Thank You
God I want to thank you for the life you've given me
The love, the sex, the giving, you have allowed for me to see
From the time I can remember, I always knew that you were there
You sent your one and only son, for us on earth because you care
My father and my mother always took us kids to church
They taught us all, that you our Lord, would never leave us in a lurch
That you are over all omnipotent. You are there to guide the way
My life is now much shorter. I still believe that to this day
The reason for this poem of mine, is to address my sex in life
The bible says, should be between, a married man and wife
When I was only twelve years old, and I started growing hair
Why did you give me wants, desires and new erections growing there?
I had two brothers and four sisters. I was the youngest of the lot
I learned that girls were different. I had appendage, they did not
Why were we built so differently? A neighbor friend, a girl, would say
She was just a little older. I still remember to this day
She told me of the hows and whys, but did not take me there back then
She did not touch or fondle me. We both knew that was a sin
She never mentioned it again, yet I remember to this day
The pictures I built in my mind, from those words she had to say
My brothers were much older, they were married when I learned
My sisters married also. I was alone, the tables turned
Soon their children were appearing. I knew they all had done the deed
My wants were growing stronger. My hand would satisfy the need
The first time I would masturbate was to a Playboy centerfold
My brother had an issue, in his bathroom, I was told
I was visiting one summer, when there wasn't any school
Found a Playboy in the closet, opened it and grabbed my tool
Marilyn Monroe was watching me as I began to go to work
I was soon to full erection and my balls began to perk
I could feel my pecker pulsing as I climaxed in my hand
If you're a man, you've likely been there, so I'm sure you understand
I was just a little dizzy from the way it made me feel
I looked forward to the real thing, for the cards that fate would deal
I would be a high school senior before I lost virginity
Although I was not married, I knew she was the one for me
Before that was to happen, many things were put to test
Slow dancing back in junior high, up against a budding breast
Caused me to come to an erection, pushing my pants out in the front
Up against my reason for it. Excuse me please, for being blunt
Until I got my license and a car to drive around
My feet were on the pedals or I was walking on the ground
Went to be with girls of interest, at the movies or their house
Hugged and kissed them, went no further, they were not my future spouse
When I finally got my license, and my first car for a date
The drive-in movies were the place to continue with my fate
The entry but a dollar, for just one, or all seats full
Movies started when the sun went down. The darkened parking had pull
The front seat in the cars back then, was a bench from door to door
The shift was on the column, was no console on the floor
When the car was parked, the speaker hung, on the window partly down
My date would slide against me, so maybe we could mess around
I put my arm around her shoulders, pulled her close, and then we kissed
The movie lost its interest. We could not watch it through the mist
That had gathered on the windshield, from the heat within the car
We both were breathing heavily, for the drive-in that was par
The first feature was soon over and the lights were turned up bright
We slid apart a little, an intermission in the night.
Got some candy and some popcorn and a drink to cool our throat
Looking towards the second feature, for more making out of note
The lights went out, projector on, the movie's on the screen
Had no clue who was the star, he may have been James Dean
We were kissing and were touching feeling quite a bit of lust
I unsnapped her bra to free, the standing nipples on her bust
I massaged her youthful growing breasts. Through my pants, she felt my tool
Her lips parted, I French kissed her, our tongues touching was so cool
My hand went to her lower lips, down inside her tighty whites
Felt the wetness that was there and had been other nights
She unsnapped, unzipped my jeans, took my hardness in her hand
Squeezed and teased me 'til came, I hoped she would understand
I finger fucked her to orgasm. My thumb was playing with her clit
I wanted to go all the way, but my God said, that was it
Until I was a senior, that was far as it would get
There was no penetration, though sometimes my tip was wet
Many times there was no cumming and my balls were turning blue
When I got home I masturbated, by that time was nothing new
When I was a senior, I had a steady who was great
We always made out heavily and went farther date to date
Then one night it happened, in a graveyard by the road
We were in the grass and naked, I penetrated, shot my load
As my cum began to stream out, into her wet and wanton slot
I quickly left her confines, and on her stomach shot my shot
I asked her soon to marry me, because sex was for that place
I knew that Jesus would forgive me, for my sin and my disgace
Every time we went out on a date, after that, we'd always fuck
In the front seat or the back seat, in a bed with any luck
Of course we were not married yet, but I had asked, it was the same
I never wore protection, to cum within her brought the flame
I got a ring, became engaged, I enlisted in the Force
Not the Army or the Navy, it was in the Air of course
I went in to grow maturity, and to get an education
I took the oath and swore, by God, to protect and serve this nation
Went to Texas for my basic. Halfway through, received a note
I no longer want to marry you. I don't love you was the vote
Won't go into any details but we got married anyway
The year was 1966 and I cannot regret that day
She went with me to Barksdale, a base in north LA
Not the one in California but the one where Cajuns stay
In January 68 I went off to Vietnam
I was divorced before I came home, because she did not give a damn
I felt I was not wanted by any woman in my life
The vows we said forever, had not been honored by my wife
If she could not wait for me. I must not be much good
It must have been the length and girth of my only average wood
With my marriage by the wayside, I thought, back then, of only sex
To see how many women would help remove this awful hex
The first a prostitute in Hong Kong where I got her from a bar
Then a girl I knew from high school, for me, she soon became a star
With her I found much pleasure, then it turned into a mess
She became a nothing, in my life, when she became a stewardess
Then the girlfriend of my best friend whom I met in Vietnam
Rejected him and came to me, so I fucked her juicy clam.
The next was a real beauty whom I took out on a bet
That she would not date me, would not go with me and yet
When I asked her to go out with me, her answer was affirm
We had a very good time and, that night, she got my worm
Then things begin to happen, a married friend, now had desire
He thought if I could have her, she would also light his fire
He asked and she went out with him, and I guess gave him the most
He left his wife, moved in with her, his marriage then was toast
He had always cheated on his wife, yet they had an infant child
She tried to get him to return, though his cheating drove her wild
I worked with him and knew her and her baby daughter too
I felt that I could help her, hold her hand to get her through
One thing led to another and I asked her for a date
She was the best there ever was, to marry her, my fate
To adopt her child, was not in question, for I had married two, not one
God took her off to Heaven; two and fifty years the run
She will soon be gone two years. In fact this month will bring the day
In my heart she is still with me and will never go away
I am alone and sometimes lonely and would like to love again
Would like to hold another, love for me, is not a sin.
Would love to meet a widow, who has been through as much as me
Who is too old for children but still wants some company
Who still has wants and some desire, wants to come in from the rain
I would never force another, from having sex, I could refrain
The love, the sex, the giving, you have allowed for me to see
From the time I can remember, I always knew that you were there
You sent your one and only son, for us on earth because you care
My father and my mother always took us kids to church
They taught us all, that you our Lord, would never leave us in a lurch
That you are over all omnipotent. You are there to guide the way
My life is now much shorter. I still believe that to this day
The reason for this poem of mine, is to address my sex in life
The bible says, should be between, a married man and wife
When I was only twelve years old, and I started growing hair
Why did you give me wants, desires and new erections growing there?
I had two brothers and four sisters. I was the youngest of the lot
I learned that girls were different. I had appendage, they did not
Why were we built so differently? A neighbor friend, a girl, would say
She was just a little older. I still remember to this day
She told me of the hows and whys, but did not take me there back then
She did not touch or fondle me. We both knew that was a sin
She never mentioned it again, yet I remember to this day
The pictures I built in my mind, from those words she had to say
My brothers were much older, they were married when I learned
My sisters married also. I was alone, the tables turned
Soon their children were appearing. I knew they all had done the deed
My wants were growing stronger. My hand would satisfy the need
The first time I would masturbate was to a Playboy centerfold
My brother had an issue, in his bathroom, I was told
I was visiting one summer, when there wasn't any school
Found a Playboy in the closet, opened it and grabbed my tool
Marilyn Monroe was watching me as I began to go to work
I was soon to full erection and my balls began to perk
I could feel my pecker pulsing as I climaxed in my hand
If you're a man, you've likely been there, so I'm sure you understand
I was just a little dizzy from the way it made me feel
I looked forward to the real thing, for the cards that fate would deal
I would be a high school senior before I lost virginity
Although I was not married, I knew she was the one for me
Before that was to happen, many things were put to test
Slow dancing back in junior high, up against a budding breast
Caused me to come to an erection, pushing my pants out in the front
Up against my reason for it. Excuse me please, for being blunt
Until I got my license and a car to drive around
My feet were on the pedals or I was walking on the ground
Went to be with girls of interest, at the movies or their house
Hugged and kissed them, went no further, they were not my future spouse
When I finally got my license, and my first car for a date
The drive-in movies were the place to continue with my fate
The entry but a dollar, for just one, or all seats full
Movies started when the sun went down. The darkened parking had pull
The front seat in the cars back then, was a bench from door to door
The shift was on the column, was no console on the floor
When the car was parked, the speaker hung, on the window partly down
My date would slide against me, so maybe we could mess around
I put my arm around her shoulders, pulled her close, and then we kissed
The movie lost its interest. We could not watch it through the mist
That had gathered on the windshield, from the heat within the car
We both were breathing heavily, for the drive-in that was par
The first feature was soon over and the lights were turned up bright
We slid apart a little, an intermission in the night.
Got some candy and some popcorn and a drink to cool our throat
Looking towards the second feature, for more making out of note
The lights went out, projector on, the movie's on the screen
Had no clue who was the star, he may have been James Dean
We were kissing and were touching feeling quite a bit of lust
I unsnapped her bra to free, the standing nipples on her bust
I massaged her youthful growing breasts. Through my pants, she felt my tool
Her lips parted, I French kissed her, our tongues touching was so cool
My hand went to her lower lips, down inside her tighty whites
Felt the wetness that was there and had been other nights
She unsnapped, unzipped my jeans, took my hardness in her hand
Squeezed and teased me 'til came, I hoped she would understand
I finger fucked her to orgasm. My thumb was playing with her clit
I wanted to go all the way, but my God said, that was it
Until I was a senior, that was far as it would get
There was no penetration, though sometimes my tip was wet
Many times there was no cumming and my balls were turning blue
When I got home I masturbated, by that time was nothing new
When I was a senior, I had a steady who was great
We always made out heavily and went farther date to date
Then one night it happened, in a graveyard by the road
We were in the grass and naked, I penetrated, shot my load
As my cum began to stream out, into her wet and wanton slot
I quickly left her confines, and on her stomach shot my shot
I asked her soon to marry me, because sex was for that place
I knew that Jesus would forgive me, for my sin and my disgace
Every time we went out on a date, after that, we'd always fuck
In the front seat or the back seat, in a bed with any luck
Of course we were not married yet, but I had asked, it was the same
I never wore protection, to cum within her brought the flame
I got a ring, became engaged, I enlisted in the Force
Not the Army or the Navy, it was in the Air of course
I went in to grow maturity, and to get an education
I took the oath and swore, by God, to protect and serve this nation
Went to Texas for my basic. Halfway through, received a note
I no longer want to marry you. I don't love you was the vote
Won't go into any details but we got married anyway
The year was 1966 and I cannot regret that day
She went with me to Barksdale, a base in north LA
Not the one in California but the one where Cajuns stay
In January 68 I went off to Vietnam
I was divorced before I came home, because she did not give a damn
I felt I was not wanted by any woman in my life
The vows we said forever, had not been honored by my wife
If she could not wait for me. I must not be much good
It must have been the length and girth of my only average wood
With my marriage by the wayside, I thought, back then, of only sex
To see how many women would help remove this awful hex
The first a prostitute in Hong Kong where I got her from a bar
Then a girl I knew from high school, for me, she soon became a star
With her I found much pleasure, then it turned into a mess
She became a nothing, in my life, when she became a stewardess
Then the girlfriend of my best friend whom I met in Vietnam
Rejected him and came to me, so I fucked her juicy clam.
The next was a real beauty whom I took out on a bet
That she would not date me, would not go with me and yet
When I asked her to go out with me, her answer was affirm
We had a very good time and, that night, she got my worm
Then things begin to happen, a married friend, now had desire
He thought if I could have her, she would also light his fire
He asked and she went out with him, and I guess gave him the most
He left his wife, moved in with her, his marriage then was toast
He had always cheated on his wife, yet they had an infant child
She tried to get him to return, though his cheating drove her wild
I worked with him and knew her and her baby daughter too
I felt that I could help her, hold her hand to get her through
One thing led to another and I asked her for a date
She was the best there ever was, to marry her, my fate
To adopt her child, was not in question, for I had married two, not one
God took her off to Heaven; two and fifty years the run
She will soon be gone two years. In fact this month will bring the day
In my heart she is still with me and will never go away
I am alone and sometimes lonely and would like to love again
Would like to hold another, love for me, is not a sin.
Would love to meet a widow, who has been through as much as me
Who is too old for children but still wants some company
Who still has wants and some desire, wants to come in from the rain
I would never force another, from having sex, I could refrain
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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