I'm just ranting (not a poem)

People are strange. Apparently all that's needed for most to fall in line is to display a semblance of conviction. With only the finest of useful idiots proped up on display. All for the deluded masses to inspect and declare a hollow victor. You feel involved, you've made a change. In reality you're perpetuating your own delusion. A nice little sideshow to keep you busy so the "grown ups" can consolidate more power and accumulate more... everything.  
As you argue over why you hate the other side and how much better things would be if your candidate won. It would be exactly the same, sycophants are a dime a dozen. This one will fix it! Nope, it's bullshit. That's not their job. Their job is to look important and take the heat. They're entirely disposable. Lapdogs, just mildly functioning psychopaths/sociopaths. If anything wasn't actually going how it was supposed to it would have already been stopped. As of now everything is going according to plan. America is clearly being goaded into civil war they've left you no choice, by design. Kill the government it literally means nothing they never had a seat at the table anyway. They got to play dress ups and flirt with opulence. Ultimately though, their golden handshake will come as millions of outraged, ignorant citizens tear them apart, for "causing all this". Unfortunately our ancestors did (it's not entirely their fault an intellectual disparity is at play here too) "No!, That doesn't happen people wouldn't/couldn't do that". What's stopping them? They have all the money all the land all the technology. But sure OK, anyone with that much drive for power, is just going to twiddle their thumbs when they get it? That firstly wouldn't make sense and secondly shows a woeful misunderstanding of such people. It's laughable that those who would dismiss such claims of corruption at the highest order, have neither thought about it in any meaningful way or looked at any evidence. You couldn't tell me what's happening in a house down the street. Yet you know that a person who's goal is accruing power and wealth, has all the means and manpower they can buy and they're just jet setting and have beach parties? (I mean old money). Only causal chats with their peers? You're proving how well the training works.  
They'll throw your children's lives away in wars because they don't like someone or want an asset "the enemy" have and you think any single one of these people gives a fuck about you? Politicians are toys, they're the fall guys. Wardens tasked with dividing everyone down any line the can. Why in a democracy or Republic is a two party system in any way ideal or logical? It's not, yet somehow it's seen as choice. It's not that either. Wouldn't a unified system make more sense? (Not a one world government) why do you want  "leaders" in fighting? That's inefficient and if it weren't a pantomime, ineffectual. Good thing all that "pain et cirque" prepared you, under the guise of competition. Permeating all aspects, of life. Why wouldn't there be a two party system?!. Yet if someone brings up this line of thinking they're crazy? (Maybe less so nowadays). Not the countless masses pavlovianly trained to bark "that's a conspiracy theory"? Literally having you announce your inability to think independently. A tipping point is coming and it's going to essentially be the end. We will no longer be people we'll be pets, more so than currently and inescapably.  
You're vote does make a difference, it ensures you'll never have a choice.  
Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk (had to say it).  
Not directed at anyone here, obviously considering I don't know you.  
Have a somewhat enjoyable day all.
Written by RyanBlackborough (Surprise guest)
Published | Edited 9th Sep 2024
Author's Note
Not a poem, felt like ranting. If this the wrong place then I'll move it.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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