bottlecap ramble: 3 sides of black & white

maybe it's the drink but I just can't stop thinking
about the level of ugly in this world
and how safety in numbers is also a danger
when like minded spirits find other haters
the damage done by even one
is amplified exponentially when they all gather together  
believing they validate their hatred & cruelty by sheer volume
and it many defiantly coming out of the shadows
showing their true colours
when they see their own secret loathing
so boldly displayed in the hearts of others
there's no fear in them to step up & make some noise
a a matter of fact
eagerly turning their violent thoughts into deadly actions
and yes...there are those doing good & speaking up
placing themselves bravely in the line of fire
knowing their very existence to be the very reason  
for the dubious attentions of that darker side
but they can't not stand up for what's right
by colour...gender...spiritual alignment...
...or merely guilt by association
the very breath in their body offends
...and yet...there they stand
outnumbered...but arms linked in harmony  
fighting with love against a deadly army
not heroes...just souls who refuse to give up
or let another suffer alone
but there's another group of people
who confound...sadden...truly frighten me
their willingness to do nothing in a world that's combusting
is more than a little troubling
but they recycle & reuse & consider themselves good for the doing
but what does that really prove
I don't subscribe to the line
"if you don't stand for something
you stand for nothing at all
it's worse than my mind
inaction silently chooses its side
of no benefit to the oppressed
it only strengthens the aggressor  
with their head down...not my problem mentality
they're showing their flawed morality
what affects one damages us all
how can they not see that  
and I question their motives...
...doubt their honour...
how can you stand idly by & watch harm done to another
then go on about your blind-minded business
haters I understand...they have clearly stated plans
but for fuck sake...the fence sitter
where do you really align
the places my mind goes after a few drinks is often unexpected...but enlightening
Written by WillowsWhimsies
Author's Note
Copyright @ Willow. All rights reserved
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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