaned and groaned in total rapture. “First of all, Matt—it’s not little. It’s just the perfect size for me. And I don’t like it, I love it. I love the way it makes me feel. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. It’s not just in my cunt. It’s all through my body. I want to do it all day and all night—twenty-four hours a day.”
“I’m not made of steel, you know.”
“Yeah, and I have to go to work eventually, but now I have something to look forward to, don’t I?” My response was simple. I just pulled her into an embrace that included another long kiss. It was mid-kiss that we reached that same frenetic pace to our lovemaking that we’d found last night, except this time, Lucy was riding me like I was a bucking bronco. Lucy drove her clit into me like she was a woman possessed. She came quickly, the force of her orgasm breaking the kiss as her back arched forcefully. I thrust into her for another minute before my cock erupted.
I’m in outstanding physical condition, but after Cumming the way I had, I was wiped out. My breathing was deep and rapid as I gasped for breath, but still, I clutched my lover to my body. We recovered about twenty minutes later as Lucy pulled me from the bed into the shower. She was giggling as she pushed me in. “You’ve got to be kidding. This thing is so small.”
“I know,” she said, still giggling, and then she stepped in behind me, her still-hard nipples jutting into my chest. She reached around me for the soap. “I’ll go first if that’s okay with you.” She was still giggling when she first ran the soap over my body. I had to admit that she spent a long time on my cock and balls before reaching around me again to soap up my ass. A few minutes later, she handed the soap to me, laughing at the expression on my face. This was a new experience, but I hoped to do it again.
Lucy pulled two towels out of the linen closet, and the following day, I was shocked when she began to dry my body. A simple expression on her face told me that I was expected to dry her. “Hell,” I thought, “why not?” We were soon dry and back in the bedroom.
I was almost dressed when I told her, “I think I’d better buy some shirts and slacks and, maybe, a decent pair of shoes or sneakers. All I have are uniforms.”
“I kind of like you in a uniform. It suits you.” Then, she sealed the deal with another kiss. We walked to the kitchen, detouring briefly to let Max out. Rain was still falling, but not as hard as the previous two days. Once he was back, I dried him with the towel, and then we walked into the kitchen, where Lucy greeted me with a mug of hot coffee—black and strong, just the way I liked it.
We had another great breakfast—French toast and sausage patties. I handled the dishes while Lucy changed the bed linens. We hung out for a while before I drove her to the diner. She left me with a kiss that lingered for almost a minute, then she petted Max and exited the SUV. She waved at the diner’s door, and I waved back before backing out of the parking space and driving off the lot. A few minutes later, I stopped at a no-name gas station, charging the gas to my credit card. I’d charge the government for the gas once I was headed home again.
I drove into town and turned left at the city center, parking on the street at a men’s store I had seen in my explorations. I opened the car door for Max, and we walked into the store together. I was sure the owner was going to bitch about a dog in his store, but one look at my U.S. MARSHAL shirt and another at the determination in my face closed his mouth in a hurry. I led Max to a corner of the large room and told him to lie down. Then I opened my belt and let the pistol, baton, and handcuffs fall to the floor. Max put his head down on them precisely as I had taught him. Knowing that my weapons were secure, I addressed the store owner.
“I need some clothes—at least a pair of decent slacks and a few shirts. I’d also like a sports jacket if you think you have something that would fit me. Some matching socks would help, and you can also sell shoes. “What do you have in 14EE?”
He came and carefully measured my chest and waist, keeping an eye on Max the whole time, even as Max kept an eye on him. He finished by measuring my inseam. “Hmmm, do you have difficulty buying clothes, Mr. Cahill? You have an extremely muscular body.”
Somehow, he knew my name--from the folks at the diner, I assumed. “Not in a big city with quality men’s stores,” I replied.
“Well, we may not be a big city, but I can attest to the quality of my goods. Perhaps you’d like a sports jacket, as well. I can tailor it to fit you perfectly. Who knows, you may want to take Miss Lucille to a fancy restaurant like Carter’s or even to the theater.” Damn, but this guy knew an awful lot about me and my business.
“Let’s start with the basics first, and then we can talk about the others.” He nodded and walked to a rack of shirts and then another of slacks, motioning me to a dressing room once he had four of each. I tried on the slacks first, and I was surprised that he had my size—36-35—waist 36 inches and inseam 35 inches. Surprisingly, they fit me well. I selected one pair of tan and another of light grey before trying on several lightweight shirts. They were made of an elastic material that promised to wick sweat away from the wearer’s body. I liked three of the four, so I kept them.
Dressed again in my uniform, I laid the clothes on the counter.
“Good choices, Marshal; why don’t we try on a few jackets now? You’ll need a size 52 Extra Long because of your muscular chest and back, but I’m sure it will need alterations because of your small waist.” I found a nice one that I liked, mauve with silver-plated buttons. It was a trifle snug, but I was promised that it would be altered for free and that it would be done by tomorrow afternoon. Almost two hours later, I walked out the door with my arms full and wallet empty. I spent nearly $1,000 on my new wardrobe. I justified the expense by telling myself I wanted to look good for Lucy.
Max and I walked into what was now our table at the diner at 1:30 on the dot. Lucy was busy with a customer, so Amy, who was by now our official waitress, brought my menu as soon as Max had made himself comfortable in the booth.” I don’t know what’s happening with you and Lucille, but I’ve never seen her so happy.”
“I think it must be the rain,” I said jokingly, laughing when Amy looked confused. I ordered a cheese steak sub and a Coke, then sat back to check out the people in the diner. I always did this, but—not surprisingly—I saw nothing remotely suspicious. I had just finished my inspection when Lucy slid into the booth with me. Max bounced up so she could pet him. He was just a big baby when not on duty.
“Did you get everything you wanted?”
“Yeah, I went to George’s. Do you know where that is?”
Lucy laughed before answering, “Of course, remember that I’ve lived here all my life. I know George, too—have for years. I’m leaving early this afternoon. The rain is supposed to stop soon. I want to show you around while it’s sunny for a change. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, I think that’s a great idea. You can show me where all the kids go to make out.”
She leaned over to whisper in my ear. “I can show you, but we’re a bit beyond that, right? I prefer a nice comfortable bed over a back seat every time.” My response was to kiss her cheek. Amy brought my lunch then, and Lucy excused herself to deal with some customers. I ate the overstuffed sub, wondering if Lucy had told the cook to give me double. It was a great sandwich. I paid with my MasterCard, adding a tip, just as Lucy walked out of the kitchen to join me. We held hands as we walked out to the SUV.
She directed me through the town to a high point overlooking a beautiful pristine lake. I parked and stopped the car as we looked out the front window at the incredible sight before us. Lucy leaned across the console to kiss me. Her eyes were closed, but I swore I could still see into her core. She broke the kiss a few seconds later to tentatively ask me, “Do you like me, Matt? I mean, like me? I know you like fucking me, but.”
“I’ve never fucked you, Lucy. I have made love with you a few times, but I doubt that I would ever fuck you. Do I like you? No…I’d say it’s a lot more than that. I can’t say I’m in love with you because we haven’t known each other long enough, but I could fall for you in a heartbeat. I do have one question for you, though. When I went to George’s this morning, he knew everything about us. Do you have any idea why?”
She smiled and leaned up to kiss my cheek. “When I introduced myself to you, I never mentioned my surname.”
“What difference does it make? You are who you are regardless of your name.”
“It would matter in this case, Matt. My name is Lucille Ann Bascomb.”
“You mean like Bascomb in Bascomb’s Creek and Bascomb’s Landing?”
“Yes, it was my great-grandfather who first settled here and founded the town. I didn’t mention it because I wanted you to get to know me for who I am, not who I’m related to. I also misled you about the dinner. I own it, but—I’m unsure how to say this.”
“Just tell me the truth.”
“Okay, I graduated from the University of Tennessee with an MBA from Haslam, the Business School. All that was so I could take over the family businesses when my dad retires.”
“Businesses…as in more than one?”
“Yes, Matt, I’m sorry if I deceived you, but I couldn’t anticipate what has happened between us. I’m glad you feel like you do because I’m falling for you big time. I’m usually so level-headed, but all I want to do is hold, kiss, and make beautiful love with you.”
I chuckled when I asked, “Is that so bad?” Then I looked into her eyes and knew we had a big future ahead of us.
She elbowed me as she answered, “No, it’s not bad, but you learned this morning that everything I do is under a microscope. Nobody here doesn’t know me, and now they know all about you, too. I’m sure my father has checked up on you and must approve because you’re still here.
“And that brings me to the second topic for discussion. Would you live here if you could get a good job?”
“All I know is law enforcement, Lucy. That’s all I ever wanted to do.”
“Good, because we’re going to be looking for a new chief of police in two months and none too soon as far as most of us are concerned. Our current chief has let things go for the past five years. He retired but forgot to stay home. The City Council has agreed that we need outside support to shake things up. Think you might be interested?”
“I might be, but I’d want to consider it. I’d need a decent salary and a place to live. Say, why are you living in a trailer if you're so well off?”
“Mobile home, Matt…mobile home--even though there’s not much difference. My house is being painted, and I don’t like the fumes. I must be allergic because I always break out in a rash. The interior is done, but this rain has delayed finishing the outside. Okay, I’ve told you everything that matters about me now. I am sorry for having deceived you. I promise I’ll never do it again.” She looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes that always drove me crazy with lust.
“Promise accepted, but we must return to the trailer now to become better acquainted.”
Lucy gave me a sly smile followed by a sweet kiss and many tongues before settling back into her seat. Ten minutes later, I was holding the door to the trailer…er, mobile home for Lucy and Max. Max lay on the couch while Lucy took my hand and led me to the bedroom. I wholeheartedly agreed with her idea of getting better acquainted.
She turned down the bed and came to me with a devilish expression. “Want to try my ass, sailor? I’ve never wanted it, but I’ll make an exception for you. What do you say? Hmmm?”
“Maybe some other time; I wouldn’t want to hurt you, and I’m sure I would. Besides—didn’t you tell me that my cock was just the perfect size for your pussy?”
“I did, and it is,” she whispered as she tiptoed for another kiss while her hands removed my shirt. I dropped my heavy belt to the floor as Lucy lowered my cargo pants. We were frantic for each other, so furious that we took more time tripping over my pants and Lucy’s dinner uniform.
Eventually, she pushed me back onto the bed, and we laughed wildly. The laughing continued until we looked into each other’s eyes, and then as if by tacit agreement, it stopped. I pulled Lucy’s slender body into mine, her breasts pressing into my muscular chest as her soft, plump lips devoured mine. I was concentrating on holding Lucy, so I was a bit surprised when she gripped my cock and led it to her gushing pussy.
She broke the kiss a few seconds later to whisper, “It was taking you too long. I didn’t think you’d mind.”
“Yeah, like I’d ever object to making love with you. It’s probably the best thing I’ve ever done.”
“As much as I love hearing that, I have to disagree. Bringing criminals to justice is the best thing you’ve ever done. I heard on CNN about what you did in St. Louis, arresting those two rapists all by yourself and with no shots fired and no innocent bystanders injured. I do have to say, though, that this is special. Oh, Matt! Oh, dear God, that is so good. Do me, Matt. Harder! Harder!”
Lucy wanted it harder, and I aimed to please. I drove into her with increasing speed and force, lifting her several feet into the air with every thrust. My hands on her butt could feel the tremors emanating from her cunt. They built slowly but surely to what became a massive orgasm—undoubtedly the biggest I’d ever witnessed. I felt great knowing that I could give Lucy this wonderful experience.
When she came, it was sudden and decisive. I held onto her for dear life as convulsion after convulsion ripped through her body. Somewhere in the middle of it, she bathed my abdomen in what seemed to be a gallon of her ejaculate. It was the very first time I had ever made a woman squirt, although it was more a flood than a squirt. She was coming down when I blew with such force and such volume that every thrust forced semen from her vault.
I was breathing hard when I looked up at Lucy and was shocked at what I saw. Lucy had passed out, bringing a level of truth to what the French call “la petite mort” or “the little death.” I remained there with Lucy, lightly snoring on my chest for more than fifteen minutes until she began to stir. During that time, I realized how perfect Lucy felt about me.
She seemed confused as she slowly regained control of her senses. “What happened, Matt?”
“Well, to start with, you had the most incredible orgasm.”
To be continued
Chapter 3
“It’s been a long time for me, too. I don’t get very many dates, let alone relationships.”
“That doesn’t make much sense to me, Lucy. You’re an attractive woman with a great outgoing and upbeat personality. I’d ask you out. That’s exactly what I’m doing right now. I want to go out for dinner and maybe a movie. You pick the night. It looks like I’m going to be here for a while.” There was still a lot of flooding in the area, and it was still raining.
“I accept. We can go out on Thursday if that’s okay with you. However, I have an awful itch that needs scratching right now. Want to help me with it?”
I rolled over to face her. We were closer physically than we’d ever been, and a second or two later, we were even closer as I realized that Lucy was naked under the covers. “I don’t know,” I replied, a huge grin on my face. “Exactly what did you have in mind?”
She pulled my hand to her breast as she whispered, “I was hoping you’d give me the fucking I’ve been wanting ever since we first met.” She leaned forward for our first kiss as her hand sought and found my hard-as-granite erection. It was already poking out the slit in my boxers.
The kiss was incredible as Lucy pressed her lips into mine, her tongue pushing insistently through the small gap between my teeth. That gap increased as I moved back, our tongues wrestling and winding around each other like two snakes in their mating embrace. On and on, it went as we clutched each other tightly. One of my hands teased her nipples while the other wrapped itself around one of the globes of her ass, pulling her pussy into close contact with my cock.
Lucy groaned into my mouth as she rubbed the spongy head into her clit. It was only a few seconds later that she pulled me onto her body, her legs spread widely. The kiss continued as she pulled me into her cunt. ‘I’m safe, Matt. I’ve been on an implant for years to help with my period. Come on, give it to me hard. I want it…you…so badly.”
I pushed forward through her tightness, amazed at her wetness. Her pussy was gushing, and we’d barely even started. She wrapped her legs around my waist as we began to move together. She rose to meet my every thrust, grinding her clit into my hard firm abdominals.
We moved together—faster and faster, harder and harder—until Lucy’s body seemed to explode, shaking and twisting wildly as she screamed into the night. Still, she moved with me even though we were humping at a frenetic pace that no human beings could long sustain. She began to shake again as I felt the rumbling deep within my core. I could almost feel my balls as they moved up to my body until the eruption drove six powerful bursts of hot, slick cum deep into Lucy’s body. “Oh, God—Matt; I’m…I’m Cumming again. Oh…Ooohhhh. Aaaaahhhh!” She seemed to collapse into the bed in exhaustion, and strong as I was, I wasn’t much better.
We were mutually destroyed, but what a wonderful experience it had been. I slid off to the side, pulling Lucy up onto my body, her head with her hair hanging now in long sweaty ribbons on my chest and her leaking cunt oozing onto my thigh. I pulled the blanket over us, and seconds later, we were sound asleep, our bodies intertwined. It was a glorious feeling.
When I opened my eyes the following morning, Lucy was awake and looking down at me. I smiled and pulled her down for a searing kiss that lasted for more than a minute. Our faces were covered in spit when she broke it. “Thanks, Matt; you answered my question.”
“What question?”
“I wanted to know if last night was a one-time thing or if it was more.”
“And,” I asked, a twinkle in my eyes.
“It’s going to happen again.”
“And again and again, as long as you want it. I thought it was incredible, and you were even better.” She must have agreed because she moved down first to kiss me again and then to slide down my body until she was able to lick the dried secretions from my rapidly engorging cock.
She was between my legs when she took me deep into her mouth. Up and down she went until I thought my cock had turned to stone, then she moved back up until her beautiful trimmed cunt was just over me. She closed her eyes and groaned in her ecstasy as she slowly lowered herself down my pole. “I love this, Matt. You’re long enough to go all the way in, and you’re so thick that you stretch me out until my entire cunt tingles with lust for more and more. I don’t think I could ever get enough of your cock, Matt. Oh God—you must think I’m a terrible slut.”
“Not at all; I’d never think of you that way. A slut would have fucked me our first night together, and you would have had sleazy guys chasing you every day. I know you were telling me the truth about the last time you had sex. Why would you lie? There’s no reason to do that, just as I had no reason to lie. No, you’re not a slut, but I’m thrilled you like my little friend.”
Lucy was riding me slowly—taking me sincerely into her velvet vault—her head back as she moaned and groaned in total rapture. “First of all, Matt—it’s not little. It’s just the perfect size for me. And I don’t like it, I love it. I love the way it makes me feel. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. It’s not just in my cunt. It’s all through my body. I want to do it all day and all night—twenty-four hours a day.”
“I’m not made of steel, you know.”
“Yeah, and I have to go to work eventually, but now I have something to look forward to, don’t I?” My response was simple. I just pulled her into an embrace that included another long kiss. It was mid-kiss that we reached that same frenetic pace to our lovemaking that we’d found last night, except this time, Lucy was riding me like I was a bucking bronco. Lucy drove her clit into me like she was a woman possessed. She came quickly, the force of her orgasm breaking the kiss as her back arched forcefully. I thrust into her for another minute before my cock erupted.
I’m in outstanding physical condition, but after Cumming the way I had, I was wiped out. My breathing was deep and rapid as I gasped for breath, but still, I clutched my lover to my body. We recovered about twenty minutes later as Lucy pulled me from the bed into the shower. She was giggling as she pushed me in. “You’ve got to be kidding. This thing is so small.”
“I know,” she said, still giggling, and then she stepped in behind me, her still-hard nipples jutting into my chest. She reached around me for the soap. “I’ll go first if that’s okay with you.” She was still giggling when she first ran the soap over my body. I had to admit that she spent a long time on my cock and balls before reaching around me again to soap up my ass. A few minutes later, she handed the soap to me, laughing at the expression on my face. This was a new experience, but I hoped to do it again.
Lucy pulled two towels out of the linen closet, and the following day, I was shocked when she began to dry my body. A simple expression on her face told me that I was expected to dry her. “Hell,” I thought, “why not?” We were soon dry and back in the bedroom.
I was almost dressed when I told her, “I think I’d better buy some shirts and slacks and, maybe, a decent pair of shoes or sneakers. All I have are uniforms.”
“I kind of like you in a uniform. It suits you.” Then, she sealed the deal with another kiss. We walked to the kitchen, detouring briefly to let Max out. Rain was still falling, but not as hard as the previous two days. Once he was back, I dried him with the towel, and then we walked into the kitchen, where Lucy greeted me with a mug of hot coffee—black and strong, just the way I liked it.
We had another great breakfast—French toast and sausage patties. I handled the dishes while Lucy changed the bed linens. We hung out for a while before I drove her to the diner. She left me with a kiss that lingered for almost a minute, then she petted Max and exited the SUV. She waved at the diner’s door, and I waved back before backing out of the parking space and driving off the lot. A few minutes later, I stopped at a no-name gas station, charging the gas to my credit card. I’d charge the government for the gas once I was headed home again.
I drove into town and turned left at the city center, parking on the street at a men’s store I had seen in my explorations. I opened the car door for Max, and we walked into the store together. I was sure the owner was going to bitch about a dog in his store, but one look at my U.S. MARSHAL shirt and another at the determination in my face closed his mouth in a hurry. I led Max to a corner of the large room and told him to lie down. Then I opened my belt and let the pistol, baton, and handcuffs fall to the floor. Max put his head down on them precisely as I had taught him. Knowing that my weapons were secure, I addressed the store owner.
“I need some clothes—at least a pair of decent slacks and a few shirts. I’d also like a sports jacket if you think you have something that would fit me. Some matching socks would help, and you can also sell shoes. “What do you have in 14EE?”
He came and carefully measured my chest and waist, keeping an eye on Max the whole time, even as Max kept an eye on him. He finished by measuring my inseam. “Hmmm, do you have difficulty buying clothes, Mr. Cahill? You have an extremely muscular body.”
Somehow, he knew my name--from the folks at the diner, I assumed. “Not in a big city with quality men’s stores,” I replied.
“Well, we may not be a big city, but I can attest to the quality of my goods. Perhaps you’d like a sports jacket, as well. I can tailor it to fit you perfectly. Who knows, you may want to take Miss Lucille to a fancy restaurant like Carter’s or even to the theater.” Damn, but this guy knew an awful lot about me and my business.
“Let’s start with the basics first, and then we can talk about the others.” He nodded and walked to a rack of shirts and then another of slacks, motioning me to a dressing room once he had four of each. I tried on the slacks first, and I was surprised that he had my size—36-35—waist 36 inches and inseam 35 inches. Surprisingly, they fit me well. I selected one pair of tan and another of light grey before trying on several lightweight shirts. They were made of an elastic material that promised to wick sweat away from the wearer’s body. I liked three of the four, so I kept them.
Dressed again in my uniform, I laid the clothes on the counter.
“Good choices, Marshal; why don’t we try on a few jackets now? You’ll need a size 52 Extra Long because of your muscular chest and back, but I’m sure it will need alterations because of your small waist.” I found a nice one that I liked, mauve with silver-plated buttons. It was a trifle snug, but I was promised that it would be altered for free and that it would be done by tomorrow afternoon. Almost two hours later, I walked out the door with my arms full and wallet empty. I spent nearly $1,000 on my new wardrobe. I justified the expense by telling myself I wanted to look good for Lucy.
Max and I walked into what was now our table at the diner at 1:30 on the dot. Lucy was busy with a customer, so Amy, who was by now our official waitress, brought my menu as soon as Max had made himself comfortable in the booth.” I don’t know what’s happening with you and Lucille, but I’ve never seen her so happy.”
“I think it must be the rain,” I said jokingly, laughing when Amy looked confused. I ordered a cheese steak sub and a Coke, then sat back to check out the people in the diner. I always did this, but—not surprisingly—I saw nothing remotely suspicious. I had just finished my inspection when Lucy slid into the booth with me. Max bounced up so she could pet him. He was just a big baby when not on duty.
“Did you get everything you wanted?”
“Yeah, I went to George’s. Do you know where that is?”
Lucy laughed before answering, “Of course, remember that I’ve lived here all my life. I know George, too—have for years. I’m leaving early this afternoon. The rain is supposed to stop soon. I want to show you around while it’s sunny for a change. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, I think that’s a great idea. You can show me where all the kids go to make out.”
She leaned over to whisper in my ear. “I can show you, but we’re a bit beyond that, right? I prefer a nice comfortable bed over a back seat every time.” My response was to kiss her cheek. Amy brought my lunch then, and Lucy excused herself to deal with some customers. I ate the overstuffed sub, wondering if Lucy had told the cook to give me double. It was a great sandwich. I paid with my MasterCard, adding a tip, just as Lucy walked out of the kitchen to join me. We held hands as we walked out to the SUV.
She directed me through the town to a high point overlooking a beautiful pristine lake. I parked and stopped the car as we looked out the front window at the incredible sight before us. Lucy leaned across the console to kiss me. Her eyes were closed, but I swore I could still see into her core. She broke the kiss a few seconds later to tentatively ask me, “Do you like me, Matt? I mean, like me? I know you like fucking me, but.”
“I’ve never fucked you, Lucy. I have made love with you a few times, but I doubt that I would ever fuck you. Do I like you? No…I’d say it’s a lot more than that. I can’t say I’m in love with you because we haven’t known each other long enough, but I could fall for you in a heartbeat. I do have one question for you, though. When I went to George’s this morning, he knew everything about us. Do you have any idea why?”
She smiled and leaned up to kiss my cheek. “When I introduced myself to you, I never mentioned my surname.”
“What difference does it make? You are who you are regardless of your name.”
“It would matter in this case, Matt. My name is Lucille Ann Bascomb.”
“You mean like Bascomb in Bascomb’s Creek and Bascomb’s Landing?”
“Yes, it was my great-grandfather who first settled here and founded the town. I didn’t mention it because I wanted you to get to know me for who I am, not who I’m related to. I also misled you about the dinner. I own it, but—I’m unsure how to say this.”
“Just tell me the truth.”
“Okay, I graduated from the University of Tennessee with an MBA from Haslam, the Business School. All that was so I could take over the family businesses when my dad retires.”
“Businesses…as in more than one?”
“Yes, Matt, I’m sorry if I deceived you, but I couldn’t anticipate what has happened between us. I’m glad you feel like you do because I’m falling for you big time. I’m usually so level-headed, but all I want to do is hold, kiss, and make beautiful love with you.”
I chuckled when I asked, “Is that so bad?” Then I looked into her eyes and knew we had a big future ahead of us.
She elbowed me as she answered, “No, it’s not bad, but you learned this morning that everything I do is under a microscope. Nobody here doesn’t know me, and now they know all about you, too. I’m sure my father has checked up on you and must approve because you’re still here.
“And that brings me to the second topic for discussion. Would you live here if you could get a good job?”
“All I know is law enforcement, Lucy. That’s all I ever wanted to do.”
“Good, because we’re going to be looking for a new chief of police in two months and none too soon as far as most of us are concerned. Our current chief has let things go for the past five years. He retired but forgot to stay home. The City Council has agreed that we need outside support to shake things up. Think you might be interested?”
“I might be, but I’d want to consider it. I’d need a decent salary and a place to live. Say, why are you living in a trailer if you're so well off?”
“Mobile home, Matt…mobile home--even though there’s not much difference. My house is being painted, and I don’t like the fumes. I must be allergic because I always break out in a rash. The interior is done, but this rain has delayed finishing the outside. Okay, I’ve told you everything that matters about me now. I am sorry for having deceived you. I promise I’ll never do it again.” She looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes that always drove me crazy with lust.
“Promise accepted, but we must return to the trailer now to become better acquainted.”
Lucy gave me a sly smile followed by a sweet kiss and many tongues before settling back into her seat. Ten minutes later, I was holding the door to the trailer…er, mobile home for Lucy and Max. Max lay on the couch while Lucy took my hand and led me to the bedroom. I wholeheartedly agreed with her idea of getting better acquainted.
She turned down the bed and came to me with a devilish expression. “Want to try my ass, sailor? I’ve never wanted it, but I’ll make an exception for you. What do you say? Hmmm?”
“Maybe some other time; I wouldn’t want to hurt you, and I’m sure I would. Besides—didn’t you tell me that my cock was just the perfect size for your pussy?”
“I did, and it is,” she whispered as she tiptoed for another kiss while her hands removed my shirt. I dropped my heavy belt to the floor as Lucy lowered my cargo pants. We were frantic for each other, so furious that we took more time tripping over my pants and Lucy’s dinner uniform.
Eventually, she pushed me back onto the bed, and we laughed wildly. The laughing continued until we looked into each other’s eyes, and then as if by tacit agreement, it stopped. I pulled Lucy’s slender body into mine, her breasts pressing into my muscular chest as her soft, plump lips devoured mine. I was concentrating on holding Lucy, so I was a bit surprised when she gripped my cock and led it to her gushing pussy.
She broke the kiss a few seconds later to whisper, “It was taking you too long. I didn’t think you’d mind.”
“Yeah, like I’d ever object to making love with you. It’s probably the best thing I’ve ever done.”
“As much as I love hearing that, I have to disagree. Bringing criminals to justice is the best thing you’ve ever done. I heard on CNN about what you did in St. Louis, arresting those two rapists all by yourself and with no shots fired and no innocent bystanders injured. I do have to say, though, that this is special. Oh, Matt! Oh, dear God, that is so good. Do me, Matt. Harder! Harder!”
Lucy wanted it harder, and I aimed to please. I drove into her with increasing speed and force, lifting her several feet into the air with every thrust. My hands on her butt could feel the tremors emanating from her cunt. They built slowly but surely to what became a massive orgasm—undoubtedly the biggest I’d ever witnessed. I felt great knowing that I could give Lucy this wonderful experience.
When she came, it was sudden and decisive. I held onto her for dear life as convulsion after convulsion ripped through her body. Somewhere in the middle of it, she bathed my abdomen in what seemed to be a gallon of her ejaculate. It was the very first time I had ever made a woman squirt, although it was more a flood than a squirt. She was coming down when I blew with such force and such volume that every thrust forced semen from her vault.
I was breathing hard when I looked up at Lucy and was shocked at what I saw. Lucy had passed out, bringing a level of truth to what the French call “la petite mort” or “the little death.” I remained there with Lucy, lightly snoring on my chest for more than fifteen minutes until she began to stir. During that time, I realized how perfect Lucy felt about me.
She seemed confused as she slowly regained control of her senses. “What happened, Matt?”
“Well, to start with, you had the most incredible orgasm.”
To be continued
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