Image for the poem Black Beauty

Black Beauty

This is my gift to you
A timeless beauty who structs proudly with the mist of Grand Rising dew
She will guide you through the beast of storms
She will keep you safe in the shade and trollop through heat to keep you warm  
In the gallows of forgotten hope
Hoofing across the bed of sand dunes
Ascending to a castle through a moat
Make you feel like royal with the wind at your back
The first to gallop in the defense to attack
I am her animal spirit, and the silhouette of her soul travels under the Chinese Zodiac
Steeple Chase to the sky and wade you through the waters when the streams peak flow
Trout you through a field of blooming roses
I could have gotten you chocolate candy today  
Or in my humbleness give you a divine incantation for you to use when you silently pray
I could have given you more words that will be forgotten once read
Mm... or that strip tease act in my Victoria Secret camisole of red
I know you vibing off that last line and its scandalous where my thoughts have lead
Today I give you destiny for you to ride with faith into the unknown
Happy Valentine’s’ Day DUP
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Published | Edited 25th Feb 2024
Author's Note
Will is to grace as the horse is to the rider.

Saint Augustine
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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