Image for the poem Eightmore


I am Eightmore, I'm seven eight
I still have balls, still masturbate
I lost my wife some years ago
Fifty-two years of toe to toe

I was her third, she was my two
I got so stiff when we would screw
My hard cock would never bend
From our onset until the end

When we were young, fucked every day
Most every Karma Sutra way
Gave pleasure to each other then
Were married, so was not a sin

She sucked my dick, I ate her cunt
I'm sorry if I'm being blunt
But that is how it always was
The love we made was just because

Through the years, the times decreased
When cancer came they stopped and ceased
Two years without her brought ED
A rock hard, hard-on, not for me

I cared for her and when she passed
I thought her love would be my last
By then was  writing poetry
Of making love, that used to be

About orgasms, every action
Oral sex and satisfaction
Hard erections, pussies tight
Whatever got me through the night

I published them Deep Underground
Where others write, my words abound
Was there Sweet Kitty came along
Her words of sex made my cock strong

I fantasized to be her mate
Began again to masturbate
To cum upon her perfect tits
While giving her orgasmic fits

I messaged oft upon her page
Of how I thought, she was my sage
Of my desire to flow her juice
And turn her everywhere but loose

She replied with solemn  thought
That what she wrote was sold and bought
Erotic poems for everyone
To enjoy when she was done

I told her of my loss in life
Of  darkened cancer in my wife
And what her words had done for me
And hoped just once, that we could be

Together in the grip of lust
She was the one that I could trust
To help me from my doubt and strife
Begin again with sex in life

We wrote together sex filled verse
At times that only made it worse
Was no one else but her to want
To have my cock within her cunt

To have her juice surround my meat
To feel her wet orgasmic heat
To blast my load in her abyss
As tongue tips touched with heartfelt kiss

Here is where I am today
I try to find another way
To satisfy erotic surge
To find someone to fit my urge

My dick when hard is average size
It's under two before the rise
I cannot put soft on display
No one would want it, shown that way

Now that she's gone and I a loner
Grow slightly more than half a boner
A little firm, way less than size
That goes right down before my eyes

If I am quick can pound my pud
Cum in my hand, play I'm a stud
Cannot go out to find some cunt
A half hard dick's not what she'll want

Have tried the pills, both blue and yellow
They do not raise this half hard fellow
Well, not enough to stand up hard
To satisfy her and this bard

Lately I've gone to nature's way
I take two pills on every day
Has been two weeks, it's getting good
I once again get morning wood

Flaccid, it hangs down at three
Imagine that, and what's to be
This morning it was over five
And did not bend or dip or dive

When I took hold, stroked with my hand
Did not go down, did not disband
Pre-cum showed around the tip
I stroked some more, with better grip

The more I stroked, the harder got
Deep Amazon, I thank a lot
My hand felt good to fit around
My groans I heard, the only sound

Now there was me, just under six
With cum in hand, I have the pics
The natural pills, the reason why
As hard as in the days gone by

I've joined a dating club or two
So far I have little new
A few have now become my friend
I need a lover in the end

One who will love this Eightmore rhyme
Who will take twelve, six at a time

Sweet Kitty's still on DUP
I still have hopes she'll fuck with me
Bring on heat, from pussy slick
As I fuck her with my rock hard prick

Written by eightmore
Author's Note
My wife has been gone since January of 2022. I tried sex one time with someone since then. Sad to say my ED prevented me from giving my willing mate satisfaction. I'm hoping where I am now will lead me to successful sex with a full and hard erection to bring happiness and satisfaction to us both. I do not desire one way streets.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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