a man and his dog (edited)

Man and his dog

He awoke under the bed and sneezed as it was dusty
it had been my birthday, drinking champagne
eating Danish pastry and smoking Havana cigars
walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge, took
out a beer, which he thirstily drank while wondering
why everything was so quiet
The maid had been in when he slept,
everything was
in order, when did the guests leave or had he partied
with his teddy bear, feeling lonely since the dog died
Looking out of the window, he saw many cars but
no drivers, and some of the car doors were open
what had happened
At a café, he had a sandwich he made himself
since the lady owner was not there
It dawned on him he was alone in the world
everything he saw belonged to him, no one to share
his riches, except for a cur that ran away and barked
seeing him
He tried the Rolls Royce that had belonged to the
mayor, the ride was smooth, distracted he hit
a lamppost and laughed, they were many other cars
At an expensive restaurant where he once had dined
he made a hamburger with hot fries, drank fine wine
The dog that had growled at him looked at him
through the window, wagging its tail, it understood
he was the only one left to feed it
Months followed month, life was getting onerous
the dog was getting fat, stopped shaving and did not shower
used the same pants every day, why personal hygiene
when there was no pressure to conform
Depressed, he jumped from the top floor of a hotel
to end this tiresome life.
No such luck! He descended slowly, broke down
cried without shame as the dog was the only witness
Doomed to live forever, he went back to sleep under
the bed, but before falling sleep, he remembered
he had to get up and feed the dog
Written by oskar
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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