Flowers Of Emotions

One time,on a warm day.
You were bored,the sun went away.
You did not expect.

But you walk into a cemetery to inspect.
The cemetery was dark and grim.
And the clouds,paper thin.

Tombstones and graves astray.
But something was glowing in the pathway.
It was a flower patch.

As color began to hatch.
One flower was dark and blue.
It shined brightly in the storm.

And its petals were thorn.
With a sense of sadness.
You wondered,what happened to its petals?

The madness it went through.
The second flower was golden,yellow.
With an even brighter light.

Like a potted sun.
It shined in your sight.
The third and last flower..

Seemingly held a lot of power.
It had no petals.
But a normal stem.

It shined purple.
In your sight as you stand there.
You soon had to leave.

You wanted to one one,but you began to grieve.
They were all so unique.
How do you choose what to pick?

The yellow one was radiant.
The blue one looked sad.
And the purple one,you weren't sure what it had.

Soon you hesitate,but you pick them all.
You went home with this bouquet,and you feel so tall.
Each flower represented an emotion.

But you took them all with swift motion.
The flowers built you as a whole.
Like a person,you began to stand tall.

You had decided to live with each emotion.
And you grew up as a person with a swift motion.
One day,the cemetery went away.

And a garden grew on its place.
Greeting newcomers with grace.
You remembered this meaningful place.

And the flowers wrapped around your mind like lace.
You put on a colorful flowercrown.
And lived through life even if you had a frown.

This garden shall never drown.
Or wilt and decay.
And you never looked down.

Remembering this day.
Written by Liziantus-Marantus (Ivelina Boneva)
Author's Note
Living through life as a person with an array of emotions.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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