
I’ve uttered words of love and truth,
From the depths of my soul, they break loose.
But how can I embrace your love's grace,
When self-love feels like a distant chase?

You are the spark that ignites my flame,
The breath that fuels my deepest aim.
Yet, I fear my fire may dwindle and fade,
Leaving me alone, consumed and dismayed.

I yearn to shield you from all despair,
But your needs extend beyond my care.
It leads to more alarm, I must confess,
Is it destined that I'll never find happiness?

I stand firm, accountable for all I've done,
When Judgment Day arrives, I won't shun.
Facing the truth, I won't turn away,
Owning my life, embracing both night and day.

But perhaps there's a glimmer of hope to find,
A chance to heal, leaving the past behind.
Can you guide me to love myself, dear,
And together, ascend to realms so clear?

You are the guiding star that lights my way,
The voice that soothes, bringing calm each day.
A steady hand, keeping me secure,
A shelter, providing warmth and assurance pure.

If forever is your desire, I'll remain true,
Though life's brevity reminds us what we must do.
We'll seize each moment, love with all our might,
Embracing truth, igniting love's eternal light.

I'll live for you, with every fiber of my being,
Even when the truth feels like a harsh sting.
I'll wear a smile, embracing my part,
But I can't deny the truth that resides in my heart.
Written by Zephlin347 (ArtisticSoul347 2.0)
Author's Note
Something I'd been working on for a while.  I'd write down lines as they came to me, and I finally had enough to rework and rearrange everything until I had what I wanted.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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