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Straight Talk Live (Critical Thinking)

I am chagrined upon learning all these new laws that is taking America back to such darker days in time.    
I just came upon the research that Florida has passed a law that will be adopted in academia curriculum allowing teachers to teach students that slavery was beneficial.    
Please be advised this was the same Governor Ron DeSantis(R) who has fought so hard to have Critical Race Theory removed from schools' teaching agenda and out of some higher education classrooms.     
Why is it so imperative we are regressing, into the Jim Crow and Willie Lynch era?    
I find it appalling we are very much into the twenty-first century and why the masses’ intellects are being diluted with stars private lives on television, a war our military is not involved in.      
The government is making drastic decisions and sadly to say it does not involve minorities.    
It is worse we have had four years of economic hardship, a man-dated pandemic, where American citizens were forced to get a shot that changed the configuration of their mRNA, or forced to quit your employment, now you have our boarders flooded with illegal immigrants, under this political democratic administration, and trust me there is a reason for this and I have done my research and I have my on theories, which I will reveal much later in time.    
What is the agenda of the Hebrew Man as his footstep govern in the dark to reach the light hopefully at the end of the tunnel.    
The African American man and the African American woman do not seem to be on the same agenda any longer, as far as growth and development, and I am wondering what went wrong, where did the breakdown occur,      
Our ethnicity has survived, slavery, the racism and riots of the sixties, there was a time when we uplifted each other, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Now, all I see is so much separatism, everyone seems to think I have mine why do I need yours, and that is not the ideology that will pull us through when the time will come for us to stand together as one or fall together as a whole.      
Other nationalities are well prepared for disasters, their unity is strong to pull their financial resources together, even these so called militant groups are well prepared if a civil war was to occur here today.    
And let's not forgo all these gangs who are just walking over our boarders and setting up their own violent task force.    
Why aren’t the African American men/female in charge of our destinies, have we gotten lost in our own cost to survive, yet, worrying about material gains where it will not matter when discord, comes to knock at the door.    
I will always find it in my heart to support any man and primary the Hebrew man plight, his agenda in regards to the detrimental history his ancestral pilgrimage has suffered unto the remains of slavery, the separatism of his seeds he has sown only to see it departed, and as strong as his backbone may have been in those crucial times, whereas,  his spine was bent in the calling of the wind just to stand on his principles.    
And any enslaved female, who had to still uplift his crown and still look him in eyes and respect him as a man that is where my strength will always rest.    
There were so many laws in the old salvage of slavery that distanced the unity of the African America male and the African America female.    
I cannot fathom as a parent, a child birthed unto you, only to be sold, or yet, befall under the brutality of being reared unto the point or being beaten or sometimes killed.    
This is what Criterial Race Theory is all about the truth of one’s history, yet you want to sell the concept to young intellects slavery was beneficial to whom, it was, and it still rings true of being degradable and deplorable to have occurred.      
The laws during slavery, one in particular that seem to grip me in aghast is the Louisiana state. which as passed on December 11, 1848, this was a law which stated that all children who were born to enslaved African American women during their incarceration for life, that their children would become the legal property of the state.      
Therefore, by the age of ten, these children would be sadly auctioned to the highest bidder, and can you believe all the proceeds went to the state treasurer as part of what was referred to as, “free-school fund.”      
This legislation specifically was mandated for children born to enslaved women who were an inmate at the time. The ironic part of this law did not protect babies from being kissed by white women, henceforth, the primary goal was the legal ownership and auctioning of children who were born to these incarcerated enslaved women.      
The law reflected the harsh realities of slavery and the exploitation of enslaved individuals for financial gain.    
I cannot imagine what some of these women during slavery must have felt, these children did not remain with the father, or a family member, no, that Louisiana law had a such an impact on enslaved families during slavery, and here today, I do believe as a race of people we have not quite regroup form some of those atrocities.    
I will state some of the drawbacks that has permeated the African American race here today or had hindered us.    
Separation of Families
Some of those families were torn apart when their children were taken away from their mother’s arms and then sold at auction. Can you imagine here today a parent’s heart-wrenching reality of losing her children, and then some of those siblings were often separated as well.    
Economic Exploitation    
With that being said, all the funds from the auctioning of these children went to the state treasurer This generally meant the financial gain from selling theses enslaved children was prioritized over keeping families intact. It sadden me still to this day that enslaved families were treated simply as commodities, and their well-being was secondary to the state’s financial interests.    
Emotional Trauma    
This is why I try my best to uplift the Hebrew male, female, we have a past that somehow is on the verge of being revisited,  there are laws being passed under our noses, therefore, I do not have time to sit around and exchange unfavored words to prove points, I know my lineage, I know my worth, and I bow in grace to my universal contributions to humanity, I have no time play mental games not when the fate of my ethnicity is being politically reduced and it is becoming the norm, or acceptable by society's standards.    
This world is moving too fast either you move with it, or you get lost in its brutal cyclone.    
I will say any enslaved parents experienced suffered emotional trauma due to the loss of their children. The fear of separation alone, I am quite sure gave parent sleepless night, and then to worry about the uncertainty about their children’s destiny weighed heavily on their minds.      
The trauma of being separated from any loved ones left lasting scars on enslaved families.    
Cultural Disruption    
I wonder does this have any bearing here today, we as a melanated race with so many hues.      
The Louisiana 1848 law I am quite sure sliced into our cultural practices and traditions.    
Children were often raised without knowing the identity of their true parents or siblings, family member to tell of their ancestral stories, the language, and their heritage in general.      
Legacy of Injustice    
The legacy of the Louisiana’s 1848 laws still continues to impact some of those descendants of enslaved families and emancipated, families.    
Just imagine the trauma through the generation, somewhere out there, you have lost relatives, the loss of tradition from old no longer evident, and then having to put up with the separations endured by their ancestors, it still stains the intellect through generations.
Understanding history is crucial for acknowledging the systemic injustices faced by African Americans during slavery.    
Part II (The Caucasian Woman’s Role During Slavery).    
This has been another Straight Talk Live, for you, may the mind always pamper the sanctuary of your heart where in beautiful union propel your footsteps on a path of enlightment.    
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
Everyone please have a blessed Thursday and a fantastic Friday

Love and Hugs,
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