Image for the poem The Hike

The Hike

Glen Onoko Falls April 2019    
Closing down soon from a history unclean    
Many injuries and over a dozen deaths    
From hikers falling and trails unkept    
So my friends decided to hike the trail    
Breathe in natures splendor then exhale    
But I had a different plan in mind    
Eternal solitude I was hoping to find    
Internally I was at the end of my rope    
An Intentional accident was my hope    
Escape the voices and make them cease    
The powerfall waterfalls to bring me peace    
A chance to free my life and pain    
Erase my mistakes and start again    
Release my demons in this violent air    
These dreams forged from lifes nightmare    
We followed the path up the 1st waterfall    
Enjoying the stunning beauty of it all    
Standing atop in the two merging streams    
Pushing my adrenaline to the extreme    
On a rock looking straight down the cascade    
From out of nowhere a young lady strayed    
We talked a little and secrets she shared    
Telling me about the last time she was there    
She showed me an area she tried for a pic    
But then everything happened relatively quick    
I'll always remember what she had to say    
That her friends tried to save her that day    
She pointed to an area off to the side    
That area would be impossible not to slide    
Down the falls to the rocky bottom    
The thought of that was deeply solemn    
I returned to my friends to continue the trek    
We made it this far there's no turning back    
The dirt and rocky terrain was quite rigorous    
But we remained determined and vigorous    
At the top of there I again went to the edge    
Foolishly standing on a smooth slate ledge    
Looking straight down a vertical 60 feet    
My mysterious friend appeared indiscreet    
She jumped down to sit and dangle her limbs    
Over the edge as a new conversation begins    
She mentioned how she wore the wrong shoes    
And she acted like she had nothing to lose    
We were the only two to adventure so close    
At the edge of the waterfall while getting soaked    
After awhile I returned to my friends    
To finish the hike and start our final ascend    
At the summit we explored the hidden cave    
That lies behind the shortest cascade    
Conquering three waterfalls this amazing day    
Refreshed by nature in a therapeutic way    
Now one last final trail we get to follow    
But did we bite off more than we could swallow    
We walked around and relaxed a bit    
Then decided it was time to go so we split    
My new friend asked where we're heading next    
The ridge to the overlook is all that's left    
She asked to join us as she's never been there    
I said I don't mind and my friends didn't care    
So the four of us headed to the overlook    
But then my friends found a rocky nook    
They wanted to stop and smoke some weed    
So her and I walked ahead at a leisurely speed    
She reflected on her last journey here    
Details she shared seemed so sincere    
We talked about obstacles in life's way    
Telling me how she skipped work that day    
We walked down the ridge line pretty straight    
Then leaned up against a tree to rest and wait    
I turned and saw my friends in the distance    
And like that she disappeared out of existence    
My friends then asked where she had went    
Since visibly she was no longer present    
Confused by where she could possibly be    
We continued hiking but then it hit me    
I thought about all the things she said    
Then turned pale white as if I were dead    
Showered by reality I was dosed    
With astonishment I realized she was a ghost    
We continued further down the trail to see    
Maybe she went to the overlook possibly    
Irony is we never saw her or the overlook    
But to my core I was definitely shook    
Our thoughts are always so subjective    
But this experience changed my perspective    
I saw a ghost wanting her life back eternally    
Reflecting on key moments in her memory    
Appreciating everything that she ever had    
And sharing her experiences good and bad    
Originally this hikes mission was for my death    
But I learned to appreciate every single breath    
That no matter what hold your head up high    
Any moment could be your last goodbye    
And even when the days seem so dark
Believe in yourself and become the spark
Written by Mstrmnd1923
Author's Note
Actual photo attached is of the 2 lower falls
Chameleon Falls-40ft drop (bottom of pic)
Onoko Falls-60ft drop(top fall in pic)
Cave Falls-15ft drop(not pictured)
All events that occurred in this poem are true to the best recollection of my own personal experience..the ghost appeared at each waterfall along my journey..but she did not climb the trails with us..just at the top of each fall..she disappeared within seconds when I turned around waiting for my friends to join was spring and the trees on the ridge were barren..visibility was very good and there was nowhere she could of possibly have this day I believe she was a ghost or a guardian angel sent to change my outlook on life..Glen Onoko Falls was closed on May 1st 2019 due to excessive deaths and injuries
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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