Alien kidnapping, or was it Chapter 2
Alien kidnapping, or was it
Chapter 2
Samuel had been following the energy trail for over an hour now. He had already passed through several solar systems, getting further from Earth. Shit, he thought, I hope I can find my way back!
Pulling up short, he saw that he'd arrived at a massive space-like station. It appeared to bear the symbol of the Intergalactic Patrol that he'd seen both women wearing. Shaking his head, he looked at all the ships that were there. Nodding, he saw the one that the two women had been on. Good, he thought, at least one friendly face!
Going closer, he suddenly 'heard' a voice in his head. This is a restricted area; unless you have an appointment with Intergalactic Patrol personnel, you should go to this area. You are being bio-scanned now. Know that deadly force will be used if you persist in your actions!
Concentrating, Samuel thought back, I suggest you speak to Drivas Flot before you do something you will regret. I doubt you have anything that can stop me, though you might piss me off!
There was a moment of silence, and then many confused thoughts returned to him. Grabbing his head, he concentrated as hard as he could. Finally, the voices started to thin 'til he heard Drivas and another male.
Is this the one you saw? Samuel heard the man say.
Yes, sir, he is even purer than the criminal Mellos Thymp. We were unsure of him, so we came back to report. As of now, we are still determining what abilities he has. Drivas said.
It isn't nice to talk about someone when they can hear you. Samuel broke into their conversation with his thoughts.
Samuel could feel the shock that both were feeling. I apologize. It has been a long time since a humanoid with your abilities has been seen. As you can see, all are trained to handle almost anything. Please come aboard so we can talk about this in a more relaxed setting. He returned the man's thoughts. Samuel was nodding, though he was feeling a lot of deception from the man.
Samuel drew closer to the station and suddenly vanished, appearing in the same room as the man and Drivas. Sitting when the man offered, Samuel felt like a thousand eyes were on him.
"I'm sure Drivas has already made a full report to you. I also know that you are broadcasting this meeting to talk that you can. I'll tell you as I told Drivas and Thallus. Please don't come after me; you have nothing to fear. Piss me off? I don't think you want to see what I can do." Samuel calmly told them.
"Sir, we don't..." The man started, then was quiet when Samuel held up his hand.
"Please, don't insult my intelligence. I am a former military; I recognize a military installation. An independent civilian operation? I think not. So, would you like to talk to me straight forward? Or would you prefer for me to leave?" Here, Samuel spread his hands in a gesture of unconcern. Samuel's eyes narrowed as he suddenly heard more thoughts. "Unless you want people to be hurt, I suggest you tell them to stand down, NOW!"
The other man nodded as he spoke into a communicator. Turning back to Samuel, he asked, "If you aren't here to conquer, then why?"
"I want to find Mellos also. She has a hell of a lot more information on me than I can get from asking." Turning to Drivas, he stated. "When I asked for the information on your ship, I gleaned quite a bit; the problem is hardly any of it makes sense. In another language, your beam has had no success in deciphering. I know that the patrol is after her. Also, that's fine. She tried, I believe, to kill me, unsuccessfully, as you can see. I'll go now. I just thought I'd tell you what I would do." Samuel stood to go, then turned back to the two there. "Remember, Drivas," Samuel tapped his head. "I still had them when I was back on earth." Drivas' eyes went large as she slowly nodded to a smiling Samuel. With that, he vanished, appearing outside the station and then speeding away.
Drivas sat with a thud, as did the sub-commander of the Intergalactic Patrol. "You believe him?" He asked of her.
Swallowing hard she looked at the male. "A lot of what he said I do. As of yet, he has made no aggressive moves against the Patrol. Even when Thallus discharged her weapon at point-blank range."
The Sub-commander was nodding this was good if they could use him in their quest, then this would be worth it. Touching a panel, he asked, "Did you get enough of a scan to confirm?"
"Almost a complete scan, sir. We are comparing the data to that of the first scans. So far, they show no deviation from the pattern of those recorded over five centuries ago. All readings indicate that he is FROM Owt Los! Sir, I thought that was impossible! They were all destroyed in..." Came the voice.
"Enough! This is not a secure channel. You will store all you have gotten under the self-destroying section. You and everyone there are to report to the expungement center immediately!" The male said, then he turned to Drivas as he clicked off. "I know that the both of you are class elite thought warriors. However, as I saw, he was through her defenses quickly. We need to up the status of both of you. It appears he has somewhat attached himself to the both of you. Pray that doesn't change."
Drivas again swallowed as she thought of Samuel's ease into her ship. They'd had the shields at full when he teleported in. Shaking her head, she thought he'd done this as quickly as walking into a room. Here, he was starting to emerge. The sub-commander was right they had to turn him to their side.
"Sir," Drivas said coming out of her musings. "Do you require Thallus and I to continue monitoring him and his interaction with Mellos?"
The male was quiet for a minute as he thought about it. "I think that would be a good idea. I also think that both of you should be promoted to special field agents for the duration of this mission. I have already sent the request to central."
The door on the far side opened as Thallus nodded to Drivas. Drivas had thought they might be given this assignment. She'd already got her requests ahead of time. It was, after all, what had brought her the Sector Commander position, the youngest to date. Smiling she had to say a thanks to Samuel the next time they were face to face.
"Alright, special agent Thallus and special agent Commander Drivas. Warrior, follow him as soon as you both have been escalated to the next level of thought. As little contact as possible. Also, stay as hidden from him as you can." The sub-commander told both the females. "You should know the next level is painful. Not much but painful. Currently, there are few thought warriors at level two. Far less at three and four. Level five, well, only one Thantas is a force to be reckoned with."
"Thank you, sir." They both said as they started to exit the room. "Oh! Commander all your requests have been filled including a few others that Thantas thought you might need. Good luck, good hunting."
Both females left, heading to a little-used section of the station. Entering a door, both females watched as several guards took up positions on either side of the door. Five minutes later, the guards cringed as the screams of the females started.
Samuel had turned back toward what he hoped was Earth. The problem was nothing looked familiar. Damn, he wished he'd paid closer attention in science class. Stopping a moment, he thought a moment, then shrugged. Where is Earth? He thought, then waited. Ah, come on! This had worked last time. Pausing a moment later, he felt his eyes shift, and then he saw a path through space beside him. Shrugging again, he turned, heading that way. I need to get back faster, he thought. Suddenly, his speed began to pick up, and a tunnel opened before him. What the hell?
Flying in it, he was only in it for a few seconds, then came out not far from Earth. Ok now that was a neat trick, and I have no idea how I did it. Shaking his head he decided not to dwell on it. Looking around again where Mellos's ship had been, he began to run through the spectrums. Growling he started a second time this time slower; he had to be missing something.
Frustrated, he was about to go through them a third time when he noticed an extremely faint energy trail. It was so soft that it was almost blending into the darkness of space. Smiling, he followed it, then thought again, I need to go faster. Furthermore, his speed picked up, and then another tunnel opened as he flew into it. This time, it seemed more like a few minutes than a few seconds.
Emerging this time into the darkness of space, Samuel began to look around. The trail was just as weak here, though it seemed to be going slower. It was thicker, meaning they weren't in the tunnel. Whatever, he thought as he started to follow the trail. A few minutes later he arrived in front of a solid blue-colored world. Funny, he thought, what was that grey patch that seemed to be growing on the surface? Looking closer, he had to do a double take. There was no surface? Descending, he found that what he thought was water was gas.
Sighing, he headed toward the grey area that seemed to be growing larger. He was almost to it when many large gaseous bladder creatures flew past him. Samuel shook his head as he tried to ask what was going on. Finally, he stopped one of the more giant creatures. "What is going on?" Samuel asked.
"I know not who you are, strange creature; we must flee. The air is being destroyed. We are all doomed! Release me so I can die with my family." The giant creature said, then broke free and flew away to join the others, its fins flapping as fast as they could.
Turning, Samuel saw what appeared to be a cloud approaching him. Suddenly, it was upon him, then moving around him. Shaking his head, several small machines smashed into his chest. Each exploded as they collided with him, releasing a massive amount of blue gas. The problem was those around the destroyed machine just as quickly took it in.
Nodding, he was beginning to understand what was going on. Flying through the cloud, he collided with thousands of small machines. It appeared that he was starting to beat them when they began avoiding him. The few that smashed into him fell and then divided creating two! Damn it! Ok, he thought, calm down. I know there's something I can do.
Samuel started to rack his brain when an idea hit him: would it work? Flying to the middle of the cloud of machines, Samuel began to spin as fast as he could. Glad I'm not getting dizzy, he thought or this would be over quick. Turning more quickly, he felt many of the machines struggling to escape. Still reeling, he was getting higher, bringing almost all of them with him.
Smiling to himself, he thought this would work 'til he ran out of air. Realizing his mistake, he began to fly around them as fast as he could, keeping them together with the Gs he was creating. Looking down he saw that a few had fallen out, falling back toward the blue gas. Then, to his astonishment, almost all of them exploded as they began to pick up speed. I thought this was a complete ball of gas.
Drifting lower, Samuel kept up his speed as he felt he was back in the atmosphere. Clapping his hands together as hard as he could, he watched as the force of the waves he'd created crushed the rest. Looking at his hands he nodded. Sonic waves are sound.
Flying back into the gas, he saw a few hundred he'd missed. Clapping in front of the advancing machines, he saw them crumble and fall. Finally finished, he felt a presence. Turning, he saw what he thought was the same creature he'd stopped before. "I know not what you are, strange creature. We all wish to thank you."
"Do you know where those machines came from?" Samuel asked.
"Machines?" The creature asked. "I'm sorry, I do not know of this word."
Samuel thought for a moment as he thought of how to word his question. "The strange things that were destroying your air. Do you know where they came from?"
"Oh yes! Though we do not go there, it is a dead forbidden place." The creature said.
"If you can take me to it I will not ask you to go in. Will that be alright with you?" Samuel asked.
The creature was hesitant and quiet momentarily, and then it spoke. "I am allowed to take you to the edge my puddles said I could help you. Though I have to go straight back."
"I understand; I don't want you to get in trouble," Samuel said with a slow smile.
"Oh, thank you, strange creature. May I ask what you are labeled? I am Atata." Atata said.
Samuel nodded, "I am called Samuel, though I prefer Sam, Atata."
Atata shook a little from side to side. It was tough to tell the head end from the tail. "You are labeled Sam Atata? Interesting."
"No, I am just labeled Sam," Samuel said.
"Oh! Ok, that will make it easier, Sam. I mean, being called Atata would be confusing both of us." Atata told Samuel with what sounded like a small laugh.
"Please show me where this dead forbidden place is. Then you may return to your… it was puddles, correct?" Samuel asked of Atata.
"Oh yes, Sam. They are very concerned that I am helping you. Since you have helped all of us, they are allowing me to help you. Though, as they said, I cannot do much." Getting closer Atata said very low. "They say I am far too young to do much else. I desire to do more, though I will obey my puddles."
Samuel nodded as Atata took off with him right behind it. Suddenly, they were diving deeper into the blue gas, going quite a ways 'til they reached a dead-looking area of the air.
"Is this the place your people don't go to?" Samuel asked.
Atata started to tremble as it whispered, "Yes! This place is terrifying." Suddenly turning, Atata took off at high speed. "Be careful, Sam," Atata said as it quickly vanished.
Sighing, then shrugging, Sam could understand as just a week ago he was nearly as timid. Turning toward the dark place Sam was sure he felt almost as if something was trying to make him as afraid as he could get.
Shaking his head, he pushed what he felt away and started into the dead area. ‘Strange,’ Samuel thought, ‘not really that much here. I’m beginning to think that someone wants everything to keep away.’ Smiling Samuel pushed on, ‘Yeah,’ he thought, ‘I think I am starting to smell a rat.’
Going slowly for what felt like miles, Samuel eventually came upon a small habitation area. Nodding, Samuel thought it was as he thought before. Going right to the side of the place, Samuel decided to try to make nice. Then if that didn't work well, they didn't want to piss him off, did they?
I don't know who you are, though I suggest you stop trying to take the atmosphere from this planet. Please don't pretend that you can't hear me. I know for a fact that ALL can now understand me. Samuel thought about the habitation. Come on, I know you can listen to me unless you want me to come in there. As mad as I am, I don't think you want that. I'd like for you to start talking.
Suddenly, very gruff thoughts started to assail Samuel. Who are you? Are you from the Intergalactic Patrol? I was told that we were protected. This world was declared a non-sentient; therefore, I could purchase the rights to all elements here. I NON-SENTIENT came Samuel's harsh thoughts. I am only a basic thought-talker. Even I can hear the views of those here. So, your rights to this place are no good for me. Of course, I could destroy this place with you in it. I suggest you be gone as fast as possible. If not, I will throw you into space, ready or not!
Just who do you think you are? I have all rights the other’s thoughts started.
Wrong! You had them under false facts. Leave as fast as you can before you can never again! Samuel's thoughts growled.
I will. Started the other’s thoughts, then were quiet a moment. I am corrected, sir. We are departing in a minute.
Samuel watched as there was a furious amount of activity, and then the whole structure started to rise at an accelerated rate. Mere minutes later, it was free of the planet, opening a portal, and then it was gone.
Shaking his head Samuel sought out the one called Atata. A few moments later Samuel heard the creature. Sam! Did you find anything there in the dead place?
Yes, I did. They appear to be the ones that were trying to destroy your air. They are gone. I am hoping they don't come back. Samuel replied.
Suddenly, another set of thoughts broke into the conversation. We would like to thank you for the consideration you showed Atata. Being the last of our puddle mating, Atata must survive. If you need us to call out, we will do everything we can to help you. We will also keep in touch with you if the grumel returns.
I will welcome any help you can provide when the time comes. I must go; I am following another of my kind. Be safe, friends. Samuel said as he rocketed out of the atmosphere, following the even fainter energy trail of Mellos.
Two smaller forms of the air bladder creatures were discussed in the blue gas world. Did you recognize the energy of the strange being? The first asked of the second.
Partially, it was a form I had not felt in a long time. Could you tell me, Mite? Would you happen to know what it was? The second asked.
The first shook a part of its bladder body. Yes, I did. Do you remember long ago when the seer foresaw the return of our old ally?
The second creature also shook, though it was the entire body. Mite! Do you think this is what the seer saw?
It is hard to say one way or the other. I know this: if they are finally starting to return to the star cluster, there will eventually be justice for the millions of races that have been enslaved. They won't allow it especially if they find out the truth. The first replied.
Samuel followed the trail as fast as he could, as it appeared to dissipate more quickly. Damn it Samuel thought if I get close to her again I need to mark her ship somehow. I might lose her for a while if not.
To be continued
Chapter 2
Samuel had been following the energy trail for over an hour now. He had already passed through several solar systems, getting further from Earth. Shit, he thought, I hope I can find my way back!
Pulling up short, he saw that he'd arrived at a massive space-like station. It appeared to bear the symbol of the Intergalactic Patrol that he'd seen both women wearing. Shaking his head, he looked at all the ships that were there. Nodding, he saw the one that the two women had been on. Good, he thought, at least one friendly face!
Going closer, he suddenly 'heard' a voice in his head. This is a restricted area; unless you have an appointment with Intergalactic Patrol personnel, you should go to this area. You are being bio-scanned now. Know that deadly force will be used if you persist in your actions!
Concentrating, Samuel thought back, I suggest you speak to Drivas Flot before you do something you will regret. I doubt you have anything that can stop me, though you might piss me off!
There was a moment of silence, and then many confused thoughts returned to him. Grabbing his head, he concentrated as hard as he could. Finally, the voices started to thin 'til he heard Drivas and another male.
Is this the one you saw? Samuel heard the man say.
Yes, sir, he is even purer than the criminal Mellos Thymp. We were unsure of him, so we came back to report. As of now, we are still determining what abilities he has. Drivas said.
It isn't nice to talk about someone when they can hear you. Samuel broke into their conversation with his thoughts.
Samuel could feel the shock that both were feeling. I apologize. It has been a long time since a humanoid with your abilities has been seen. As you can see, all are trained to handle almost anything. Please come aboard so we can talk about this in a more relaxed setting. He returned the man's thoughts. Samuel was nodding, though he was feeling a lot of deception from the man.
Samuel drew closer to the station and suddenly vanished, appearing in the same room as the man and Drivas. Sitting when the man offered, Samuel felt like a thousand eyes were on him.
"I'm sure Drivas has already made a full report to you. I also know that you are broadcasting this meeting to talk that you can. I'll tell you as I told Drivas and Thallus. Please don't come after me; you have nothing to fear. Piss me off? I don't think you want to see what I can do." Samuel calmly told them.
"Sir, we don't..." The man started, then was quiet when Samuel held up his hand.
"Please, don't insult my intelligence. I am a former military; I recognize a military installation. An independent civilian operation? I think not. So, would you like to talk to me straight forward? Or would you prefer for me to leave?" Here, Samuel spread his hands in a gesture of unconcern. Samuel's eyes narrowed as he suddenly heard more thoughts. "Unless you want people to be hurt, I suggest you tell them to stand down, NOW!"
The other man nodded as he spoke into a communicator. Turning back to Samuel, he asked, "If you aren't here to conquer, then why?"
"I want to find Mellos also. She has a hell of a lot more information on me than I can get from asking." Turning to Drivas, he stated. "When I asked for the information on your ship, I gleaned quite a bit; the problem is hardly any of it makes sense. In another language, your beam has had no success in deciphering. I know that the patrol is after her. Also, that's fine. She tried, I believe, to kill me, unsuccessfully, as you can see. I'll go now. I just thought I'd tell you what I would do." Samuel stood to go, then turned back to the two there. "Remember, Drivas," Samuel tapped his head. "I still had them when I was back on earth." Drivas' eyes went large as she slowly nodded to a smiling Samuel. With that, he vanished, appearing outside the station and then speeding away.
Drivas sat with a thud, as did the sub-commander of the Intergalactic Patrol. "You believe him?" He asked of her.
Swallowing hard she looked at the male. "A lot of what he said I do. As of yet, he has made no aggressive moves against the Patrol. Even when Thallus discharged her weapon at point-blank range."
The Sub-commander was nodding this was good if they could use him in their quest, then this would be worth it. Touching a panel, he asked, "Did you get enough of a scan to confirm?"
"Almost a complete scan, sir. We are comparing the data to that of the first scans. So far, they show no deviation from the pattern of those recorded over five centuries ago. All readings indicate that he is FROM Owt Los! Sir, I thought that was impossible! They were all destroyed in..." Came the voice.
"Enough! This is not a secure channel. You will store all you have gotten under the self-destroying section. You and everyone there are to report to the expungement center immediately!" The male said, then he turned to Drivas as he clicked off. "I know that the both of you are class elite thought warriors. However, as I saw, he was through her defenses quickly. We need to up the status of both of you. It appears he has somewhat attached himself to the both of you. Pray that doesn't change."
Drivas again swallowed as she thought of Samuel's ease into her ship. They'd had the shields at full when he teleported in. Shaking her head, she thought he'd done this as quickly as walking into a room. Here, he was starting to emerge. The sub-commander was right they had to turn him to their side.
"Sir," Drivas said coming out of her musings. "Do you require Thallus and I to continue monitoring him and his interaction with Mellos?"
The male was quiet for a minute as he thought about it. "I think that would be a good idea. I also think that both of you should be promoted to special field agents for the duration of this mission. I have already sent the request to central."
The door on the far side opened as Thallus nodded to Drivas. Drivas had thought they might be given this assignment. She'd already got her requests ahead of time. It was, after all, what had brought her the Sector Commander position, the youngest to date. Smiling she had to say a thanks to Samuel the next time they were face to face.
"Alright, special agent Thallus and special agent Commander Drivas. Warrior, follow him as soon as you both have been escalated to the next level of thought. As little contact as possible. Also, stay as hidden from him as you can." The sub-commander told both the females. "You should know the next level is painful. Not much but painful. Currently, there are few thought warriors at level two. Far less at three and four. Level five, well, only one Thantas is a force to be reckoned with."
"Thank you, sir." They both said as they started to exit the room. "Oh! Commander all your requests have been filled including a few others that Thantas thought you might need. Good luck, good hunting."
Both females left, heading to a little-used section of the station. Entering a door, both females watched as several guards took up positions on either side of the door. Five minutes later, the guards cringed as the screams of the females started.
Samuel had turned back toward what he hoped was Earth. The problem was nothing looked familiar. Damn, he wished he'd paid closer attention in science class. Stopping a moment, he thought a moment, then shrugged. Where is Earth? He thought, then waited. Ah, come on! This had worked last time. Pausing a moment later, he felt his eyes shift, and then he saw a path through space beside him. Shrugging again, he turned, heading that way. I need to get back faster, he thought. Suddenly, his speed began to pick up, and a tunnel opened before him. What the hell?
Flying in it, he was only in it for a few seconds, then came out not far from Earth. Ok now that was a neat trick, and I have no idea how I did it. Shaking his head he decided not to dwell on it. Looking around again where Mellos's ship had been, he began to run through the spectrums. Growling he started a second time this time slower; he had to be missing something.
Frustrated, he was about to go through them a third time when he noticed an extremely faint energy trail. It was so soft that it was almost blending into the darkness of space. Smiling, he followed it, then thought again, I need to go faster. Furthermore, his speed picked up, and then another tunnel opened as he flew into it. This time, it seemed more like a few minutes than a few seconds.
Emerging this time into the darkness of space, Samuel began to look around. The trail was just as weak here, though it seemed to be going slower. It was thicker, meaning they weren't in the tunnel. Whatever, he thought as he started to follow the trail. A few minutes later he arrived in front of a solid blue-colored world. Funny, he thought, what was that grey patch that seemed to be growing on the surface? Looking closer, he had to do a double take. There was no surface? Descending, he found that what he thought was water was gas.
Sighing, he headed toward the grey area that seemed to be growing larger. He was almost to it when many large gaseous bladder creatures flew past him. Samuel shook his head as he tried to ask what was going on. Finally, he stopped one of the more giant creatures. "What is going on?" Samuel asked.
"I know not who you are, strange creature; we must flee. The air is being destroyed. We are all doomed! Release me so I can die with my family." The giant creature said, then broke free and flew away to join the others, its fins flapping as fast as they could.
Turning, Samuel saw what appeared to be a cloud approaching him. Suddenly, it was upon him, then moving around him. Shaking his head, several small machines smashed into his chest. Each exploded as they collided with him, releasing a massive amount of blue gas. The problem was those around the destroyed machine just as quickly took it in.
Nodding, he was beginning to understand what was going on. Flying through the cloud, he collided with thousands of small machines. It appeared that he was starting to beat them when they began avoiding him. The few that smashed into him fell and then divided creating two! Damn it! Ok, he thought, calm down. I know there's something I can do.
Samuel started to rack his brain when an idea hit him: would it work? Flying to the middle of the cloud of machines, Samuel began to spin as fast as he could. Glad I'm not getting dizzy, he thought or this would be over quick. Turning more quickly, he felt many of the machines struggling to escape. Still reeling, he was getting higher, bringing almost all of them with him.
Smiling to himself, he thought this would work 'til he ran out of air. Realizing his mistake, he began to fly around them as fast as he could, keeping them together with the Gs he was creating. Looking down he saw that a few had fallen out, falling back toward the blue gas. Then, to his astonishment, almost all of them exploded as they began to pick up speed. I thought this was a complete ball of gas.
Drifting lower, Samuel kept up his speed as he felt he was back in the atmosphere. Clapping his hands together as hard as he could, he watched as the force of the waves he'd created crushed the rest. Looking at his hands he nodded. Sonic waves are sound.
Flying back into the gas, he saw a few hundred he'd missed. Clapping in front of the advancing machines, he saw them crumble and fall. Finally finished, he felt a presence. Turning, he saw what he thought was the same creature he'd stopped before. "I know not what you are, strange creature. We all wish to thank you."
"Do you know where those machines came from?" Samuel asked.
"Machines?" The creature asked. "I'm sorry, I do not know of this word."
Samuel thought for a moment as he thought of how to word his question. "The strange things that were destroying your air. Do you know where they came from?"
"Oh yes! Though we do not go there, it is a dead forbidden place." The creature said.
"If you can take me to it I will not ask you to go in. Will that be alright with you?" Samuel asked.
The creature was hesitant and quiet momentarily, and then it spoke. "I am allowed to take you to the edge my puddles said I could help you. Though I have to go straight back."
"I understand; I don't want you to get in trouble," Samuel said with a slow smile.
"Oh, thank you, strange creature. May I ask what you are labeled? I am Atata." Atata said.
Samuel nodded, "I am called Samuel, though I prefer Sam, Atata."
Atata shook a little from side to side. It was tough to tell the head end from the tail. "You are labeled Sam Atata? Interesting."
"No, I am just labeled Sam," Samuel said.
"Oh! Ok, that will make it easier, Sam. I mean, being called Atata would be confusing both of us." Atata told Samuel with what sounded like a small laugh.
"Please show me where this dead forbidden place is. Then you may return to your… it was puddles, correct?" Samuel asked of Atata.
"Oh yes, Sam. They are very concerned that I am helping you. Since you have helped all of us, they are allowing me to help you. Though, as they said, I cannot do much." Getting closer Atata said very low. "They say I am far too young to do much else. I desire to do more, though I will obey my puddles."
Samuel nodded as Atata took off with him right behind it. Suddenly, they were diving deeper into the blue gas, going quite a ways 'til they reached a dead-looking area of the air.
"Is this the place your people don't go to?" Samuel asked.
Atata started to tremble as it whispered, "Yes! This place is terrifying." Suddenly turning, Atata took off at high speed. "Be careful, Sam," Atata said as it quickly vanished.
Sighing, then shrugging, Sam could understand as just a week ago he was nearly as timid. Turning toward the dark place Sam was sure he felt almost as if something was trying to make him as afraid as he could get.
Shaking his head, he pushed what he felt away and started into the dead area. ‘Strange,’ Samuel thought, ‘not really that much here. I’m beginning to think that someone wants everything to keep away.’ Smiling Samuel pushed on, ‘Yeah,’ he thought, ‘I think I am starting to smell a rat.’
Going slowly for what felt like miles, Samuel eventually came upon a small habitation area. Nodding, Samuel thought it was as he thought before. Going right to the side of the place, Samuel decided to try to make nice. Then if that didn't work well, they didn't want to piss him off, did they?
I don't know who you are, though I suggest you stop trying to take the atmosphere from this planet. Please don't pretend that you can't hear me. I know for a fact that ALL can now understand me. Samuel thought about the habitation. Come on, I know you can listen to me unless you want me to come in there. As mad as I am, I don't think you want that. I'd like for you to start talking.
Suddenly, very gruff thoughts started to assail Samuel. Who are you? Are you from the Intergalactic Patrol? I was told that we were protected. This world was declared a non-sentient; therefore, I could purchase the rights to all elements here. I NON-SENTIENT came Samuel's harsh thoughts. I am only a basic thought-talker. Even I can hear the views of those here. So, your rights to this place are no good for me. Of course, I could destroy this place with you in it. I suggest you be gone as fast as possible. If not, I will throw you into space, ready or not!
Just who do you think you are? I have all rights the other’s thoughts started.
Wrong! You had them under false facts. Leave as fast as you can before you can never again! Samuel's thoughts growled.
I will. Started the other’s thoughts, then were quiet a moment. I am corrected, sir. We are departing in a minute.
Samuel watched as there was a furious amount of activity, and then the whole structure started to rise at an accelerated rate. Mere minutes later, it was free of the planet, opening a portal, and then it was gone.
Shaking his head Samuel sought out the one called Atata. A few moments later Samuel heard the creature. Sam! Did you find anything there in the dead place?
Yes, I did. They appear to be the ones that were trying to destroy your air. They are gone. I am hoping they don't come back. Samuel replied.
Suddenly, another set of thoughts broke into the conversation. We would like to thank you for the consideration you showed Atata. Being the last of our puddle mating, Atata must survive. If you need us to call out, we will do everything we can to help you. We will also keep in touch with you if the grumel returns.
I will welcome any help you can provide when the time comes. I must go; I am following another of my kind. Be safe, friends. Samuel said as he rocketed out of the atmosphere, following the even fainter energy trail of Mellos.
Two smaller forms of the air bladder creatures were discussed in the blue gas world. Did you recognize the energy of the strange being? The first asked of the second.
Partially, it was a form I had not felt in a long time. Could you tell me, Mite? Would you happen to know what it was? The second asked.
The first shook a part of its bladder body. Yes, I did. Do you remember long ago when the seer foresaw the return of our old ally?
The second creature also shook, though it was the entire body. Mite! Do you think this is what the seer saw?
It is hard to say one way or the other. I know this: if they are finally starting to return to the star cluster, there will eventually be justice for the millions of races that have been enslaved. They won't allow it especially if they find out the truth. The first replied.
Samuel followed the trail as fast as he could, as it appeared to dissipate more quickly. Damn it Samuel thought if I get close to her again I need to mark her ship somehow. I might lose her for a while if not.
To be continued
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