lethal libations

it was an Old Fashioned romance
...with a Spritz & a twist
a Royal Affair of epic proportions
poor Suffering Bastard in his Tuxedo
& the Platinum Blonde  draped in scarlet satin

she...slipping into her Spicy Fifty years
flashing Dark & Stormy eyes
with a backdrop of Hurricane skies

him...looking for the Golden Dream
Damn the Weather & its threats
they tangoed...hello being the Last Word said
setting fire to the night like a Flaming Volcano

she...with her Angel Face & lethal Stinger
lured him like a Zombie with her Slippery Nipple
for Hanky Panky Between the Sheets

using her Woo Woo voodoo & a Kentucky Kiss
she took him willing into her lusty Death Flip

leaving him with the rest of her collectable Unforgettables
a withered husk of a Salty Dog
abandoned beneath an Amber Moon

until a Desert Healer on her filly
stumbled upon him at High Noon
breathing a prayer upon his brow of Corpse Revival
like a Sea Breeze upon his flesh
leading him away with a finger to his lips & a Lemon Drop kiss

they fled from the scene of recent events
clinging to their Horse's Neck
they rode hell bent through Blood & Sand
into a Mediterranean Sunset

for Duende's Cocktail Party comp...thank you for the challenge!
Author's Note
Copyright @ Willow. All rights reserved
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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