Lethal Words

In the lexicon's depths, where danger hides,
Lie words that pierce, like daggers' sharpened sides.
But amidst the threats, a beacon bright,
A message that fills the soul with light.

'I love you,' they whisper, soft and low,
Yet hold a power that sets the heart aglow.
A lethal dose, a poison sweet and true,
That binds two souls, forever old and new.

Though danger lurks within these words so bold,
Their meaning far outweighs the risks they hold.
For love's a force that conquers all,
A flame that burns, defying every fall.

So take these words, my dearest one, with care,
For they contain a love beyond compare.
A lethal message, meant to pierce your heart,
And leave a mark that time will never part.

I love you, more than words can ever say,
A love that's meant to last each passing day.
So heed this warning, and embrace the truth,
For in these lethal words, I find my proof.
Written by Dre_k47 (AnDre James)
Author's Note
"Lethal Words" is a poem that explores the power and potential danger of the phrase "I love you," emphasizing its ability to bring both joy and vulnerability to the speaker and the recipient of these words.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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