Image for the poem Recrudence


guess subconsciously...  
we must've found a way to hold on  
while we were both roped off  
by facsimiles of love  
as my witch...your warlock  
engaged in insidious acts of possession  
...a transgressions of boundaries  
but through it all..
our sacredness weathered within undercurrents  
we stayed tethered in providence  
...our here and now serving as  
self evidence of....  
...providential elasticity    
he brought out the best in me...for a minute    
...until he didn't    
got me on lock...then wandered off  
leaving me in limbo  
constantly wondering...where did he go    
overthinking & second guessing  
what did I do wrong  
no longer a prized possession    
blamed for my own pain  
while he played me like a master  
crowding me    
into the depths of my own darkness  
but when push came & I shoved  
dusting off my fighting gloves  
...& retreated  
the only smart arsenal was depleted
weapons aren't always necessary    
I gifted myself with my departure    
reclaiming my sovereignty    
& retaining the best of me  
turns out I never lost it  
filters gone & with perfect clarity  
taking the lesson...I started walking  
finding you again along the journey    
carrying your own story...  
a story which got kinda gory  
when I felt the movement of her possession  
left me second guessing myself  
as she crawled behind my most sacred beliefs  
pretending to agree...  
while seeking to reverse engineer me  
steer me...leer me into her lair..away from family
her fingers stroking through my hair...  
scalping me...with sex magik and candlelight  
hazing me..glazing me...  
to the texture of her desires disguised as love...  
she wanted me to revel in the eccentricities of her teachings  
overreaching in her presumptuousness  
trying to fuck me into an invisible cuckhold  
top me from the bottom  
never was it her goal to appreciate me  
at a wholistic level...a whole human  
who was sovereign long before she showed up  
a man who felt true compassion in its purity  
removing the obscurity of a tainted heart  
always clear...always near  
even through the muck of pandemic bullshit  
the yearning was too strong...the footprints too vivid  
illuminating all that was trailblazed  
in my journey back to you  
our paths diverged but inevitably returned  
to a space of sanctuary & honesty  
a bond without bindings    
who knew...  
Written by Confluence
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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