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Change of heart

Change of heart

I understand it was a drunken promise, a stupid girlfriend joke, I don't care if it's her 50th I'm not going to give your mate a poke

How did I get dragged into this, how did you both get round to my name, yes I'm sort of flattered but I don't want to play this game

Listen you can ask all you like, you can ask me nicely or even plead, surely there's someone else with whom your mate can breed

Yes I get it she's your best friend and it's just a one fuck deal, surely you didn't think I'd go along with it, do you know how it makes me feel

I feel like a hooker and you're my pimp even though I wouldn't be getting paid, you can promise me anything you like, your mates not getting laid

Yes most blokes would jump at the chance to have a bit of spare, Yes she's very pretty, hang on what do mean you also would be there

Hang on, hold up it would be a threesome thing would you two girls do kinky play, now that makes a big difference, I'm in you only had to say

Written by averageJoe69 (Ron Summers)
Author's Note
Well that put a different light on it
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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