Leroy Pt. 2
Leroy Pt.2
Saturday morning I got a late start, I wanted to mow the lawn and clean the yard up. I went outside just knowing that I was going to have a fight with that stupid lawn mower. But to my surprise it started up, and I mowed and weeded the entire yard. I went over and mowed one of my grand aunt's yard and still was back before lunch.
My uncle was out front and asked if I wanted to do a little fishing. He also said that Leroy had called several times asking if I had returned. I jumped right out of my truck and into the truck with my uncle, this was a family day. I was told that my cousins would be at the house when we returned and not leaving until tomorrow.This was cool because without going into the house I know that my aunt is planning a big meal.
While fishing I notice that my uncle didn't have a flask and he wasn't drinking beer. But I knew why not, of three daughters, two were married to men in the military. Both had already served for a few years with one in the Marines and one in the Army. But between three son in laws my uncle knew that he couldn't start drinking before these guys. I really think that he was running from his military friends just as I was running from Leroy.
With the fishing done and more than enough fish for a fish fry. My uncle shared drinks and fishing lies with his son in laws. We all cleaned up the fish. There is one son in law that is non military, non southern, and a few years earlier we had to teach him to clean fish. But now they all moved as one, even lifting their drink at the same time. I ducked out after cleaning my fair share, it was time for a shower and some clean clothes. Leroy called later but after hearing the family in the background, he knew that I was in for the night. Then he handed the phone over to Tiffany who made me promise to see her the next day before leaving.
I wasn't mad because Leroy handed the phone over to Tiffany. Tiffany's that type of person with beauty and the conversation to match, besides I wanted to see her again. There was so many things that she brought out of me every fucking time that I saw her. It simply wasn't about sex, she was on a level completely her own. But and then I thought of the navel ring and her being waxed, maybe her size was her tool of deception. I didn't want to think of her like that so I pushed the thought out of my mind for tonight.
The next morning I was awoken at six promptly. People were walking around in the house and my little cousins were running about laughing. It was time for me to get dressed and join in the action. I had purchased a super soaker since their last visit and I entered the battle fucking shit up. We were peeking around corners, crawling on the floor, and we all got yelled at about spraying water in the house.
We were just about to take the action outside when Marcus called. It's fucking seven-thirty what does he want? He said, "glad I caught you up man, I'm just calling to say I'll be around by three." Like okay, but I already know that, it's the usual time. "Hey is your auntie fixing a big dinner today? Yes it's Sunday, she always fix a big dinner on Sundays. "Hey man don't forget to bring me a plate when I pick you up." She always fixes you and your pops a plate on Sunday, so why wouldn't she do it today? But then the real reason for the call came through. As I was hanging up Leroy jumped on the phone saying he would be at the house in thirty minutes.
I showered and with dry clothes on I came out of the bedroom to Leroy's voice. As I told you, he's a people's person, he was walking around eating bacon and talking to everyone. He asked if I had already had breakfast and of course I had a cereal race earlier with my little cousins. After a quick game of tag/you're it, and my auntie asking me to be home at one, we were out the door.
Everything was going along smoothly with Leroy running his usual game. He would never had called me so early if it hadn't been for Tiffany. I told him that I already knew he was the reason for Marcus's call. But I told him that I wasn't mad and that I did promise to see Tiffany today. We was cool as we pulled up to Denise's place and got out. Before going inside I told Leroy twelve-thirty and I'm out the door even if I have to walk. He said he was cool with that as we entered the house.
Inside Denise's house was filled with warmth, the smell of breakfast, and the sound of old school soul music. Tiffany and Denise could both be heard in the kitchen. Leroy having made himself a new home automatically fixed me a drink before disappearing into a bedroom. I sat on a barstool at the counter talking to both ladies until he returned smoking a blunt. He passed the blunt and an ashtray off to me before setting himself down at the table. I was offered breakfast, which I declined. Leroy threw his two cents in saying to Denise and Tiffany I told you he doesn't eat like that. He just left a kitchen full of breakfast and he ate cereal this morning. I still didn't feel right smoking in Denise's house, I wondered how much this shit cost her. But you know that saying this was Rome and I was expected to do as the Romans did, so I puffed away.
Tiffany and Denise were both still in short robes, as they finished eating and started clearing everything away. I will say it again, Denise and now Tiffany, neither could bend over in these tiny robes. The slightest bend would had exposed all of their business to the world. As Tiffany walked by she kissed me on the side of the face heading into the bedroom. Denise excused herself as Leroy joined me on the barstools. He relit the blunt, hit it a few times, and said dam that's some good weed. We puffed until Tiffany came to the bedroom door and called me in there.
Before I walked into the bedroom Leroy asked, "do you have anymore of this weed?" I told him "yes" because Leroy had always shared with me. I promised to hook him up when I came out of the bedroom. But Tiffany was standing at the door and she was waiting for me.
As I walked towards her, I could see that she had showered. She was looking like a big spoon of yumminess as always. She was wearing a different kimono robe with lots of cleavage exposed. My mind immediately thought maybe her aunt Flo had already left. She turned from the door as I approached and I watched her hips swaying as she walked towards the bed. I could see the outline of the granny panties and as she climbed up and across the bed I could see them. Aunt Flo was still here.
After removing my sneakers I climbed up on the bed with her. Here face to face, eyes to eyes, breaths swirling before exchanging, and she spoke to me. I mean really tried to speak to me, the inner me. She wanted to get there, in that place, there inside of me. But I never allow anyone to touch me there, she sensed it and retreated. But the conversation was intelligent, stimulating, and then hot and steamy. She pressed herself up against me and refused to back down.
I allowed her to hold my face in her hands as she kissed my lips, first softly, almost timid. But as I threw my hand over her waist her kisses became more passionate as her breathing deepened. There was lots of tongue as we pulled each other harder. Tiffany pushed my tee up and over my head as I noticed that her kimono had came undone. Her soft peach colored skin had drifted from her face covering her entire body. I had no thought as I reached out grasping one of her breast as if plucking a peach from a tree.
As Tiffany laid back down besides me it was automatic, as if natural that her breast fell right into my mouth. As I nibbled, suckled, and knead Tiffany cuddled my head like a baby. I ran my hand up and down over her hips, grasping and slapping. Tiffany split my legs with hers, and of course I knew this move. She began grinding her padded pussy as she slid up and down my leg. As she squeezed both my head and leg tighter, I sucked harder and pulled her ass tighter. I felt her as wave after wave of quaking energy erupted in her body. My mouth found it's way back to hers and I lived off of her breathing for me as she worked up another rhythm.
Tiffany was definitely hungry as she began squealing loudly with every seizing orgasm. I was sucking on her neck once and bit down on her ear, her claws sprang out and into my shoulders. To pacify me she kissed my face all the way down to my pecs, there she began nibbling and tugging down and over my abs. She ran her hand down my sweats and shorts, and started stroking my dick. But I was far beyond a hand job now, she had ground against me for to long
She took the time to stop and remove my sweats and shorts. Tiffany was amazing, she only used one hand and her feet. She lifted herself up and moved over in between my legs. This had tons of possibilities as I looked into her beautiful eyes. While holding my dick Tiffany began nipping up and down on the insides of my thighs, tugging at the hairs. I was feeling it as she stroked my dick with gripping and releasing pressure. I promise I barely noticed when she slipped one of my balls into her mouth.
Shit, how do you learn the proper amount of mouth to balls pressure. There was so many pleasures as this little hungry hippo switched balls, before lifting my sack and using her teeth along my perineum. Never once did she put my dick into her mouth until she laid her head over on the side on my thigh. There was so much thought going into it as she licked all over the head and stabbed at that peepee hole feasting on precum. It was excruciating when she slid me in past her mouth. Tiffany grabbed me by my outer thighs and began pulling and pushing herself. It felt so good fucking her throat and watching that ass bouncing, moving back and forth.
There was no breast or ass to grab, so I was forced to clasp both hands over my head. I listened to her gurping sounds until she returned to teasing and torturing my head. Tiffany's mouth was again acting like a pussy edging my dick. The light went out with a violent eruption, as I hit the back of her throat, she squeezed my balls. Tiffany held me in her throat squeezing as I emptied myself into her throat. Then she slid the head back into her mouth and punished it with sucking kisses. Haha, bitch smiled at me as she swallowed and then licked me clean.
Instead of Tiffany climbing back up and into my arms, she slid off of the end of the bed and headed for the bathroom. I could hear the water running in the bathroom. I got up and got my clothes up off the floor and placed them on the end of the bed. As I climbed back on the bed Tiffany came out of the bathroom looking spring fresh. In her hand was a wash cloth. She looked at my clothes on the end of the bed and she said, "Leroy said you don't have to leave until twelve-thirty, but before you leave I'm going to make sure that you're drained. After washin up my dick she began all over again with an entirely different approach.
I made up my mind that I was going to have to give this Tiffany thing some serious thought. As Leroy drove me home we twisted one out of some that I had on me, and I gave Leroy the rest of the sack. Most people don't know what Leroy has done for me, even the job that I have was because of Leroy. He had his good points and you had to weigh them against his bad points. We sat in his car talking for a minute once I got home. Everyone was still there as I tried to find out where Leroy and Denise were as a couple. Leroy stayed there as I thought, but he still maintained his own residence. As I got out I thought I heard him say we're together but we're keeping things open.
I didn't think about it again until heading back the the hotel with Marcus and the crew. My aunt had fixed enough food for Marcus and his pop also. After giving everyone their food, I laid on the bed thinking of this thing with Tiffany. Tiffany was showing signs of attachment, hell even love. I didn't want to go in that direction and there was no way in the world that I wanted to hurt her. This time I truly needed to stay away from Tiffany. there wasn't going to be anything but pain for both of us if I didn't draw the line somewheres.
During the work week Marcus explained that he was on the outs with his lady. He spent nearly all of his free time on the phone trying to work things out. On Wednesday a friend that was also a local invited me out that weekend. I took him up on it and agreed to get up with him and his friends. Somehow Marcus caught wind of what was going on. On Thursday he announced that he wasn't returning home for the weekend. We started planning as young men what we was going to do, as if by magic Leroy started calling. Leroy as you know is a packaged deal, Tiffany and Denise were always on the phone immediately. I had a talk with Marcus and asked him to stop telling Leroy my personal shit, like when I was coming home.
Friday night and everyone had left, only Marcus and I were left at the hotel. Marcus father had left his truck with Marcus, and he drove everyone home in the van. My friend, Lester, called and said what time we were to meet him at the club. But Marcus and I was tired of sitting in a hotel room. We both needed to see and smell some fucking females. Lester assured me this was a nice quiet spot with no trouble that we were meeting up at. So Marcus and I said fuck it and we headed over to the club.
Lester was right about the spot. There was no doubt that Marcus and I wasn't dressed right for this place. These motherfuckers were walking the red carpet. Hell Marcus and I only had on work clothes but we were clean and unintimidated. We both walked in and saw this place for exactly what it was, a grocery store. Marcus veered off in his own direction and towards the bar.I turned and walked deeper into the club looking at all of the yumminess. I finally stopped and started a conversation with two female friends that were out sharing a night.
Their names were Tisha and Leslie, and they asked if I wanted to sit down with them. From where I was sitting I could see Marcus and what he was up to with what had to be the baddest female in this town. I instantly felt like he was in there, as I watched her reach out and touch his hair. They were sitting at the bar face to face, sipping their drinks and smiling. We were all having a good time as I ordered drinks just for the ladies. I promised that I would drink something but later, not now. I felt fucking good sitting here socializing with not one, but two beautiful ladies.
I was in the right spot to see my partner, Lester, as he walked in. Dam that bitch was clean also just like he was walking the red carpet. I watched as his lady and him made the rounds, first to the bar, and then they sat at a table. I wasn't worried when he was ready he came over and found me. I excused myself and followed him to the bathroom where he handed me a sack. As I was about to leave lester asked, "aint that your partner at the bar talking with that beautiful lady?" I said, "yeah that's a bad bitch aint she?" He asked, "is that really your partner, I mean do you like him?" I said, "yeah that's my roomy." Lester said, " then you better pull his tail, old girl has AIDS and she's giving it to everyone that will sleep with her." I said, "bullshit, you hate seeing him with that bad bitch." Lester put the nail in the coffin by asking, " why do you think she's by herself and none of the locals are trying to fuck her." He said, "everyone in that club knows unless they are from out of town."
I thanked him for the weed and the info. I promised to relay the info and leave it in his hands. I dapped Lester before leaving the bathroom and heading to the bar for Marcus. He was watching as I walked out of the bathroom and towards him. Hell he knew what was up and was already smiling as I walked up and introduced myself. I invited him outside and he said what he had to say to get away from his date. But in the truck while puffing I told him what wassaid to me, even about the locals staying away from her. Shortly after returning inside he joined me at the table with Tisha and Leslie.
Everything simply fell into place, Marcus took an interest in Tisha, and for this night Leslie and I hit it off. Before we could leave Marcus's date from earlier walked up to the table. She was furious after finding out that we worked with Lester. She was spitting venom as she screamed, " you better tell Lester if he doesn't stay out of my business I'm gonna fuck him up." The women were both locals and knew what was going on, and to keep things civil we all simply left for the hotel.
Marcus said good night while holding Tisha by the hand, as he headed off towards his pop's room. No sooner than Leslie and I got comfortable, Marcus was back at the door knocking. He needed to get something out of his bag and he wanted to roll up a blunt out of the sack. I rolled up one for Leslie and myself, while Marcus fixed four drinks. He grabbed two of the cups and then headed back out the door and to Tisha. Leslie and I got high and then enjoyed a raunchy night together trying to push each other over the edges. It was exciting to see who could take it and who would tap out.
Marcus and Tisha came in the next morning as Leslie was getting dressed. The girls had followed us in their own car and so their were only promises of meeting them tonight before they left. And Leroy being Leroy called not thirty minutes after the girls left announcing that he was almost at the hotel. What the fuck, Marcus looked at me and I looked at him, what the fuck was Leroy doing here. This was a four hour drive from home, why would he be here? I knew that Leroy wasn't driving all this way for nothing. But Marcus being Marcus got all excited about going out tonight with his cousin, although Leroy never said any such thing.
Leroy had arrived and was in the room with an iced drink in his hand before noon. He was his usual self in a way laughing and talking, but there was something else there. Marcus invited him out with us that night and for whatever reason Leroy looked at his watch. Then he said, "I'm not here for the night, I only came because I need my main man to look out for me." I asked him what was up as I was rolling up. He said that he was buying a car and had to move it this weekend.
This didn't make sense right out the gate because Leroy had an extra large family. There was owners of trucks, towing dollies, and trailers all in that family. Why would he need me? Even though he swore that he did and that he had driven four hours for my help. Hell he had even thought shit out, "you can come and help me and then catch unk back tomorrow." I told him that I had a date tonight and if he stayed he could meet someone also. He came at me a few more times before making up his mind that I wasn't going home. We finished smoking with Leroy looking at his watch again and again, and then announcing that he was heading back. He asked if I could help him the next weekend and I promised that I would, with that Leroy took some dap and then bounced. My mind told me that Leroy wasn't alone, who goes to buy a second hand car dressed for the club.
That night was a replay of the previous one and now we had local pussy. But the week that followed was shit. Leroy kept calling although I wouldn't talk to him. I knew why he was calling and could just see them waiting besides him. I could see this all ending badly with more than Tiffany and myself getting hurt. Marcus's pop was pissed and on the war path all week. Marcus had used his room two nights and hadn't cleaned up behind himself. To get himself out of trouble a little he told his pop that Leroy had offered me a job back home with him. I ducked out this was a family thing and Marcus's pop had already lost two masons to family members with businesses closer to home.
But I wasn't going anyways that family had treated me to dam good. I had already told Marcus and Leroy that I was happy where I was at. There was no doubt in my mind who was thinking for Leroy. I broke shit down for him with Marcus in attendance that I didn't want to hurt Tiffany. Now here we are Thursday night and I hadn't talked to him all week. He left a message with Marcus that he'ld be around at eight Saturday morning to go pick up the car. I gave Marcus the okay which I knew that he relayed to Leroy. Friday was our short day and we wrapped things up at noon, and then it was off to the house.
Friday night it was so nice and comfy being back home. My auntie had dinner ready and afterward we went to one of my grand auntie's house and spent time with her. I had time to catch up with other family members that came over. My uncle brought along a liter knowing family was coming, and I brought along a little something for like minded cousins. It was a great mini reunion, there were promises and bartering from one farm to the next. I mean everyone had a great and relaxing evening. As soon as we walked into the house, the phone started ringing and my auntie answered it. It was Leroy with a reminder and a request that I be ready, after asking if I had gone out. My aunt told him where we were, no I didn't go out, and they hung up. But I was like dude we're only going to pick up a fucking car.
Saturday morning and I'm awake before six like I'm going to work. I usually have to lie there and gather my thoughts, and plan my day. I remembered Leroy and his car but that wouldn't take the entire day. Maybe I could get a little fishing in on this trip. I could go deep down into the woods with my gear and a one hitter and just let shit slip away. I laid out my clothes, a nice sweat set, I may have to get on the ground. But I wasn't going to look bummy while doing it. To be honest I really didn't know now if Leroy was worth me crawling under a car for. But if there was a problem with the car we definitely weren't coming back home empty handed.
As I walked out of the bedroom headed to the shower I heard my auntie say hurry up and eat your breakfast. Seven-thirty showered, dress, and stuffed with breakfast I heard a horn outside. It was Leroy, dam near thirty minutes early. But now I don't care, it just means that I'll be back home and fishing earlier. There were good byes and I was out to a grinning fucking Leroy.
Leroy wasn't dicking around, he said that the car was maybe two hours away. He wanted to get it back to his house, work on it and then flip it. Leroy said something that made me look at his ass twice. First he said Denise wanted to buy him a brand new car off of the lot, and he dam near let her do it. He followed that up with a laugh, and said but you know me, I've gotta get my own dog. Now that was the Leroy that I knew. I looked over at Leroy eyeing him up and down he's dressed like we're headed to a night club, instead of possibly going to work. It really didn't register again that he was over dressed to be on the way to pick up a second, possibly a third hand vehicle. I looked at him again because he looked nervous and like he was thinking.
We rode for an hour plus talking off and on. I rolled a sedative for Leroy's nerves, this bitch was acting like we were on the way to put in some work. Coming up on an off ramp, about midways the trip, Leroy started slowing down and drifted off to the side of the road. Leroy said, "shit not again." I asked him what was wrong and he said, I've been having this problem lately. He got out with the key, I didn't know why, but I got out with him. Leroy said, "man we need to find a phone." I willingly admit that Leroy knew more about cars than I did at that time, so it was what it was.
We hit the ramp, found a gas station, and he asked to use the telephone. He explained to the manager that we had a break down, and that we would be waiting outside until our ride came. I didn't think of it at the time but both Tiffany and Denise had cell phones. From the moment that Leroy made the call maybe thirty minutes passed before Tiffany and Denise pulled into the gas station. How could they get here so fast, it took us more than an hour to get to this point. At the time I wasn't tripping, I was tired of waiting, and wanted to get on the road and go get this fucking car.
We rode back to the car with Leroy and Denise doing all of the talking. When Leroy got out I got out also intending to help him fix the car, but Tiffany stopped me. She said, "come here stranger", as I watched Denise hand Leroy what looked like a perfume box. But Tiffany snatched my attention away from Denise and Leroy as I walked up to her car door. She had the window down and she said, "come here strange." I didn't want her to feel like that, so I walked up and we fell into a conversation. Leroy walked away and popped the hood on his car, without any tools the car was fix, and he asked it I was ready. Denise and Tiffany asked if I was coming over. Tiffany said, I really want to cash in that IOU. I looked at her and dam she was gorgeous, there was no way that I could tell her no.
I returned to the car with Leroy who was rearing to go, but not to pick up his car. Now he was going to borrow his cousin's truck and trailer next week to pick up the car. Right now Denise and Tiffany wanted us to follow them back home. But this time I had a plan though, I was going home and getting my truck. After I told Leroy, he flagged Denise down and told her that I wanted to go home first. I had to get out and assure them that I was going to follow Leroy over, but that I wanted my truck.
Leroy dropped me off at home and I went inside for my keys. I was intending to run right back out but the house smelled of bake cookies. I went into my room and snagged a sack that I brought back. Then I walked out to my aunt and her one thousand questions. There were questions like are you going back out, did you get the car, and where is Leroy is he outside? I answered each question while snagging a few cookies and then bouncing.
Over at Denise's, I was arriving right after Tiffany and Denise. Leroy was sipping a drink while the women were putting hot pizza on paper plates. I was served up as soon as I sat down with hot pizza and cold beer. This was a good day as we listened to music and ate pizza, we played spades and ate pizza, we danced and ate pizza, and I finally had to fucking tap out. I don't know where in the fuck they kept getting all of that dam pizza. I sat at the table watching the three of them laughing, eating, and drinking. I could see where Tiffany and Denise were putting it, but where was Lil Leroy putting his.
I stepped outside grabbed some mints, my sack, and then stepped back in. Everyone had moved into the living room and were talking and relaxing. Leroy asked about something to smoke and I was so happy, after that crazy shit earlier I need something. First it gave me an excuse to sit at one of the stools at the counter. They seemed to be pairing up in the Living room and I didn't want to be put in that position. Tiffany and Denise were fixing drinks as I lit the blunt and took a hit. We all sat laughing and mellowing out while listening to music and puffing.
That's until with everyone feeling good, the radio switched up the music. The music slowed down becoming deeper, richer, and more soulful. Everyone sat closer or feet in laps as we sipped and talked, whispering at times. The girls decided that the mood was to good to just sit around. But Tiffany said, "wait I want to go and get comfortable." Denise jumped up and squealed, "wait on me Tif." They were indeed the best of friends as they went giggling into the bedroom. I asked Leroy what were they up to, but he only said they had been whispering and giggling all week. After this morning and that broken car shit, I didn't believe anything that Leroy said. We rolled up another blunt and sipped another drink while waiting on the ladies to return.
About twenty-five minutes later they both returned still giggling and whispering. What took them so long I really couldn't tell you. Their hair was the same, they may have touched up their make up, but the only thing that was visible was they both had on matching kimono robes. Just looking and I wondered what could be under robes this revealing. Tiffany modeled hers a little asking if I liked it, and honestly, hell yeah. Like I said she is a big bone, but boo is confident and gorgeous with it. As she sat down her robe slid up and I knew that there was nothing on beneath these things. Denise at the time, I thought was a weird lady. She sat down beside Leroy and rolled over into him, lifting her hip up and turning her ass over towards me.
Denise had to be aware that her ass was out as she whispered into Leroy's ear. Then she did another trick as she climbed over Leroy and the arm of the couch for the remote. If Tiffany and I didn't get a good look the first time she made sure that the second view came with pussy lips. Tiffany while snuggling in up under me was watching Denise's ass like she was watching television. Personally I was like what kind of shit is this. Denise sure that we had an eyeful grabbed the remote and began searching for her favorite music. Afterward Tiffany and Denise drunk and singing along with a few songs decided again that they wanted to dance.
Everyone was feeling really mellow, as lights were dimmed and we started dancing. My mind drifts a lot and I couldn't figure if these women liked dancing so much why didn't they club more. I thought about the Tiffany situation and it seemed she was down with whatever happen. I kissed her atop the head sealing the deal with myself to just stop fighting it. Tiffany pulled my face down and we shared a long passionate kiss as we danced about the dimly lit room. The mood was perfect as I ran my hand all over her ass. I didn't even think about it as I looked over at Leroy and Denise and saw her robe up and over her ass. My mind set adrift again and I started wondering why was my aunt baking cookies.
I thought back on everything that my aunt said and she never said anything about why she was baking cookies. My mind bounced around to other things, even Denise's ass and pussy lips. When my mind returned to the moment, Tiffany had my shirt pushed up and was kissing and biting my chest. She had my dick out of my sweats, and was massaging and jacking it. My dick was showing a semi erection in her skilled hands. I felt eyes on us, looked over and there was Denise staring at my dick. I reached down took my dick out of Tiffany's hands and put it back in to my sweats. I looked at Denise, who looked at me letting me know that she wasn't ashamed for looking.
Tiffany pulled me close and I kissed her again while swaying to the music. She grabbed my hand and lead me past Leroy and Denise into the bedroom. Denise's robe was still pulled up as Leroy and her swayed and kissed. This was some different shit, I was maybe twenty -one at the time and wasn't trying to look at my friend's number one lady or he mine.
I barely made it in the room and Tiffany had my dick back out of my sweats. She was determined with aggression that she was going to cash in on that IOU. She was now mostly stinging bites as she worked her way down to my dick. By the time that she reached my dick I had a full erection, as she slid me into her mouth. Mmmm the fucking warmth, the slippery heat as she slid me into her throat. Tiffany slid me all the way out until her teeth raked acrossed the head.
I raised up on my toes as she squeezed and released my balls with a rhythm. As she tongue fucked my dick hole I enjoyed watching her eat my precum. I pulled my shit over my head and lean against the door as Tiffany worked me in deeper with gagging sounds. Hahaha, fuck that shit boo, this is an IOU. I helped Tiffany up off of her knees and back up to my lips. As I kissed her, I touched her pussy. Ooh she was drenched as cream spilled out and down my fingers. This was a pussy that need to be eaten in the worst of ways. Tiffany had looked confused as I helped her off of her knees like she wasn't doing a great job. But boo was to dam good as I led her over to the bed. I took the time and released her robe and she let it slide to the floor. I watched her ass as she climb up on the bed and it made me think of Denise leaning over with ass and pussy lips exposed. Mmmm, the bitch knew what she was doing as I watched. I reached out and grabbed Tiffany by the hips and pulled her back on to the edge of the bed. On her knees and with her thighs spread my plan of attack was simple.
Since our first night I had plans for this ass. While looking down at this heart shaped peach over her thighs and lifting up on her ass cheeks. I took the time and spread them looking at her asshole, mmmm delish. Tiffany wasn't expecting this as I grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled her up into a kneeling position. Dam, feeling her body pressed against mine like this was taking me to other realms. I kissed the side of her face and fed from her mouth, kissed and sucked her ears with bites along the shoulders and neck. There was no way that this canvas wouldn't be marred tomorrow.
I lost myself and found myself in her scent. The moans that she released as my hands found and moulded her breast roughly. Hahaha, pinching and twisting her nipples, as she squealed and ground her ass into me, I tugged and released over and over. A darkness moved me as I lifted her hair kissing and biting her nape with no rhyme or reason until my hand slapped across her breast and nipple. I heard a skeet escape her pussy as she shook in place, Tiffany attempted to lower herself back down on to all fours. While being restrained the slap came across the other breast and nipple, Tiffany moaned as if in agreement.
The moans and squeals told the dark to bring it on, as I kissed my way down her back I slowly allowed her to lower herself back onto all four. As I reached the top of her ass kissing I released Tiffany's hair and raked my fingers down her back and over her ass. I came back up slapping both ass cheeks soundly, and then repeating. She didn't have time to notice my mouth introducing itself to her ass cheeks. The sucks and pops that started from the top and then drifted midways, The bites along the outside of her ass crack as I nipped my way back up.
I used raking fingers to pry her ass checks apart, yes there's no rush. Just remain above her asshole tongue flickering and licking, now stab that asshole. I felt her asshole grab my tongue and pinch it, pushing it out. Hahaha a true virgin, taking my time to enjoy one of life's little gifts. I feather kissed and licked all about her asshole. As Tiffany began to moan again my tongue stabbed that asshole and I slapped both of her ass cheeks. Hahaha lick it hard and then repeat, but was she ready, had she relaxed enough for the next step.
I decided to give her more time and then field test with a prostrate exam later. Tiffany's ass cheeks and thighs were quivering as I ate my way down farther. I turned around, slid under her on my back, and then pulled her down lower. I could hear the marijuana saying, "mmmm" as my mouth came into contact with her pussy. Tiffany's pussy was like turning up a glass of cream, she was fucking soaking. This pussy needed eating and eating good, as I sucked a lip into my mouth. This pussy was the gift that kept on giving as I lick from her perineum to her clit trying to over take the flow.
The darkness assured me that I could stop it or overtake it, as my thumb slid over and into her asshole. Tiffany clenched up and as she came I sucked her clit and labia. It was as if she was about to collapse as she dropped down lower onto her elbows. I got scared snatched my thumb out and pushed two fingers up in there. Tiffany's pussy was responding as I worked my two fingers in and out of her asshole, I attacked her vestibular bulbs with hard fucking tongue. I heard a squeal and then a scream as the bottom fell out of her pussy. With Tiffany cumming again I locked on to her clenching pussy.
But Tiffany was ready now for the next step, as she ground her sopping pussy all over my mouth and face. I continually monitored how relaxed her asshole had become, until now she was wrapped around three fingers. I slid out from under Tiffany while removing my sweats and sneakers. I ran my dick up and down along her slit, but as she pushed back I slapped her across the ass and removed my dick. Again I slid my dick up and down along her pussy slit, again she tried to slide back on it, and again I slapped her across the ass.
The entire time I was standing there looking at this peach colored ass. My mind was gyrating and flashing with images of Denise's ass and then Tiffany's as I stepped in between Tiffany's legs. But this is where it becomes a joint venture as I reached up and took each of her hands and placed them each onto a ass cheek. With a slap to the bottom of the ass cheeks and both thighs and she got the message pulling her cheeks apart.
I went back in face first teasing and relaxing Tiffany's asshole again. I reached lower and thumb flicked her clit as I tossed Tiffany's salad. Tiffany ground with pressure as she orgasmed again on my face. I rise up lying my dick head in her asshole. I knew that there were questions, a little fear even of the unknown. To add to the suspense I let my head lie on her asshole and simply spit all over my head and shaft. Finally as I pushed the head in Tiffany raised up on to her toes.
There's time boo, as I urged her back down, nibbling at the small of her back and cooing to her. Slowly, ever so slowly, and with minimum pressure work up a rhythm of short strokes. Allowing Tiffany to adjust before pushing in deeper, but now she's breathing deeper, and when I stop she's trying to push back. Another slap on the back of the thighs told her that it was time to shift gears as she released her ass cheeks and returned to her elbows. I grabbed Tiffany by both ass cheeks and slowly introduced another full inch. Tiffany raised up and tried to more forward, but I held her and without move allowed her asshole to adjust again.
Now the darkness signaled movement was needed as I crossed hands to opposite hips. This was for controlling her movement, but also my depth and not hurting her. I was determined not to give her no more than half on her first time as I moved in and out of her ass. Just think of a pussy or an asshole as a wild mare. Any great cowboy will tell you to never fully break a wild horse. If you ever do fully break a wild mare, she's only good for the pasture or kitchen afterwards. I didn't want to break Tiffany as I watched one of her knees rise off of the bed. With a slap to the ass I wanted obedience as I watched it drop back down. As I held fucked with a rhythm I watched her back arch and listened to her skeeting as ripples moved along her back.
This was short fucking at it's best as I pushed against the tightness, feeling her asshole clamping with each orgasm. Tiffany's hands were clenched into fist fighting every last orgasm. I slapped her ass again and with no certain rhythm, throwing her off, as her ass hole began sucking my dick. I intended to finish this session in her asshole, by the time that I fucked her pussy it would be jumping. I closed my eyes seeing myself pumping deeper and deeper into Tiffany's ass. Denise appeared pulling her ass cheeks apart as she laid across the arm of the chair. The darkness had me in it's grasp as I felt Tiffany orgasm with a choking grip and I released my full load into her ass.
I knew that I wasn't through with Tiffany as I held her for a moment looking at that beautiful gaping ass hole. I then slowly released her heaving body letting her collapse onto the bed. Tiffany wiggled up towards the pillows and there she collapsed facing me. Proud for the moment I climbed over her and wrapped her up in my arm. She was breathing heavily as I moved the inside and backside of my hand up and down her body. I whispered into her ear what a good girl she had been and how brave she was. But there was so many more fucking things I wanted to do with that ass, including one day complete getting into it.
Tiffany recovered quickly and then she started talking. She had wanted to try anal for some time now and now she had and she liked it. She wanted me to visit her home on my trip over there. She wanted my to stay with her the entire weekend with her. She would really like it if I took the job that Leroy found for me closer to home. She also really wanted the two of us to have a relationship like Leroy and Denise's shit. That last thing went in one ear and out the other one, I personally didn't know what that was they had.
But I assured her that I would think about it and I was really being honest. There was something that I had only suspected, but now I ask Tiffany if Denise and her were with Leroy last weekend at the hotel. she said that they were and that they only meant to bring me home. She said that there wasn't any car for Leroy to buy or pick up. She then said something that Leroy had said, "don't you think that Denise would buy him any car that he wants?" He won't let her buy him anything, he only eats meals that she cook and have sex, that's it. Leroy is independent when it comes to taking care of himself, it's one of the things that "Dee" love about him. He won't let her put gas in his car or help him with his house.
Now this was the Leroy that I knew. I liked hearing that about him and him still remaining somewhat true. I listened to Tiffany breathing until she was in a deep sleep. Then I got up took a piss and a shower, and then came back to bed. While in the shower I thought on things like moving back home and being with family and friends whenever. The thought of in house pussy really appealed to me, long conversations, and sleeping with a every night. Tiffany was turned in the opposite direction when I returned. I slid down in the the bed and with her holding my head, I suckled at her breast until I went to sleep.
I knew that it wouldn't be hard to sleep in this bed because I had slept here before. Butat some point I woke up and I was in the bed alone. I could hear noises in the bathroom and the shower was running. I thought about Tiffany washing the dirt off and I smiled to myself as I drifted off to sleep again.
I really don't know how long that I slept the second time. I don't remember dreaming or even breathing, I only remember fighting my way back up from the murk with a weight still tied around my ankle. as I came awake I also became aware that I wasn't at home. I knew that I was at Denise's and in bed with Tiffany. I also became aware that I couldn't move. There was weight on my legs and across my chest. My darkness doesn't like being restrained. Before I opened my eyes I knew that my dick was semi erect and that there was a mouth on my dick.
Laughingly I was thinking Tiffany and kamikaze at the same time. Hell she got up took a shower and with a sneak attack she came back for round two. But here was Tiffany lying across my chest and biting her way along my biceps towards my shoulders. I wanted to touch her ass and play with her pussy as her teeth found my pecs. She licked and bit her way up to my neck adding more steel to my dick. I wrenched my hand and arm free, the darkness needed to be free, to think and to enjoy. While exploring Tiffany's pussy, here and now suddenly struck me. If Tiffany was up here kissing the side of my face and my mouth, then who was on my legs and sucking my dick.
As if on cue and like she read my mind, Tiffany stopped kissing me, replacing her lips with her hand over my mouth. She reared up from my chest and crawled down towards my dick with who else but Denise. I wasn't surprised after earlier today and how it all played out. But I had rules and rule number one was "keep your dick out of someone else's pussy." So far it didn't matter if she was married or just with someone, I never slept with anyone in a relationship.
Now looking at Denise expertly swallow and tease my dick, and with Tiffany now joining in, mmmm. I watched as they both slurped and popped my dick. their stares into each other's eyes and the passionate kisses that they shared with each other. I watched as tiffany slid down farther and behind Denise. I could tell that she was eating Denise's pussy, by Denise's breathing and how she was holding my dick in her throat.
I grabbed a fist full of Denise's hair as I fucked her throat, I fucking loved the gagging and slobbing. Denise climbed up atop me and tried to kiss my mouth. I just knew she had sucked Leroy's dick earlier. She noticed me turning my head and said out loud, "I didn't fuck Leroy tonight, and besides Tif and I just took a shower together." I remember hearing the shower running and hearing the noise, I finally allowed her to kiss my mouth. Denise used more tongue than Tiffany, but she was no Tiffany.
Tiffany was a one woman wrecking crew, now working both dick and balls not to be out done. There was no way that I would've graduated going to college with these two. Denise slid her breast into my mouth, as she ran her nails up and down from my abs to my pecs. I felt her as she lifted herself up and climbed atop my face. Simultaneously Tiffany rose up and was about to ride my dick, were these bitches working a tag team or some shit. It was obvious to me that they had done this shit before.
But I remember the darkness taking over shit, my mind was scrambling in panic mode. Have I ever heard of someone suffocating while eating a big bone's pussy? Is it possible for a big bone to ride a dick and fucking break it? Shit is it possible to break a fucking dick? How fucking low was my THC and alcohol levels? Dam I could use some answers and a blunt right fucking now.
I found out quickly that Denise was a screamer and she couldn't take a lot of oral sex. But I loved the feel of her pussy in my mouth with those nice full lips. I ate at her pussy savagely, savoring sucking on a plum of a clit. Once the combination was known it was child's play to make her lean forward on Tiffany trembling. I grabbed a hold onto those big hips as I went in face first, whole hog, truly enjoying this moment for the here and now.
Denise wanted to switch positions with Tiffany and ride up top. But fuck that shit tag me in. I was really in need and couldn't fuck like I wanted with both of these big bones holding me down. As they got off of me to switch positions, I quickly sprung up also. I was thinking again of Denise leaning over the arm of that couch. So I forcefully turned her around and onto all four. My inner beast felt the freedom of having them off the top penning him up. I felt an incredibly hunger as I entered Denise from behind.
Dam this bitch was a screamer from the pits. There was no way that Leroy was in this house as I pounded my way into Denise. I wanted dominance back as Tiffany slid down in front of Denise and started feeding her pussy. This drove me as I heard Denise's screams and felt her lock up with her pussy convulsing. I slapped her on the ass and she started shaking again. The moment said not to stop to take advantage as her pussy joined in talking back
But I wasn't going to bust my nut in Denise, I wanted to fuck Tiffany. I knew that it was almost morning and I was leaving here without breakfast. I had tons to process and I needed to be alone to think. But a pussy talking does something to a man, just looking at a woman's back and ass quivering automatically hits a reset in your balls.
I pulled out of Denise's still cumming pussy and went down sucking her off again. I stuck my tongue in her gaping pussy totally proud of myself as I again slapped her on her ass. She didn't even notice as I climbed over her back and into Tiffany's waiting pussy. I paused as Denise massaged and then sucked each of my balls. I remember thinking, how did anyone finish college with these two fucking like this.
As I pumped my way deeper in to Tiffany's pussy it was like Denise wasn't even there. The darkness was with me and I trusted my darkness. I heard Denise say into my ear, "I told you me and my girl share everything," I don't know if they were her actual words or just something in my head. But it was on a loop and I watched as Denise crawled around and began tongue kissing with Tiffany. I banged at Tiffany's pussy harder and deeper, I don't know if it was a punishment or what.
I became aware as Denise began biting my pecks like clamps. Then she said the weirdest thing, she said, "the next time that you come here I want the same thing that you gave Tif today." My darkness said, "you know that Leroy has been fucking both of these women." I could see it in my mind, the three of them had been fucking every since they met. I looked at Denise brushing Tiffany's hair away, kissing her mouth and breast, and I knew that I was right. I took my time and bust my nut, then allowed Tiffany and Denise to clean me up. I had to go home, I really needed to think.
I spent another hour maybe a little more lying on the bed with Tiffany and Denise, simply massaging each other and talking. They watched me getting dressed and then made a big stink about me staying little while longer. "Why not take the job Leroy has for you and just stay here with us? You could stay over at Tif's every night if you worked closer to home." Okay I promise I'm going to think about all of this. But were these bitches in my fucking head or something, I was thinking on this shit off and on all night.
My mind at the time was like get out of this room with a still naked Denise and take your ass home. My mind said Leroy would be home soon, there's no way he could spend all day away from this pussy. As I walked out I was about to drop the remainder of my sack on the coffee for Leroy. But shit I thought he must have some weed by now, besides I needed to burn one on the way home. Now can you imagine my surprise as I walked out of the house and there was Leroy's car in the driveway. Leroy had been home all fucking night. The entire time that Denise had been screaming her ass off. I jumped in my shit the raggedest ride in this area, waved at a neighbor as I rolled one and fired up, and then got the fuck off from around those people.
I stepped into the house to a lot of where were you and why didn't you call? I partially explained where I was on the way to the shower. There was this crazy urge to suddenly scrub my body. After a hot shower and a hot breakfast the world started looking better.
I called Marcus and told him not to pick me up, I told him that I was going to drive myself back. He was a little alarmed asking if everything was okay. I assured him that everything was indeed okay, that I just needed to think. He made sure to put in a dinner request and we hung up. My aunt sent extra everything that day along with a cake that she didn't want sitting around the house.
Monday morning and my mind had been made up and Leroy had struck out. I found Lester on the job and asked him if his boss was hiring. He said that he would let me know something by the end of the day. I had made up my mind to move out of the room with Marcus and into my own room.
Basically I broke things down to Marcus and his dad telling them that Friday would be my last day. I didn't go into shit, I just needed to move on. I went one town over and got myself a room and didn't tell Marcus where I was staying. But Marcus and I was cool and we talked and clowned every day. Marcus's dad stopped me one day fishing for answers on why I left his crew for less money. He said he thought that Marcus and I had a run in but that he saw us laughing and talking. He told me that Marcus told him that I saved his life one night at the club. I told him that I just had some info that I thought he needed to know. He told me thank you and said I always had a job with him. He reminded me to not be a stranger and to come around more.
I took to hanging around with Lester more and fucking with the locals. Lester's crew was dam near finished on this site and then they were moving even farther away from Leroy. This suited me perfectly and it was nearly four months before I returned home. During that time I ran Leroy and his harem through my mind several times.
I had as a teen did some swinging if you want to call it that. I had skipped school and we all would meet up at a friend's house and spend the day sucking and fucking. The first adult that I slept with told me not to fall in love with her that it was only sex. Then she introduced me to her girlfriend who joined us on multiple occasions fucking. I knew how to separate sex from the makings of a relationship, when I was in on the joke.
I think that was my main issue, I was the only one not in the know of shit. Hell I could had fucked Tiffany each time and not give a shit. Then because of Tiffany and Denise's kamikaze attack, I was the only one really not given the choice. I wasn't mad about it I really had a great time with both Tiffany and Denise. It should be illegal to have pussy and a mouth like those two. But I just wasn't in that stage, or that frame of mind at that point in my life. I was worried about hurting someone or being hurt by someone. I didn't realize that this was all no strings attached, but they did, especially Leroy. Who I told that I didn't want to hurt Tiffany, he could had put me on to many times.
But I actually met up with Leroy at a cook out over at Marcus dad's house a year or so later. we talked a bit and then he tried to get me to leave and go out clubbing. I decided that he was still up to the same shit and so I dipped out on his ass. But after that I saw him several times with Denise and several times without. I happened upon Tiffany about three years later and found out why she hadn't been with Leroy and Denise. She wasn't one anymore. she was now three. She had upped her game to live in dick, which lead to the cutest baby boy that you can imagine.
She introduced me to her live in partner and the baby, and we all talked. Tiffany had lost a lot of weight, and although she was still a big bone, it looked good on her. We discussed where and what we each had been up to, as I said Tiffany was easy conversation. Tiffany's partner walked away chasing the baby, and then Tiffany's conversation changed. It appeared he was no Leroy, he was more than happy to sit on his ass and spend her money. She wanted to know if I had stopped by Denise and Leroy's place. She asked if I would please, please, come over later and I promised that I would try to make it. But I wasn't hustling backwards and so I watched her ass as she walked away smiling. I still remember the power between those fucking thighs. as I turned and walked away I remember myself saying, "Fuck Leroy."
Saturday morning I got a late start, I wanted to mow the lawn and clean the yard up. I went outside just knowing that I was going to have a fight with that stupid lawn mower. But to my surprise it started up, and I mowed and weeded the entire yard. I went over and mowed one of my grand aunt's yard and still was back before lunch.
My uncle was out front and asked if I wanted to do a little fishing. He also said that Leroy had called several times asking if I had returned. I jumped right out of my truck and into the truck with my uncle, this was a family day. I was told that my cousins would be at the house when we returned and not leaving until tomorrow.This was cool because without going into the house I know that my aunt is planning a big meal.
While fishing I notice that my uncle didn't have a flask and he wasn't drinking beer. But I knew why not, of three daughters, two were married to men in the military. Both had already served for a few years with one in the Marines and one in the Army. But between three son in laws my uncle knew that he couldn't start drinking before these guys. I really think that he was running from his military friends just as I was running from Leroy.
With the fishing done and more than enough fish for a fish fry. My uncle shared drinks and fishing lies with his son in laws. We all cleaned up the fish. There is one son in law that is non military, non southern, and a few years earlier we had to teach him to clean fish. But now they all moved as one, even lifting their drink at the same time. I ducked out after cleaning my fair share, it was time for a shower and some clean clothes. Leroy called later but after hearing the family in the background, he knew that I was in for the night. Then he handed the phone over to Tiffany who made me promise to see her the next day before leaving.
I wasn't mad because Leroy handed the phone over to Tiffany. Tiffany's that type of person with beauty and the conversation to match, besides I wanted to see her again. There was so many things that she brought out of me every fucking time that I saw her. It simply wasn't about sex, she was on a level completely her own. But and then I thought of the navel ring and her being waxed, maybe her size was her tool of deception. I didn't want to think of her like that so I pushed the thought out of my mind for tonight.
The next morning I was awoken at six promptly. People were walking around in the house and my little cousins were running about laughing. It was time for me to get dressed and join in the action. I had purchased a super soaker since their last visit and I entered the battle fucking shit up. We were peeking around corners, crawling on the floor, and we all got yelled at about spraying water in the house.
We were just about to take the action outside when Marcus called. It's fucking seven-thirty what does he want? He said, "glad I caught you up man, I'm just calling to say I'll be around by three." Like okay, but I already know that, it's the usual time. "Hey is your auntie fixing a big dinner today? Yes it's Sunday, she always fix a big dinner on Sundays. "Hey man don't forget to bring me a plate when I pick you up." She always fixes you and your pops a plate on Sunday, so why wouldn't she do it today? But then the real reason for the call came through. As I was hanging up Leroy jumped on the phone saying he would be at the house in thirty minutes.
I showered and with dry clothes on I came out of the bedroom to Leroy's voice. As I told you, he's a people's person, he was walking around eating bacon and talking to everyone. He asked if I had already had breakfast and of course I had a cereal race earlier with my little cousins. After a quick game of tag/you're it, and my auntie asking me to be home at one, we were out the door.
Everything was going along smoothly with Leroy running his usual game. He would never had called me so early if it hadn't been for Tiffany. I told him that I already knew he was the reason for Marcus's call. But I told him that I wasn't mad and that I did promise to see Tiffany today. We was cool as we pulled up to Denise's place and got out. Before going inside I told Leroy twelve-thirty and I'm out the door even if I have to walk. He said he was cool with that as we entered the house.
Inside Denise's house was filled with warmth, the smell of breakfast, and the sound of old school soul music. Tiffany and Denise could both be heard in the kitchen. Leroy having made himself a new home automatically fixed me a drink before disappearing into a bedroom. I sat on a barstool at the counter talking to both ladies until he returned smoking a blunt. He passed the blunt and an ashtray off to me before setting himself down at the table. I was offered breakfast, which I declined. Leroy threw his two cents in saying to Denise and Tiffany I told you he doesn't eat like that. He just left a kitchen full of breakfast and he ate cereal this morning. I still didn't feel right smoking in Denise's house, I wondered how much this shit cost her. But you know that saying this was Rome and I was expected to do as the Romans did, so I puffed away.
Tiffany and Denise were both still in short robes, as they finished eating and started clearing everything away. I will say it again, Denise and now Tiffany, neither could bend over in these tiny robes. The slightest bend would had exposed all of their business to the world. As Tiffany walked by she kissed me on the side of the face heading into the bedroom. Denise excused herself as Leroy joined me on the barstools. He relit the blunt, hit it a few times, and said dam that's some good weed. We puffed until Tiffany came to the bedroom door and called me in there.
Before I walked into the bedroom Leroy asked, "do you have anymore of this weed?" I told him "yes" because Leroy had always shared with me. I promised to hook him up when I came out of the bedroom. But Tiffany was standing at the door and she was waiting for me.
As I walked towards her, I could see that she had showered. She was looking like a big spoon of yumminess as always. She was wearing a different kimono robe with lots of cleavage exposed. My mind immediately thought maybe her aunt Flo had already left. She turned from the door as I approached and I watched her hips swaying as she walked towards the bed. I could see the outline of the granny panties and as she climbed up and across the bed I could see them. Aunt Flo was still here.
After removing my sneakers I climbed up on the bed with her. Here face to face, eyes to eyes, breaths swirling before exchanging, and she spoke to me. I mean really tried to speak to me, the inner me. She wanted to get there, in that place, there inside of me. But I never allow anyone to touch me there, she sensed it and retreated. But the conversation was intelligent, stimulating, and then hot and steamy. She pressed herself up against me and refused to back down.
I allowed her to hold my face in her hands as she kissed my lips, first softly, almost timid. But as I threw my hand over her waist her kisses became more passionate as her breathing deepened. There was lots of tongue as we pulled each other harder. Tiffany pushed my tee up and over my head as I noticed that her kimono had came undone. Her soft peach colored skin had drifted from her face covering her entire body. I had no thought as I reached out grasping one of her breast as if plucking a peach from a tree.
As Tiffany laid back down besides me it was automatic, as if natural that her breast fell right into my mouth. As I nibbled, suckled, and knead Tiffany cuddled my head like a baby. I ran my hand up and down over her hips, grasping and slapping. Tiffany split my legs with hers, and of course I knew this move. She began grinding her padded pussy as she slid up and down my leg. As she squeezed both my head and leg tighter, I sucked harder and pulled her ass tighter. I felt her as wave after wave of quaking energy erupted in her body. My mouth found it's way back to hers and I lived off of her breathing for me as she worked up another rhythm.
Tiffany was definitely hungry as she began squealing loudly with every seizing orgasm. I was sucking on her neck once and bit down on her ear, her claws sprang out and into my shoulders. To pacify me she kissed my face all the way down to my pecs, there she began nibbling and tugging down and over my abs. She ran her hand down my sweats and shorts, and started stroking my dick. But I was far beyond a hand job now, she had ground against me for to long
She took the time to stop and remove my sweats and shorts. Tiffany was amazing, she only used one hand and her feet. She lifted herself up and moved over in between my legs. This had tons of possibilities as I looked into her beautiful eyes. While holding my dick Tiffany began nipping up and down on the insides of my thighs, tugging at the hairs. I was feeling it as she stroked my dick with gripping and releasing pressure. I promise I barely noticed when she slipped one of my balls into her mouth.
Shit, how do you learn the proper amount of mouth to balls pressure. There was so many pleasures as this little hungry hippo switched balls, before lifting my sack and using her teeth along my perineum. Never once did she put my dick into her mouth until she laid her head over on the side on my thigh. There was so much thought going into it as she licked all over the head and stabbed at that peepee hole feasting on precum. It was excruciating when she slid me in past her mouth. Tiffany grabbed me by my outer thighs and began pulling and pushing herself. It felt so good fucking her throat and watching that ass bouncing, moving back and forth.
There was no breast or ass to grab, so I was forced to clasp both hands over my head. I listened to her gurping sounds until she returned to teasing and torturing my head. Tiffany's mouth was again acting like a pussy edging my dick. The light went out with a violent eruption, as I hit the back of her throat, she squeezed my balls. Tiffany held me in her throat squeezing as I emptied myself into her throat. Then she slid the head back into her mouth and punished it with sucking kisses. Haha, bitch smiled at me as she swallowed and then licked me clean.
Instead of Tiffany climbing back up and into my arms, she slid off of the end of the bed and headed for the bathroom. I could hear the water running in the bathroom. I got up and got my clothes up off the floor and placed them on the end of the bed. As I climbed back on the bed Tiffany came out of the bathroom looking spring fresh. In her hand was a wash cloth. She looked at my clothes on the end of the bed and she said, "Leroy said you don't have to leave until twelve-thirty, but before you leave I'm going to make sure that you're drained. After washin up my dick she began all over again with an entirely different approach.
I made up my mind that I was going to have to give this Tiffany thing some serious thought. As Leroy drove me home we twisted one out of some that I had on me, and I gave Leroy the rest of the sack. Most people don't know what Leroy has done for me, even the job that I have was because of Leroy. He had his good points and you had to weigh them against his bad points. We sat in his car talking for a minute once I got home. Everyone was still there as I tried to find out where Leroy and Denise were as a couple. Leroy stayed there as I thought, but he still maintained his own residence. As I got out I thought I heard him say we're together but we're keeping things open.
I didn't think about it again until heading back the the hotel with Marcus and the crew. My aunt had fixed enough food for Marcus and his pop also. After giving everyone their food, I laid on the bed thinking of this thing with Tiffany. Tiffany was showing signs of attachment, hell even love. I didn't want to go in that direction and there was no way in the world that I wanted to hurt her. This time I truly needed to stay away from Tiffany. there wasn't going to be anything but pain for both of us if I didn't draw the line somewheres.
During the work week Marcus explained that he was on the outs with his lady. He spent nearly all of his free time on the phone trying to work things out. On Wednesday a friend that was also a local invited me out that weekend. I took him up on it and agreed to get up with him and his friends. Somehow Marcus caught wind of what was going on. On Thursday he announced that he wasn't returning home for the weekend. We started planning as young men what we was going to do, as if by magic Leroy started calling. Leroy as you know is a packaged deal, Tiffany and Denise were always on the phone immediately. I had a talk with Marcus and asked him to stop telling Leroy my personal shit, like when I was coming home.
Friday night and everyone had left, only Marcus and I were left at the hotel. Marcus father had left his truck with Marcus, and he drove everyone home in the van. My friend, Lester, called and said what time we were to meet him at the club. But Marcus and I was tired of sitting in a hotel room. We both needed to see and smell some fucking females. Lester assured me this was a nice quiet spot with no trouble that we were meeting up at. So Marcus and I said fuck it and we headed over to the club.
Lester was right about the spot. There was no doubt that Marcus and I wasn't dressed right for this place. These motherfuckers were walking the red carpet. Hell Marcus and I only had on work clothes but we were clean and unintimidated. We both walked in and saw this place for exactly what it was, a grocery store. Marcus veered off in his own direction and towards the bar.I turned and walked deeper into the club looking at all of the yumminess. I finally stopped and started a conversation with two female friends that were out sharing a night.
Their names were Tisha and Leslie, and they asked if I wanted to sit down with them. From where I was sitting I could see Marcus and what he was up to with what had to be the baddest female in this town. I instantly felt like he was in there, as I watched her reach out and touch his hair. They were sitting at the bar face to face, sipping their drinks and smiling. We were all having a good time as I ordered drinks just for the ladies. I promised that I would drink something but later, not now. I felt fucking good sitting here socializing with not one, but two beautiful ladies.
I was in the right spot to see my partner, Lester, as he walked in. Dam that bitch was clean also just like he was walking the red carpet. I watched as his lady and him made the rounds, first to the bar, and then they sat at a table. I wasn't worried when he was ready he came over and found me. I excused myself and followed him to the bathroom where he handed me a sack. As I was about to leave lester asked, "aint that your partner at the bar talking with that beautiful lady?" I said, "yeah that's a bad bitch aint she?" He asked, "is that really your partner, I mean do you like him?" I said, "yeah that's my roomy." Lester said, " then you better pull his tail, old girl has AIDS and she's giving it to everyone that will sleep with her." I said, "bullshit, you hate seeing him with that bad bitch." Lester put the nail in the coffin by asking, " why do you think she's by herself and none of the locals are trying to fuck her." He said, "everyone in that club knows unless they are from out of town."
I thanked him for the weed and the info. I promised to relay the info and leave it in his hands. I dapped Lester before leaving the bathroom and heading to the bar for Marcus. He was watching as I walked out of the bathroom and towards him. Hell he knew what was up and was already smiling as I walked up and introduced myself. I invited him outside and he said what he had to say to get away from his date. But in the truck while puffing I told him what wassaid to me, even about the locals staying away from her. Shortly after returning inside he joined me at the table with Tisha and Leslie.
Everything simply fell into place, Marcus took an interest in Tisha, and for this night Leslie and I hit it off. Before we could leave Marcus's date from earlier walked up to the table. She was furious after finding out that we worked with Lester. She was spitting venom as she screamed, " you better tell Lester if he doesn't stay out of my business I'm gonna fuck him up." The women were both locals and knew what was going on, and to keep things civil we all simply left for the hotel.
Marcus said good night while holding Tisha by the hand, as he headed off towards his pop's room. No sooner than Leslie and I got comfortable, Marcus was back at the door knocking. He needed to get something out of his bag and he wanted to roll up a blunt out of the sack. I rolled up one for Leslie and myself, while Marcus fixed four drinks. He grabbed two of the cups and then headed back out the door and to Tisha. Leslie and I got high and then enjoyed a raunchy night together trying to push each other over the edges. It was exciting to see who could take it and who would tap out.
Marcus and Tisha came in the next morning as Leslie was getting dressed. The girls had followed us in their own car and so their were only promises of meeting them tonight before they left. And Leroy being Leroy called not thirty minutes after the girls left announcing that he was almost at the hotel. What the fuck, Marcus looked at me and I looked at him, what the fuck was Leroy doing here. This was a four hour drive from home, why would he be here? I knew that Leroy wasn't driving all this way for nothing. But Marcus being Marcus got all excited about going out tonight with his cousin, although Leroy never said any such thing.
Leroy had arrived and was in the room with an iced drink in his hand before noon. He was his usual self in a way laughing and talking, but there was something else there. Marcus invited him out with us that night and for whatever reason Leroy looked at his watch. Then he said, "I'm not here for the night, I only came because I need my main man to look out for me." I asked him what was up as I was rolling up. He said that he was buying a car and had to move it this weekend.
This didn't make sense right out the gate because Leroy had an extra large family. There was owners of trucks, towing dollies, and trailers all in that family. Why would he need me? Even though he swore that he did and that he had driven four hours for my help. Hell he had even thought shit out, "you can come and help me and then catch unk back tomorrow." I told him that I had a date tonight and if he stayed he could meet someone also. He came at me a few more times before making up his mind that I wasn't going home. We finished smoking with Leroy looking at his watch again and again, and then announcing that he was heading back. He asked if I could help him the next weekend and I promised that I would, with that Leroy took some dap and then bounced. My mind told me that Leroy wasn't alone, who goes to buy a second hand car dressed for the club.
That night was a replay of the previous one and now we had local pussy. But the week that followed was shit. Leroy kept calling although I wouldn't talk to him. I knew why he was calling and could just see them waiting besides him. I could see this all ending badly with more than Tiffany and myself getting hurt. Marcus's pop was pissed and on the war path all week. Marcus had used his room two nights and hadn't cleaned up behind himself. To get himself out of trouble a little he told his pop that Leroy had offered me a job back home with him. I ducked out this was a family thing and Marcus's pop had already lost two masons to family members with businesses closer to home.
But I wasn't going anyways that family had treated me to dam good. I had already told Marcus and Leroy that I was happy where I was at. There was no doubt in my mind who was thinking for Leroy. I broke shit down for him with Marcus in attendance that I didn't want to hurt Tiffany. Now here we are Thursday night and I hadn't talked to him all week. He left a message with Marcus that he'ld be around at eight Saturday morning to go pick up the car. I gave Marcus the okay which I knew that he relayed to Leroy. Friday was our short day and we wrapped things up at noon, and then it was off to the house.
Friday night it was so nice and comfy being back home. My auntie had dinner ready and afterward we went to one of my grand auntie's house and spent time with her. I had time to catch up with other family members that came over. My uncle brought along a liter knowing family was coming, and I brought along a little something for like minded cousins. It was a great mini reunion, there were promises and bartering from one farm to the next. I mean everyone had a great and relaxing evening. As soon as we walked into the house, the phone started ringing and my auntie answered it. It was Leroy with a reminder and a request that I be ready, after asking if I had gone out. My aunt told him where we were, no I didn't go out, and they hung up. But I was like dude we're only going to pick up a fucking car.
Saturday morning and I'm awake before six like I'm going to work. I usually have to lie there and gather my thoughts, and plan my day. I remembered Leroy and his car but that wouldn't take the entire day. Maybe I could get a little fishing in on this trip. I could go deep down into the woods with my gear and a one hitter and just let shit slip away. I laid out my clothes, a nice sweat set, I may have to get on the ground. But I wasn't going to look bummy while doing it. To be honest I really didn't know now if Leroy was worth me crawling under a car for. But if there was a problem with the car we definitely weren't coming back home empty handed.
As I walked out of the bedroom headed to the shower I heard my auntie say hurry up and eat your breakfast. Seven-thirty showered, dress, and stuffed with breakfast I heard a horn outside. It was Leroy, dam near thirty minutes early. But now I don't care, it just means that I'll be back home and fishing earlier. There were good byes and I was out to a grinning fucking Leroy.
Leroy wasn't dicking around, he said that the car was maybe two hours away. He wanted to get it back to his house, work on it and then flip it. Leroy said something that made me look at his ass twice. First he said Denise wanted to buy him a brand new car off of the lot, and he dam near let her do it. He followed that up with a laugh, and said but you know me, I've gotta get my own dog. Now that was the Leroy that I knew. I looked over at Leroy eyeing him up and down he's dressed like we're headed to a night club, instead of possibly going to work. It really didn't register again that he was over dressed to be on the way to pick up a second, possibly a third hand vehicle. I looked at him again because he looked nervous and like he was thinking.
We rode for an hour plus talking off and on. I rolled a sedative for Leroy's nerves, this bitch was acting like we were on the way to put in some work. Coming up on an off ramp, about midways the trip, Leroy started slowing down and drifted off to the side of the road. Leroy said, "shit not again." I asked him what was wrong and he said, I've been having this problem lately. He got out with the key, I didn't know why, but I got out with him. Leroy said, "man we need to find a phone." I willingly admit that Leroy knew more about cars than I did at that time, so it was what it was.
We hit the ramp, found a gas station, and he asked to use the telephone. He explained to the manager that we had a break down, and that we would be waiting outside until our ride came. I didn't think of it at the time but both Tiffany and Denise had cell phones. From the moment that Leroy made the call maybe thirty minutes passed before Tiffany and Denise pulled into the gas station. How could they get here so fast, it took us more than an hour to get to this point. At the time I wasn't tripping, I was tired of waiting, and wanted to get on the road and go get this fucking car.
We rode back to the car with Leroy and Denise doing all of the talking. When Leroy got out I got out also intending to help him fix the car, but Tiffany stopped me. She said, "come here stranger", as I watched Denise hand Leroy what looked like a perfume box. But Tiffany snatched my attention away from Denise and Leroy as I walked up to her car door. She had the window down and she said, "come here strange." I didn't want her to feel like that, so I walked up and we fell into a conversation. Leroy walked away and popped the hood on his car, without any tools the car was fix, and he asked it I was ready. Denise and Tiffany asked if I was coming over. Tiffany said, I really want to cash in that IOU. I looked at her and dam she was gorgeous, there was no way that I could tell her no.
I returned to the car with Leroy who was rearing to go, but not to pick up his car. Now he was going to borrow his cousin's truck and trailer next week to pick up the car. Right now Denise and Tiffany wanted us to follow them back home. But this time I had a plan though, I was going home and getting my truck. After I told Leroy, he flagged Denise down and told her that I wanted to go home first. I had to get out and assure them that I was going to follow Leroy over, but that I wanted my truck.
Leroy dropped me off at home and I went inside for my keys. I was intending to run right back out but the house smelled of bake cookies. I went into my room and snagged a sack that I brought back. Then I walked out to my aunt and her one thousand questions. There were questions like are you going back out, did you get the car, and where is Leroy is he outside? I answered each question while snagging a few cookies and then bouncing.
Over at Denise's, I was arriving right after Tiffany and Denise. Leroy was sipping a drink while the women were putting hot pizza on paper plates. I was served up as soon as I sat down with hot pizza and cold beer. This was a good day as we listened to music and ate pizza, we played spades and ate pizza, we danced and ate pizza, and I finally had to fucking tap out. I don't know where in the fuck they kept getting all of that dam pizza. I sat at the table watching the three of them laughing, eating, and drinking. I could see where Tiffany and Denise were putting it, but where was Lil Leroy putting his.
I stepped outside grabbed some mints, my sack, and then stepped back in. Everyone had moved into the living room and were talking and relaxing. Leroy asked about something to smoke and I was so happy, after that crazy shit earlier I need something. First it gave me an excuse to sit at one of the stools at the counter. They seemed to be pairing up in the Living room and I didn't want to be put in that position. Tiffany and Denise were fixing drinks as I lit the blunt and took a hit. We all sat laughing and mellowing out while listening to music and puffing.
That's until with everyone feeling good, the radio switched up the music. The music slowed down becoming deeper, richer, and more soulful. Everyone sat closer or feet in laps as we sipped and talked, whispering at times. The girls decided that the mood was to good to just sit around. But Tiffany said, "wait I want to go and get comfortable." Denise jumped up and squealed, "wait on me Tif." They were indeed the best of friends as they went giggling into the bedroom. I asked Leroy what were they up to, but he only said they had been whispering and giggling all week. After this morning and that broken car shit, I didn't believe anything that Leroy said. We rolled up another blunt and sipped another drink while waiting on the ladies to return.
About twenty-five minutes later they both returned still giggling and whispering. What took them so long I really couldn't tell you. Their hair was the same, they may have touched up their make up, but the only thing that was visible was they both had on matching kimono robes. Just looking and I wondered what could be under robes this revealing. Tiffany modeled hers a little asking if I liked it, and honestly, hell yeah. Like I said she is a big bone, but boo is confident and gorgeous with it. As she sat down her robe slid up and I knew that there was nothing on beneath these things. Denise at the time, I thought was a weird lady. She sat down beside Leroy and rolled over into him, lifting her hip up and turning her ass over towards me.
Denise had to be aware that her ass was out as she whispered into Leroy's ear. Then she did another trick as she climbed over Leroy and the arm of the couch for the remote. If Tiffany and I didn't get a good look the first time she made sure that the second view came with pussy lips. Tiffany while snuggling in up under me was watching Denise's ass like she was watching television. Personally I was like what kind of shit is this. Denise sure that we had an eyeful grabbed the remote and began searching for her favorite music. Afterward Tiffany and Denise drunk and singing along with a few songs decided again that they wanted to dance.
Everyone was feeling really mellow, as lights were dimmed and we started dancing. My mind drifts a lot and I couldn't figure if these women liked dancing so much why didn't they club more. I thought about the Tiffany situation and it seemed she was down with whatever happen. I kissed her atop the head sealing the deal with myself to just stop fighting it. Tiffany pulled my face down and we shared a long passionate kiss as we danced about the dimly lit room. The mood was perfect as I ran my hand all over her ass. I didn't even think about it as I looked over at Leroy and Denise and saw her robe up and over her ass. My mind set adrift again and I started wondering why was my aunt baking cookies.
I thought back on everything that my aunt said and she never said anything about why she was baking cookies. My mind bounced around to other things, even Denise's ass and pussy lips. When my mind returned to the moment, Tiffany had my shirt pushed up and was kissing and biting my chest. She had my dick out of my sweats, and was massaging and jacking it. My dick was showing a semi erection in her skilled hands. I felt eyes on us, looked over and there was Denise staring at my dick. I reached down took my dick out of Tiffany's hands and put it back in to my sweats. I looked at Denise, who looked at me letting me know that she wasn't ashamed for looking.
Tiffany pulled me close and I kissed her again while swaying to the music. She grabbed my hand and lead me past Leroy and Denise into the bedroom. Denise's robe was still pulled up as Leroy and her swayed and kissed. This was some different shit, I was maybe twenty -one at the time and wasn't trying to look at my friend's number one lady or he mine.
I barely made it in the room and Tiffany had my dick back out of my sweats. She was determined with aggression that she was going to cash in on that IOU. She was now mostly stinging bites as she worked her way down to my dick. By the time that she reached my dick I had a full erection, as she slid me into her mouth. Mmmm the fucking warmth, the slippery heat as she slid me into her throat. Tiffany slid me all the way out until her teeth raked acrossed the head.
I raised up on my toes as she squeezed and released my balls with a rhythm. As she tongue fucked my dick hole I enjoyed watching her eat my precum. I pulled my shit over my head and lean against the door as Tiffany worked me in deeper with gagging sounds. Hahaha, fuck that shit boo, this is an IOU. I helped Tiffany up off of her knees and back up to my lips. As I kissed her, I touched her pussy. Ooh she was drenched as cream spilled out and down my fingers. This was a pussy that need to be eaten in the worst of ways. Tiffany had looked confused as I helped her off of her knees like she wasn't doing a great job. But boo was to dam good as I led her over to the bed. I took the time and released her robe and she let it slide to the floor. I watched her ass as she climb up on the bed and it made me think of Denise leaning over with ass and pussy lips exposed. Mmmm, the bitch knew what she was doing as I watched. I reached out and grabbed Tiffany by the hips and pulled her back on to the edge of the bed. On her knees and with her thighs spread my plan of attack was simple.
Since our first night I had plans for this ass. While looking down at this heart shaped peach over her thighs and lifting up on her ass cheeks. I took the time and spread them looking at her asshole, mmmm delish. Tiffany wasn't expecting this as I grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled her up into a kneeling position. Dam, feeling her body pressed against mine like this was taking me to other realms. I kissed the side of her face and fed from her mouth, kissed and sucked her ears with bites along the shoulders and neck. There was no way that this canvas wouldn't be marred tomorrow.
I lost myself and found myself in her scent. The moans that she released as my hands found and moulded her breast roughly. Hahaha, pinching and twisting her nipples, as she squealed and ground her ass into me, I tugged and released over and over. A darkness moved me as I lifted her hair kissing and biting her nape with no rhyme or reason until my hand slapped across her breast and nipple. I heard a skeet escape her pussy as she shook in place, Tiffany attempted to lower herself back down on to all fours. While being restrained the slap came across the other breast and nipple, Tiffany moaned as if in agreement.
The moans and squeals told the dark to bring it on, as I kissed my way down her back I slowly allowed her to lower herself back onto all four. As I reached the top of her ass kissing I released Tiffany's hair and raked my fingers down her back and over her ass. I came back up slapping both ass cheeks soundly, and then repeating. She didn't have time to notice my mouth introducing itself to her ass cheeks. The sucks and pops that started from the top and then drifted midways, The bites along the outside of her ass crack as I nipped my way back up.
I used raking fingers to pry her ass checks apart, yes there's no rush. Just remain above her asshole tongue flickering and licking, now stab that asshole. I felt her asshole grab my tongue and pinch it, pushing it out. Hahaha a true virgin, taking my time to enjoy one of life's little gifts. I feather kissed and licked all about her asshole. As Tiffany began to moan again my tongue stabbed that asshole and I slapped both of her ass cheeks. Hahaha lick it hard and then repeat, but was she ready, had she relaxed enough for the next step.
I decided to give her more time and then field test with a prostrate exam later. Tiffany's ass cheeks and thighs were quivering as I ate my way down farther. I turned around, slid under her on my back, and then pulled her down lower. I could hear the marijuana saying, "mmmm" as my mouth came into contact with her pussy. Tiffany's pussy was like turning up a glass of cream, she was fucking soaking. This pussy needed eating and eating good, as I sucked a lip into my mouth. This pussy was the gift that kept on giving as I lick from her perineum to her clit trying to over take the flow.
The darkness assured me that I could stop it or overtake it, as my thumb slid over and into her asshole. Tiffany clenched up and as she came I sucked her clit and labia. It was as if she was about to collapse as she dropped down lower onto her elbows. I got scared snatched my thumb out and pushed two fingers up in there. Tiffany's pussy was responding as I worked my two fingers in and out of her asshole, I attacked her vestibular bulbs with hard fucking tongue. I heard a squeal and then a scream as the bottom fell out of her pussy. With Tiffany cumming again I locked on to her clenching pussy.
But Tiffany was ready now for the next step, as she ground her sopping pussy all over my mouth and face. I continually monitored how relaxed her asshole had become, until now she was wrapped around three fingers. I slid out from under Tiffany while removing my sweats and sneakers. I ran my dick up and down along her slit, but as she pushed back I slapped her across the ass and removed my dick. Again I slid my dick up and down along her pussy slit, again she tried to slide back on it, and again I slapped her across the ass.
The entire time I was standing there looking at this peach colored ass. My mind was gyrating and flashing with images of Denise's ass and then Tiffany's as I stepped in between Tiffany's legs. But this is where it becomes a joint venture as I reached up and took each of her hands and placed them each onto a ass cheek. With a slap to the bottom of the ass cheeks and both thighs and she got the message pulling her cheeks apart.
I went back in face first teasing and relaxing Tiffany's asshole again. I reached lower and thumb flicked her clit as I tossed Tiffany's salad. Tiffany ground with pressure as she orgasmed again on my face. I rise up lying my dick head in her asshole. I knew that there were questions, a little fear even of the unknown. To add to the suspense I let my head lie on her asshole and simply spit all over my head and shaft. Finally as I pushed the head in Tiffany raised up on to her toes.
There's time boo, as I urged her back down, nibbling at the small of her back and cooing to her. Slowly, ever so slowly, and with minimum pressure work up a rhythm of short strokes. Allowing Tiffany to adjust before pushing in deeper, but now she's breathing deeper, and when I stop she's trying to push back. Another slap on the back of the thighs told her that it was time to shift gears as she released her ass cheeks and returned to her elbows. I grabbed Tiffany by both ass cheeks and slowly introduced another full inch. Tiffany raised up and tried to more forward, but I held her and without move allowed her asshole to adjust again.
Now the darkness signaled movement was needed as I crossed hands to opposite hips. This was for controlling her movement, but also my depth and not hurting her. I was determined not to give her no more than half on her first time as I moved in and out of her ass. Just think of a pussy or an asshole as a wild mare. Any great cowboy will tell you to never fully break a wild horse. If you ever do fully break a wild mare, she's only good for the pasture or kitchen afterwards. I didn't want to break Tiffany as I watched one of her knees rise off of the bed. With a slap to the ass I wanted obedience as I watched it drop back down. As I held fucked with a rhythm I watched her back arch and listened to her skeeting as ripples moved along her back.
This was short fucking at it's best as I pushed against the tightness, feeling her asshole clamping with each orgasm. Tiffany's hands were clenched into fist fighting every last orgasm. I slapped her ass again and with no certain rhythm, throwing her off, as her ass hole began sucking my dick. I intended to finish this session in her asshole, by the time that I fucked her pussy it would be jumping. I closed my eyes seeing myself pumping deeper and deeper into Tiffany's ass. Denise appeared pulling her ass cheeks apart as she laid across the arm of the chair. The darkness had me in it's grasp as I felt Tiffany orgasm with a choking grip and I released my full load into her ass.
I knew that I wasn't through with Tiffany as I held her for a moment looking at that beautiful gaping ass hole. I then slowly released her heaving body letting her collapse onto the bed. Tiffany wiggled up towards the pillows and there she collapsed facing me. Proud for the moment I climbed over her and wrapped her up in my arm. She was breathing heavily as I moved the inside and backside of my hand up and down her body. I whispered into her ear what a good girl she had been and how brave she was. But there was so many more fucking things I wanted to do with that ass, including one day complete getting into it.
Tiffany recovered quickly and then she started talking. She had wanted to try anal for some time now and now she had and she liked it. She wanted me to visit her home on my trip over there. She wanted my to stay with her the entire weekend with her. She would really like it if I took the job that Leroy found for me closer to home. She also really wanted the two of us to have a relationship like Leroy and Denise's shit. That last thing went in one ear and out the other one, I personally didn't know what that was they had.
But I assured her that I would think about it and I was really being honest. There was something that I had only suspected, but now I ask Tiffany if Denise and her were with Leroy last weekend at the hotel. she said that they were and that they only meant to bring me home. She said that there wasn't any car for Leroy to buy or pick up. She then said something that Leroy had said, "don't you think that Denise would buy him any car that he wants?" He won't let her buy him anything, he only eats meals that she cook and have sex, that's it. Leroy is independent when it comes to taking care of himself, it's one of the things that "Dee" love about him. He won't let her put gas in his car or help him with his house.
Now this was the Leroy that I knew. I liked hearing that about him and him still remaining somewhat true. I listened to Tiffany breathing until she was in a deep sleep. Then I got up took a piss and a shower, and then came back to bed. While in the shower I thought on things like moving back home and being with family and friends whenever. The thought of in house pussy really appealed to me, long conversations, and sleeping with a every night. Tiffany was turned in the opposite direction when I returned. I slid down in the the bed and with her holding my head, I suckled at her breast until I went to sleep.
I knew that it wouldn't be hard to sleep in this bed because I had slept here before. Butat some point I woke up and I was in the bed alone. I could hear noises in the bathroom and the shower was running. I thought about Tiffany washing the dirt off and I smiled to myself as I drifted off to sleep again.
I really don't know how long that I slept the second time. I don't remember dreaming or even breathing, I only remember fighting my way back up from the murk with a weight still tied around my ankle. as I came awake I also became aware that I wasn't at home. I knew that I was at Denise's and in bed with Tiffany. I also became aware that I couldn't move. There was weight on my legs and across my chest. My darkness doesn't like being restrained. Before I opened my eyes I knew that my dick was semi erect and that there was a mouth on my dick.
Laughingly I was thinking Tiffany and kamikaze at the same time. Hell she got up took a shower and with a sneak attack she came back for round two. But here was Tiffany lying across my chest and biting her way along my biceps towards my shoulders. I wanted to touch her ass and play with her pussy as her teeth found my pecs. She licked and bit her way up to my neck adding more steel to my dick. I wrenched my hand and arm free, the darkness needed to be free, to think and to enjoy. While exploring Tiffany's pussy, here and now suddenly struck me. If Tiffany was up here kissing the side of my face and my mouth, then who was on my legs and sucking my dick.
As if on cue and like she read my mind, Tiffany stopped kissing me, replacing her lips with her hand over my mouth. She reared up from my chest and crawled down towards my dick with who else but Denise. I wasn't surprised after earlier today and how it all played out. But I had rules and rule number one was "keep your dick out of someone else's pussy." So far it didn't matter if she was married or just with someone, I never slept with anyone in a relationship.
Now looking at Denise expertly swallow and tease my dick, and with Tiffany now joining in, mmmm. I watched as they both slurped and popped my dick. their stares into each other's eyes and the passionate kisses that they shared with each other. I watched as tiffany slid down farther and behind Denise. I could tell that she was eating Denise's pussy, by Denise's breathing and how she was holding my dick in her throat.
I grabbed a fist full of Denise's hair as I fucked her throat, I fucking loved the gagging and slobbing. Denise climbed up atop me and tried to kiss my mouth. I just knew she had sucked Leroy's dick earlier. She noticed me turning my head and said out loud, "I didn't fuck Leroy tonight, and besides Tif and I just took a shower together." I remember hearing the shower running and hearing the noise, I finally allowed her to kiss my mouth. Denise used more tongue than Tiffany, but she was no Tiffany.
Tiffany was a one woman wrecking crew, now working both dick and balls not to be out done. There was no way that I would've graduated going to college with these two. Denise slid her breast into my mouth, as she ran her nails up and down from my abs to my pecs. I felt her as she lifted herself up and climbed atop my face. Simultaneously Tiffany rose up and was about to ride my dick, were these bitches working a tag team or some shit. It was obvious to me that they had done this shit before.
But I remember the darkness taking over shit, my mind was scrambling in panic mode. Have I ever heard of someone suffocating while eating a big bone's pussy? Is it possible for a big bone to ride a dick and fucking break it? Shit is it possible to break a fucking dick? How fucking low was my THC and alcohol levels? Dam I could use some answers and a blunt right fucking now.
I found out quickly that Denise was a screamer and she couldn't take a lot of oral sex. But I loved the feel of her pussy in my mouth with those nice full lips. I ate at her pussy savagely, savoring sucking on a plum of a clit. Once the combination was known it was child's play to make her lean forward on Tiffany trembling. I grabbed a hold onto those big hips as I went in face first, whole hog, truly enjoying this moment for the here and now.
Denise wanted to switch positions with Tiffany and ride up top. But fuck that shit tag me in. I was really in need and couldn't fuck like I wanted with both of these big bones holding me down. As they got off of me to switch positions, I quickly sprung up also. I was thinking again of Denise leaning over the arm of that couch. So I forcefully turned her around and onto all four. My inner beast felt the freedom of having them off the top penning him up. I felt an incredibly hunger as I entered Denise from behind.
Dam this bitch was a screamer from the pits. There was no way that Leroy was in this house as I pounded my way into Denise. I wanted dominance back as Tiffany slid down in front of Denise and started feeding her pussy. This drove me as I heard Denise's screams and felt her lock up with her pussy convulsing. I slapped her on the ass and she started shaking again. The moment said not to stop to take advantage as her pussy joined in talking back
But I wasn't going to bust my nut in Denise, I wanted to fuck Tiffany. I knew that it was almost morning and I was leaving here without breakfast. I had tons to process and I needed to be alone to think. But a pussy talking does something to a man, just looking at a woman's back and ass quivering automatically hits a reset in your balls.
I pulled out of Denise's still cumming pussy and went down sucking her off again. I stuck my tongue in her gaping pussy totally proud of myself as I again slapped her on her ass. She didn't even notice as I climbed over her back and into Tiffany's waiting pussy. I paused as Denise massaged and then sucked each of my balls. I remember thinking, how did anyone finish college with these two fucking like this.
As I pumped my way deeper in to Tiffany's pussy it was like Denise wasn't even there. The darkness was with me and I trusted my darkness. I heard Denise say into my ear, "I told you me and my girl share everything," I don't know if they were her actual words or just something in my head. But it was on a loop and I watched as Denise crawled around and began tongue kissing with Tiffany. I banged at Tiffany's pussy harder and deeper, I don't know if it was a punishment or what.
I became aware as Denise began biting my pecks like clamps. Then she said the weirdest thing, she said, "the next time that you come here I want the same thing that you gave Tif today." My darkness said, "you know that Leroy has been fucking both of these women." I could see it in my mind, the three of them had been fucking every since they met. I looked at Denise brushing Tiffany's hair away, kissing her mouth and breast, and I knew that I was right. I took my time and bust my nut, then allowed Tiffany and Denise to clean me up. I had to go home, I really needed to think.
I spent another hour maybe a little more lying on the bed with Tiffany and Denise, simply massaging each other and talking. They watched me getting dressed and then made a big stink about me staying little while longer. "Why not take the job Leroy has for you and just stay here with us? You could stay over at Tif's every night if you worked closer to home." Okay I promise I'm going to think about all of this. But were these bitches in my fucking head or something, I was thinking on this shit off and on all night.
My mind at the time was like get out of this room with a still naked Denise and take your ass home. My mind said Leroy would be home soon, there's no way he could spend all day away from this pussy. As I walked out I was about to drop the remainder of my sack on the coffee for Leroy. But shit I thought he must have some weed by now, besides I needed to burn one on the way home. Now can you imagine my surprise as I walked out of the house and there was Leroy's car in the driveway. Leroy had been home all fucking night. The entire time that Denise had been screaming her ass off. I jumped in my shit the raggedest ride in this area, waved at a neighbor as I rolled one and fired up, and then got the fuck off from around those people.
I stepped into the house to a lot of where were you and why didn't you call? I partially explained where I was on the way to the shower. There was this crazy urge to suddenly scrub my body. After a hot shower and a hot breakfast the world started looking better.
I called Marcus and told him not to pick me up, I told him that I was going to drive myself back. He was a little alarmed asking if everything was okay. I assured him that everything was indeed okay, that I just needed to think. He made sure to put in a dinner request and we hung up. My aunt sent extra everything that day along with a cake that she didn't want sitting around the house.
Monday morning and my mind had been made up and Leroy had struck out. I found Lester on the job and asked him if his boss was hiring. He said that he would let me know something by the end of the day. I had made up my mind to move out of the room with Marcus and into my own room.
Basically I broke things down to Marcus and his dad telling them that Friday would be my last day. I didn't go into shit, I just needed to move on. I went one town over and got myself a room and didn't tell Marcus where I was staying. But Marcus and I was cool and we talked and clowned every day. Marcus's dad stopped me one day fishing for answers on why I left his crew for less money. He said he thought that Marcus and I had a run in but that he saw us laughing and talking. He told me that Marcus told him that I saved his life one night at the club. I told him that I just had some info that I thought he needed to know. He told me thank you and said I always had a job with him. He reminded me to not be a stranger and to come around more.
I took to hanging around with Lester more and fucking with the locals. Lester's crew was dam near finished on this site and then they were moving even farther away from Leroy. This suited me perfectly and it was nearly four months before I returned home. During that time I ran Leroy and his harem through my mind several times.
I had as a teen did some swinging if you want to call it that. I had skipped school and we all would meet up at a friend's house and spend the day sucking and fucking. The first adult that I slept with told me not to fall in love with her that it was only sex. Then she introduced me to her girlfriend who joined us on multiple occasions fucking. I knew how to separate sex from the makings of a relationship, when I was in on the joke.
I think that was my main issue, I was the only one not in the know of shit. Hell I could had fucked Tiffany each time and not give a shit. Then because of Tiffany and Denise's kamikaze attack, I was the only one really not given the choice. I wasn't mad about it I really had a great time with both Tiffany and Denise. It should be illegal to have pussy and a mouth like those two. But I just wasn't in that stage, or that frame of mind at that point in my life. I was worried about hurting someone or being hurt by someone. I didn't realize that this was all no strings attached, but they did, especially Leroy. Who I told that I didn't want to hurt Tiffany, he could had put me on to many times.
But I actually met up with Leroy at a cook out over at Marcus dad's house a year or so later. we talked a bit and then he tried to get me to leave and go out clubbing. I decided that he was still up to the same shit and so I dipped out on his ass. But after that I saw him several times with Denise and several times without. I happened upon Tiffany about three years later and found out why she hadn't been with Leroy and Denise. She wasn't one anymore. she was now three. She had upped her game to live in dick, which lead to the cutest baby boy that you can imagine.
She introduced me to her live in partner and the baby, and we all talked. Tiffany had lost a lot of weight, and although she was still a big bone, it looked good on her. We discussed where and what we each had been up to, as I said Tiffany was easy conversation. Tiffany's partner walked away chasing the baby, and then Tiffany's conversation changed. It appeared he was no Leroy, he was more than happy to sit on his ass and spend her money. She wanted to know if I had stopped by Denise and Leroy's place. She asked if I would please, please, come over later and I promised that I would try to make it. But I wasn't hustling backwards and so I watched her ass as she walked away smiling. I still remember the power between those fucking thighs. as I turned and walked away I remember myself saying, "Fuck Leroy."
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