Here is a poem which mentions alchemy, and then a letter about glossolalia
Here is a poem which mentions alchemy, and then a letter about glossolalia, as well as a cut-up. Grandiose claims ahoy. Words and theories and all that. Put a theory into words, sussing things out in your own mind, all the limits of the words themselves, and all the pretensions within them, become clearer. Poem:
A type of spiritual magic there
maybe is is transgender
Every historical dynamic attains
its momentum out of its beginnings
dialectic I mean that's just basic
and we're so
while empiricism in general seems
to be breaking
we live in a time
in which the
down the further we pivot into
tech, yet the fruits of the
visualizations of early-modern
magic, in and of themselves, still
remain to be utilized,
integrated, and further
branched into just as do all those
hand in hand with has made
alchemical texts. Hopefully this
will be that possible, and since this is the
moment of now,
an entertaining letter for you to read.
after all of that, For two decades
there was nothing in my life but
behind itself inside the covers of
magick. (I mean, rock and roll and
comic books
alchemical texts, and can speak
itself openly,
the dialectic no longer has need to
remain hidden
yes, and those were magick too.) I
breathed, lived,
existing on the material plane.
practiced and studied it, and mostly
practiced the study of its
in between the interstices
Glossolalia operates, i hypothesize, through its impact upon the subconscious peripheries of the speaker's mind, from which, despite the outward mishmash of syntax, the speaker yet projects upon the world some form of what they hungrily perceive to be information. Information perhaps encoded by their subconscious imagination. Plenty of things, in general, we sometimes don't know how to put into words, either because we haven't figured them out well enough, or we as individuals don't possess the language to do so, or perhaps the very concepts themselves don't exist in our native languages or cultures in the first place! Or, in the case of religious ecstasy, perhaps it's more expedient for the body to just skip the process of forming words altogether, and just make sounds, organized as if syntactical (as opposed to just moans) which feel to the subconscious to be expressive of the intense experience the individual is going through. Emotive forms arising (as they do) prior to the organized thoughts which we use to represent them, but arising too fast, too frantically, or too forcefully for the individual to organize them into words, and perhaps glossolalia is indicative of that.
It possibly arises through some basic interplay between the consciousness of the body and the consciousness of the self, and may even have played a role in whichever is that which gives rise to language in the first place.
I consider it not too far-fetched a leap to compare glossolalia to Burrough's description of the processes by which a cut-up is supposed to work upon the mind of its writer. Not that a cutup is supposed to be unintelligible, but his "theory" is that it acts as a shortcut, slightly bypassing reason (in a detourish kind of way) to get closer to or to better express deeper meaning within the user. To psychologically influence its writer's mind. Also, something about "exposing cracks in temporal reality" through intentionally deconstructing then randomly re-piecing written semantic. Crazy beatniks, lol.
The poems i sent on the 7th came about because I was writing you a letter, but when i read it immediately afterwards it gave me such a pretentious headache. So I stuck it into a translation engine, set the "translate from" settings completely out of whack, and "made" a poem.
And then i wrote more to provide an explanation to the first poem, but the results were similar, and so to the translator again, and the outcome was "Title: Zeiblu". I consider translation engine experiments to be forms of cutup.
So now a third letter, lol.
Making cutup has been a large part of my inner dialogue process for a couple of decades and a half, comprising the majority of my writing. It's only now though, five years after starting hormones; ten months after joining the Mormons (to get "right" with my self-perception around other people) that i've begun to get a handle enough on my inner dialogue to not go through life feeling completely lost 🤦♀️.
With the exception of a brief period in 2017/18 at the end of my marriage, I stopped paying attention (for a bunch of semi-unrelated, though convergent, reasons) to virtually all streams of occultural discourse right around the time that "occulture" seemed to become a buzzword, in 2007, upon marrying and the two of us bringing into the world a child. Only recently have i dipped in again to pay it any amount of cursory attention. Twice now in the past couple of months i've checked back in to take a look see, reading the description of one or another writer's practice, their bio or the description of their scenario, etcetera, i've come across the phrase "ritual cut-ups," which makes me kind of grimace. As if cut ups were ever anything but of the magickal aire when Burroughs and Gysin enunciated the practice; it's just that ritual is the entirely wrong semantic.
Cutup is magick stripped of magick's dialectic—the user manipulating themselves through no means other than the breaking down of discrete doses of information in order to have a look see between its interstices, and from there (if magickal dialectic is really required/ desired) to use that look see through the interstices, somehow, as a means to lodge/ record/ insert/ implant/ engrave/ enfold/ recommend (or whatever) the user's desired meaning into or onto or to whatever passes in the user's mind for the "akashic plane" (to use quaint theosophic language). “I shall now recommend to the akashic plane, xyz, abc"
Break information down thee of meanings previously hazy (or not at all existent) for purposes of consideration that which are now there to be glimpsed at.
Back to glossolalia
When a person erupts into the speaking of tongues in a religious setting, it is as a strategy to be spoken to, or through, by the god or gods. The great lubrication towards de-rationalization inherent in religious experience provides the context for and creates the conditions of glossolalia's spontaneity (frenzy and the pipes of pan), and though it is almost always a learned behavior, no doubt it can also arise on its own, free from any prior knowledge on the part of the individual, merely springing forth, perhaps from some much deeper, older part of consciousness—In ancient Syria there were lists of officially recognized forms of divinatory speakers granted the right to receive audience before the king; one such class was the babbling "raver," which basically meant a gibbering madman.
Which is not quite the same thing thing as glossolalia, but close. (And such tidbits fit plausibly well with Julian Jaynes hypothesis, an hypothesis which perhaps is somewhat overly arch, but nonetheless contains a high enough ratio of baby to bath water to be extremely interesting food for thought. [I owned his book, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind many years ago, and I understand it's available for free now, in an attractively designed, eminently readable, online format, on the Julian Jaynes Society website.)
Glossolalia, in pentecostalism and other ecstatic religion, as a learned behavior: Humans are wily creatures, endlessly full of wow, endlessly inventive, and endlessly imitative in service to the process of their wow.
Glossolalia as a magickal strategy: one in which the aim, at least in part, is to speak to the Self. I would posit that buried somewhere in vedic or buddhic-tantric high-whatzits there may exist, or may have existed, practices analogous to training the self to engage with itself consciously, through glossolalia; practices performed privately rather than performatively, of learning the self to induce the tongue to unfold into apparently meaningless syllables of enunciation, lucidly freeing the mind's eye from reliance upon propagation of conscious syntax with the aim of speaking with / hearing from the Self.
To hear from the self, or to be heard from, by the self, amount to the same thing, partaken from different directions.
To speak with the Self thee and all Spirits, such as—Animals, the Wind, the Sun, Houseflies, Creatures trapped in the zoo, the Clouds, the Weather, the Universal Self, the Subconscious Universal Self, God, Gods, Squirrels, Birds, Howler Monkeys, the Earth, the Conscious Subconscious Self, the Subconscious thee as Imagination Arouses, Genial ol' Beezelbub (as if!), Breezes, well met Butterflies, Etcetera in general, the Biosphere, the self-aware Self-Etcetera, to Speak to Hear from
Of course, i'm a modern westerner, not a high buddhic or vedic-tantric whatzis. But speculation comes natural.
I mean, let's say I be jaining about one fine day in India, swanning like a swami inside a tomb filled with rotted corpses as part of some tantric, ye olde thibet style, still-the-mind ritual... (which, per say, personally I've never done)...i don't know...i might just feel like making some conversation. Being the kind, thoughtful, self-preservingly considerate sort of person i am, i'm probably gonna want to tell them (the dead) that they are good; are in a likewise place; that they are loved; that the universe within and all spiritual things are in good hands; that their own descendants are probably even now descending in good stead; that it is a good time, now and henceforth, for themselves to no longer be concerned for the sake of concern concerning themselves or others, (myself included!); that though they are dead they are yet truly still loved and beloved folk; and that though they are at present vitally subdued, they are yet an important part, still, of the vast fabric of things. Etcetera. And i'd feel dumb just holding forth out loud like that in King's standard ye olde Gujarati or whatever it is i'm speaking in if i was that, then. It seems to me that possessing a felicity for speaking in tongues would come in handy for such salutations.
...Less facetiously,
a self-signaling mnemonic, inducing, transmitting, and/or circulating trance-derived information through the trancee's sphere of self?
Ah, lofty magick in theory and practice.
We exist at all times as varying admixtures of Self. Ideally harmoniously, but often not, and i have often found myself speculating upon, ruminating about, and agonizing over
Admixtures of self and communication between. some parts are sometimes forward, some are sometimes retrograde. parts of self. Some levels of self are overarching, some structural, some exist sub-auditorialy to the rest of our self, some are meta, some are substrate (though, since i'm playing with words and promoting what amounts to extremely hazy, romantic sounding imagery as if it were stone cold fact, where self-substrate ends and self-structure begins...?) Suffice it to say, all this sometimes competing ad mixture of self, often jostling, are composed in our heads and bodies, or reside within the back-and-forth between our meat- sacks and their chakras, or are nestled betwixt our physical and light bodies, or *wherever the fuck,* within which, we our "selves" carry ourselves about.
And always there is the possibility too, that the biosphere plays some communicative role in our own self-intelligence, or possibly even engraves some kind of communicative interplay across and between the whole of living sentience, all the green and the blue.
And there is also to take into account Alistair Crowley's universal human will (if i am reading it correctly), i.e., the operative "meta consciousness" of the human herd, that which moves the herd toward the furthest forward coagulating yearnings of the entirety of the herd as it semi-intelligently herds itself across the span of time, one large subconscious organism, emanating from within some interplay between every individual's consciousness; informing (at least in part) every individual's sub-conscious; and giving rise to every culture's historical dynamic and to all of humanity's pictures, stories, maps and experiences of the divine.
Also, for completion's sake, speaking of consciousness or its construction, the whole quantum effect theory; consciousness either arising from or giving rise to, the quantum substrate, or both, vice versa simultaneously—the existence of consciousness as a whole conceived as some form of omni-potent, ever presently alive, Schrodinger's Kat, eternally sitting on the counter next to its box observing itself observing back from inside the box.
A type of spiritual magic there
maybe is is transgender
Every historical dynamic attains
its momentum out of its beginnings
dialectic I mean that's just basic
and we're so
while empiricism in general seems
to be breaking
we live in a time
in which the
down the further we pivot into
tech, yet the fruits of the
visualizations of early-modern
magic, in and of themselves, still
remain to be utilized,
integrated, and further
branched into just as do all those
hand in hand with has made
alchemical texts. Hopefully this
will be that possible, and since this is the
moment of now,
an entertaining letter for you to read.
after all of that, For two decades
there was nothing in my life but
behind itself inside the covers of
magick. (I mean, rock and roll and
comic books
alchemical texts, and can speak
itself openly,
the dialectic no longer has need to
remain hidden
yes, and those were magick too.) I
breathed, lived,
existing on the material plane.
practiced and studied it, and mostly
practiced the study of its
in between the interstices
Glossolalia operates, i hypothesize, through its impact upon the subconscious peripheries of the speaker's mind, from which, despite the outward mishmash of syntax, the speaker yet projects upon the world some form of what they hungrily perceive to be information. Information perhaps encoded by their subconscious imagination. Plenty of things, in general, we sometimes don't know how to put into words, either because we haven't figured them out well enough, or we as individuals don't possess the language to do so, or perhaps the very concepts themselves don't exist in our native languages or cultures in the first place! Or, in the case of religious ecstasy, perhaps it's more expedient for the body to just skip the process of forming words altogether, and just make sounds, organized as if syntactical (as opposed to just moans) which feel to the subconscious to be expressive of the intense experience the individual is going through. Emotive forms arising (as they do) prior to the organized thoughts which we use to represent them, but arising too fast, too frantically, or too forcefully for the individual to organize them into words, and perhaps glossolalia is indicative of that.
It possibly arises through some basic interplay between the consciousness of the body and the consciousness of the self, and may even have played a role in whichever is that which gives rise to language in the first place.
I consider it not too far-fetched a leap to compare glossolalia to Burrough's description of the processes by which a cut-up is supposed to work upon the mind of its writer. Not that a cutup is supposed to be unintelligible, but his "theory" is that it acts as a shortcut, slightly bypassing reason (in a detourish kind of way) to get closer to or to better express deeper meaning within the user. To psychologically influence its writer's mind. Also, something about "exposing cracks in temporal reality" through intentionally deconstructing then randomly re-piecing written semantic. Crazy beatniks, lol.
The poems i sent on the 7th came about because I was writing you a letter, but when i read it immediately afterwards it gave me such a pretentious headache. So I stuck it into a translation engine, set the "translate from" settings completely out of whack, and "made" a poem.
And then i wrote more to provide an explanation to the first poem, but the results were similar, and so to the translator again, and the outcome was "Title: Zeiblu". I consider translation engine experiments to be forms of cutup.
So now a third letter, lol.
Making cutup has been a large part of my inner dialogue process for a couple of decades and a half, comprising the majority of my writing. It's only now though, five years after starting hormones; ten months after joining the Mormons (to get "right" with my self-perception around other people) that i've begun to get a handle enough on my inner dialogue to not go through life feeling completely lost 🤦♀️.
With the exception of a brief period in 2017/18 at the end of my marriage, I stopped paying attention (for a bunch of semi-unrelated, though convergent, reasons) to virtually all streams of occultural discourse right around the time that "occulture" seemed to become a buzzword, in 2007, upon marrying and the two of us bringing into the world a child. Only recently have i dipped in again to pay it any amount of cursory attention. Twice now in the past couple of months i've checked back in to take a look see, reading the description of one or another writer's practice, their bio or the description of their scenario, etcetera, i've come across the phrase "ritual cut-ups," which makes me kind of grimace. As if cut ups were ever anything but of the magickal aire when Burroughs and Gysin enunciated the practice; it's just that ritual is the entirely wrong semantic.
Cutup is magick stripped of magick's dialectic—the user manipulating themselves through no means other than the breaking down of discrete doses of information in order to have a look see between its interstices, and from there (if magickal dialectic is really required/ desired) to use that look see through the interstices, somehow, as a means to lodge/ record/ insert/ implant/ engrave/ enfold/ recommend (or whatever) the user's desired meaning into or onto or to whatever passes in the user's mind for the "akashic plane" (to use quaint theosophic language). “I shall now recommend to the akashic plane, xyz, abc"
Break information down thee of meanings previously hazy (or not at all existent) for purposes of consideration that which are now there to be glimpsed at.
Back to glossolalia
When a person erupts into the speaking of tongues in a religious setting, it is as a strategy to be spoken to, or through, by the god or gods. The great lubrication towards de-rationalization inherent in religious experience provides the context for and creates the conditions of glossolalia's spontaneity (frenzy and the pipes of pan), and though it is almost always a learned behavior, no doubt it can also arise on its own, free from any prior knowledge on the part of the individual, merely springing forth, perhaps from some much deeper, older part of consciousness—In ancient Syria there were lists of officially recognized forms of divinatory speakers granted the right to receive audience before the king; one such class was the babbling "raver," which basically meant a gibbering madman.
Which is not quite the same thing thing as glossolalia, but close. (And such tidbits fit plausibly well with Julian Jaynes hypothesis, an hypothesis which perhaps is somewhat overly arch, but nonetheless contains a high enough ratio of baby to bath water to be extremely interesting food for thought. [I owned his book, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind many years ago, and I understand it's available for free now, in an attractively designed, eminently readable, online format, on the Julian Jaynes Society website.)
Glossolalia, in pentecostalism and other ecstatic religion, as a learned behavior: Humans are wily creatures, endlessly full of wow, endlessly inventive, and endlessly imitative in service to the process of their wow.
Glossolalia as a magickal strategy: one in which the aim, at least in part, is to speak to the Self. I would posit that buried somewhere in vedic or buddhic-tantric high-whatzits there may exist, or may have existed, practices analogous to training the self to engage with itself consciously, through glossolalia; practices performed privately rather than performatively, of learning the self to induce the tongue to unfold into apparently meaningless syllables of enunciation, lucidly freeing the mind's eye from reliance upon propagation of conscious syntax with the aim of speaking with / hearing from the Self.
To hear from the self, or to be heard from, by the self, amount to the same thing, partaken from different directions.
To speak with the Self thee and all Spirits, such as—Animals, the Wind, the Sun, Houseflies, Creatures trapped in the zoo, the Clouds, the Weather, the Universal Self, the Subconscious Universal Self, God, Gods, Squirrels, Birds, Howler Monkeys, the Earth, the Conscious Subconscious Self, the Subconscious thee as Imagination Arouses, Genial ol' Beezelbub (as if!), Breezes, well met Butterflies, Etcetera in general, the Biosphere, the self-aware Self-Etcetera, to Speak to Hear from
Of course, i'm a modern westerner, not a high buddhic or vedic-tantric whatzis. But speculation comes natural.
I mean, let's say I be jaining about one fine day in India, swanning like a swami inside a tomb filled with rotted corpses as part of some tantric, ye olde thibet style, still-the-mind ritual... (which, per say, personally I've never done)...i don't know...i might just feel like making some conversation. Being the kind, thoughtful, self-preservingly considerate sort of person i am, i'm probably gonna want to tell them (the dead) that they are good; are in a likewise place; that they are loved; that the universe within and all spiritual things are in good hands; that their own descendants are probably even now descending in good stead; that it is a good time, now and henceforth, for themselves to no longer be concerned for the sake of concern concerning themselves or others, (myself included!); that though they are dead they are yet truly still loved and beloved folk; and that though they are at present vitally subdued, they are yet an important part, still, of the vast fabric of things. Etcetera. And i'd feel dumb just holding forth out loud like that in King's standard ye olde Gujarati or whatever it is i'm speaking in if i was that, then. It seems to me that possessing a felicity for speaking in tongues would come in handy for such salutations.
...Less facetiously,
a self-signaling mnemonic, inducing, transmitting, and/or circulating trance-derived information through the trancee's sphere of self?
Ah, lofty magick in theory and practice.
We exist at all times as varying admixtures of Self. Ideally harmoniously, but often not, and i have often found myself speculating upon, ruminating about, and agonizing over
Admixtures of self and communication between. some parts are sometimes forward, some are sometimes retrograde. parts of self. Some levels of self are overarching, some structural, some exist sub-auditorialy to the rest of our self, some are meta, some are substrate (though, since i'm playing with words and promoting what amounts to extremely hazy, romantic sounding imagery as if it were stone cold fact, where self-substrate ends and self-structure begins...?) Suffice it to say, all this sometimes competing ad mixture of self, often jostling, are composed in our heads and bodies, or reside within the back-and-forth between our meat- sacks and their chakras, or are nestled betwixt our physical and light bodies, or *wherever the fuck,* within which, we our "selves" carry ourselves about.
And always there is the possibility too, that the biosphere plays some communicative role in our own self-intelligence, or possibly even engraves some kind of communicative interplay across and between the whole of living sentience, all the green and the blue.
And there is also to take into account Alistair Crowley's universal human will (if i am reading it correctly), i.e., the operative "meta consciousness" of the human herd, that which moves the herd toward the furthest forward coagulating yearnings of the entirety of the herd as it semi-intelligently herds itself across the span of time, one large subconscious organism, emanating from within some interplay between every individual's consciousness; informing (at least in part) every individual's sub-conscious; and giving rise to every culture's historical dynamic and to all of humanity's pictures, stories, maps and experiences of the divine.
Also, for completion's sake, speaking of consciousness or its construction, the whole quantum effect theory; consciousness either arising from or giving rise to, the quantum substrate, or both, vice versa simultaneously—the existence of consciousness as a whole conceived as some form of omni-potent, ever presently alive, Schrodinger's Kat, eternally sitting on the counter next to its box observing itself observing back from inside the box.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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