She loves Master Chapter 24, Part 6 of 6

She loves Master
Chapter 24, Part 6 of 6

They enter the Dartmouth Suite, and Ben introduces his wife, daughter, son-in-law, newly adopted son, and his in-laws to Harrison and Cam. They order appetizers from Diana and start talking about the kids and what has been happening with each other; Ben has not seen Harrison for ten years.

They talk throughout dinner, and as the dessert is coming into the room, Harrison taps his wine glass and gets down on one knee in front of Cam, “Cam, I know we have only been seeing each other for a couple of months, but I have fallen in love with you, and I want to take care of you for the rest of your life. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?” Harrison says as he pulls out a box with a massive 12-carat diamond ring.

Cam cries; she never thought she would find love again and says, “No!”. Harrison is dumbfounded. “What.” Cam still calls when she opens her mouth and says, “Yes, of course, I will marry you, Harrison.” She kisses him passionately. Kamora comes over and looks at the ring, astonished at the size of the thing. Ben asks Diana, “Bring us three bottles of your most expensive champagne. My friend is getting married. It is time to celebrate. Champagne for everyone. Ben takes Harrison and Cam to the top of the restaurant steps and tells everybody in attendance, “My friend here has proposed to this beautiful woman, and she said yes.” Everyone cheers, “Champagne and dessert are on me!”

By the time the night is over, no bottle of champagne or a dessert is left in the restaurant. Ben hugs Harrison and Cam and tells them congratulations. He hugs Kamora, who takes the opportunity to feel how big FELLA is. They take the party back to Ben's suite at the Ritz-Carlton, and Kamora whispers in Ben's ear, “I know you have a python. Do you want to let it out for some air? I will give you a great blow job.” He tells her she must ask Becky. She does; of course, Becky will not deny Ben his pleasures. Ben takes Kamora into the bedroom, and she strips and gets on the bed on her back with her head off the bed. Ben slowly undresses and takes off his pants and then his boxers.

BIG FELLA flops out and hits Kamora on her head; she immediately starts to try to get the head into her mouth. Kamora licks the head of BIG FELLA and opens her mouth wide so that Ben can push BIG FELLA into her mouth. Once he has his cock inside of her outstretched lips, he goes BIG FELLA deep into her mouth and starts to stretch out her throat. She hesitates once he gets to her gullet but gets it down her throat with the proper force and encouragement. They are in the room for twenty-five minutes before Ben explodes down her stomach. Ben plays with her large breast while he pummels her throat.

After he gets out of her throat, he gets dressed while she lies there recovering. “Was that your first deep throat, Kamora?” Ben asks. Barely able to speak, he nods and tells her they need to get back out to the rest of the group.

Engrossed in conversation, she may not have noticed her daughter's absence, but Harrison does and smiles at Ben. Harrison has witnessed Ben in action before, and he sees by the look on Kamora's face that she is delighted. The party winds down a few minutes later, and Ben congratulates the newly engaged couple as they leave; Kamora comes over, kisses Ben on the cheek, and tells him she had an enjoyable time.

Once they are in Harrison's limousine, Cam asks Kamora where she went. Kamora and Cam have always had an open relationship, and she tells her directly, “I went in the bedroom with Mr. Barnes, and I sucked his cock. He is freaking enormous, Mom. It had to be sixteen inches long and five or six inches in circumference. He pushed that whole thing down my throat. I just wish he had fucked me senseless with his might tool. I saw a tattoo on the top of his cock. God, that was the most beautiful cock I have ever seen. He can have me whenever he wants.”

“But what about his wife?” Cam asks. “She said she approved. They have an open relationship,” Kamora tells her. They drive her back to the campus and watch her enter the dorm. Cam asks Harrison if he knew he was doing that to her daughter. “Honey, Ben does not force himself on anyone. Kamora initiated it. She enjoyed it, and you might as well,” Harrison tells her. “You want me to have sex with Mr. Barnes?” Cam asks.

“No, but I would not stop you. I have seen Ben in action; he is an excellent lover, and he knows how to give women multiple orgasms in a row.”

“Honey, your twelve inches of cock is more than enough for me,” Cam tells her fiancé as she strokes his cock in his pants. The seed has been planted in her mind by Harrison. He knows it is only a matter of time before Ben has her and that they will double-team her. When they are alone in the hotel room, Cam asks Harrison, “Have you seen Ben having sex with other women.” “Oh, yes. He fucked my mother unconscious on several occasions while my father watched. Why do you think my sister always has a perfect tan? She is Ben's love child?” Harrison says.

“Your father let Ben have sex with your mother? And sat there and watched it?” Cam says, shaking her head. “He asked Ben to do it repeatedly. He was impotent at that point in his life. My father loved my mother, and she wanted more children. I knew Ben and introduced him to my father and mother. They did not know he had a hammer. My mother made love to him off and on for three years until my father passed away. My father left my mother his whole estate and asked her to watch after Ben. My father loved Ben like a son. He is like a brother to me,” Harrison tells his fiancé.

“Do your sisters know that Ben is their father?” Cam asks inquisitively. “Yes, dear, they know everything except for the size of his tool. My mother is still in love with Ben, and although they have not had sex in over thirteen years, she still is giddy as a teenage girl when he is around,” Harrison tells her as they arrive at their hotel. That night, they had the best sex ever in their time together. The idea of BIG FELLA arouses Cam.

When Ben gets back to the hotel, he has messages from home. He has one from Doc Reynolds that reads, “Experiment with Fred is going great.

Progress is already evident. Suggest doubling the doses and doing them twice daily. Please call.” The second message is from Tiffani: “Everything is okay; nothing has changed with the baby scene. Please call.” He takes his wife and son up to the suite, and in the hotel, he reads the messages to Becky, and she comments, “I wonder how big Fred has gotten.” “I do not know, but I think twice-a-day injections in his prick will do the job. Doc thinks he can get Fred's cock size up to at least twelve inches long and four inches wide. I plan to give him to the housekeepers as he has a vasectomy, and we do not want them having a lot of babies,” Ben tells his wife.

They fall asleep almost immediately when they hit the sheets. In the morning, Ben calls Doctor Reynolds about Fred's treatment, “How is it going with Fred? Is he accepting his predicament?” “Ben thinks it is Helen's idea, and he is very cooperative,” Doc tells him. “I got your message; I think three times a day would be perfect. Do you think he will be ready by Christmas?” Ben asks. “He will be if we inject his cock three times a day. I think we can get his cock size up to at least thirteen inches long with a nice three or fourteen-inch girth,” Doc tells him. “I want you to remind Helen and her boys that she is not to have sex with anyone until I get back. How is your office space coming along?” Ben says.

“It is coming along very nicely. It will be ready by the beginning of October,” Doctor Reynolds tells him as he says goodbye. That reminds Ben that he needs to call his furniture contact in Charlotte. Ben logs into his laptop and checks out the furniture store's website. He sees a mahogany executive desk with matching bookcases. He calls his friends and tells them he wants to order both pieces, including the wainscoting and paneling that matches the desk. He gives the manager the measurements of his office. The manager tells him he has the desk and the bookcases in stock and will send them with the movers when they come down in a week. Ben tells him the movers should be there in two days and that they will pick up the desk and bookcases with the other furniture on the way back.

They spend time together for the next few days and take it easy. Ben makes love to Dee and Becky at least once a day, much to their delight.

Johnny has taken up making love to Becky regularly. They run into Diana with her daughter one day at the mall. Ben asks them out to lunch, and they accept.

Diana's girls are stunning; it is evident that they are from mixed couples. They have excellent figures and a great personality. Johnny and the girls are hitting it off. “Mr. Barnes, you have a young and beautiful wife. You like young women?” Pepper asks. “Pepper, mind your manners. That is not a cordial thing to ask. I am sorry, Mr. Barnes,” Diana says. “Diana, it is okay. Please call me Ben. To answer your question, Pepper, I do like younger women and all women. My wife is not that young, but I love her with all my heart,” Ben tells her. Ben asks the girls about themselves, and they tell him everything he wants. Pepper is thirteen, and Arlene is fifteen. Their father ran off when Pepper was born. They hate their school and the kids in the neighborhood. After lunch, Ben has Becky and Johnny take the girls shopping. He notices that their clothes are tattered and worn out. Ben walks and talks some more with Diana.

Ben learns that Diana prefers men and that her boss makes her suck his cock three times a week to keep her job. It is the only thing that is keeping them afloat. They walk by Victoria's Secret, and Ben takes her in and has her pick out a few things. He asks her to try them on for him. She has a beautiful body. He purchases the items for her, much to her dismay. “Mr. Barnes...” Diana says, interrupted by Ben, “Please call me Ben.” “Well, Ben, I cannot let you purchase everything for me. I can never repay you.”

“Diana, you do not have to. It is my pleasure to buy these things for you,” Ben says as he has the sales associate ring them up for her. He then takes her to a department store and has her try on a few dresses and a pair of shoes. They meet up with Becky, Johnny, and her girls, and the girls have three bags each and have huge grins on their faces. Ben has an idea, “Why don't we go back to the hotel and swim in the pool? You girls can get a mani-pedi and go out to dinner. You are off tonight, Diana?” Ben asks, and she tells him yes. The girls say they do not own a swimsuit and buy each one a two-piece swimsuit that highlights their figures.

They head back to the Ritz-Carlton, and the girls tell Becky, “We have seen this from the outside but never been in a hotel and never one this fancy before.” They go up to the suite to put on their swimsuits. Ben puts on the banana hammock that his women love seeing him wear. He wears shorts down to the pool. The girls come out of the second bedroom with their bathing suits on. Johnny is the first to say something, “Pepper and Arlene, you two are beautiful. Those bikinis look great on you.” They blush and thank him with a kiss. Pepper brushes up against his cock by mistake and is taken back by the sheer size.

Diana asks about Becky's tattoos and tells the girls about them. The girls question her about being Ben's property. “Girls, I am the property of Ben Barnes. My husband and lover,” Becky tells them. They ask her about the “Queen of Spades” tattoo they see on her neck. “It denotes that I prefer big men over little men. Although some white men are very well-endowed.” When she says that, she looks directly into Johnny's eyes. They all go downstairs to the pool and go swimming. Ben removes his shorts, and Diana and her girls look at BIG FELLA in his trunks. Diana is drooling as her daughter Pepper swims over. “He is freaking huge.”

They swim for a few hours; the kids play while Ben, Beck, and Diana lie on the lounge chairs. A couple of women come over and look at Ben with the two white women on either side of him. They smile when they glimpse BIG FELLA in Ben's banana hammock. The husbands come by and take their women by hand and pull them along; they see their women ogling Ben's cock.

After about another hour, they tell the kids to leave the pool. They go to the nail salon, and they get manicures and pedicures. Pepper and Arlene tell Ben, “This is the first time we have done this.” They enjoy themselves at the salon, and when they are done, they return to the suite to change.

Pepper inadvertently walks in on Johnny as he is changing. She sees his twelve-inch cock swinging between his legs and smiles. Johnny is not shy anymore, that is for sure. Pepper locks the door and goes over and drops to her knees, and takes Johnny's cock into her hands. She strokes him a couple of times.

Johnny looks down at Pepper and asks, “Do you want to suck on it? I would love that.” Pepper smiles and starts to kiss and lick on Johnny's man-size cock. She takes him into her mouth and sucks him hard, and begins to stroke the part of his cock that is not in her mouth. Johnny realizes this is her first time sucking cock, his sisters Becky and the bed slaves are all more experienced than her, but it is still great. When he is about to cum, he tells her to swallow his whole load. She sucks it all down. They get dressed and meet everyone out in the living room.

Becky says, “Why don't we order room service and watch a movie.” Diana says they must get home, and her girls say they want to stay. With a bit of prodding, she relents and agrees. After dinner and the movie, they take Diana and her girls back to their apartment. Ben sees how they live in a two-bedroom, cramped apartment. It is in a run-down neighborhood, much to the disgust of Ben and Becky. Ben asks Diana when she works again, and she tells him on Friday. Ben leaves the apartment and gets into the limousine, drawing attention in this neighborhood. On the way back to the Ritz-Carlton, Becky looks at Ben and asks, “Are you thinking what I am.” “We need to get those kids out of that shit-box apartment. They will never have a chance in that place. I will call Grille 23 and place reservations for thirteen people for dinner at 8. Charles and his family are coming to town,” Ben tells her. “That will make Joey very happy,” Becky says.

“They are coming into town on Thursday, and I plan to work up an appetite by Friday afternoon,” Ben tells her, and she has a grin as they exit the limousine and head to their suite. Once there, Becky asks, “You are going to fuck Joey all night long and into Friday, aren't you.” “That is the plan, Charles is going to blindfold her, strip her and tie her to the bed in their room, put a gag in her mouth, and then I am going to come in and fuck her long and hard for a couple of hours before I take off her blindfold.”

The next day, the movers show up, and the whole gang goes over and helps the kids unpack their stuff. And then go out to dinner. Ben tells the movers that he has reserved a suite for the four of them for the weekend, and he has a surprise for them the next day.

They do not question Ben and accept he has something good. Ben looks in on Sheila; she has been taking it easy, doing a little shopping. The next day, Charles and their family arrive. Charles tells his wife Jeanie he has a treat for her when they are in their room. He tells her to wear a blindfold, and she trusts her husband implicitly. Charles tells the girls to wait in the room until he gets back. He takes his wife out into the hall and down to the elevator, where he meets Ben. Ben takes Jeanie to the mover's room and strips her naked, taking her clothes with him when he leaves. But before he takes off her blindfold and she sees Ben and Charles and then Omar, Fred, Abdul, and Jerry standing there naked with their long cocks in their hands.

“Have a good night, honey,” Charles says with a smile. Jeanie says, “Thank you, Honey. Ben, you are too much,” as she kneels before her ebony lovers. She starts sucking on each of them. Ben and Charles leave, “I think my wife will have difficulty walking tomorrow!” Charles tells him with a smile. “I need you to get Jocelyn out of the room. I will take her up to my suite while you tie up and gag Joey. She is going to die when she finds out that I am fucking her lights out,” Ben tells him.

“Ben, you are the only thing that she talks about. Her schoolwork is suffering; I hope she can make it till Thanksgiving,” Charles says. “I hope to impregnate her this weekend. I love her enthusiasm and energy,” Ben tells Charles. Charles is happy for his daughter; he knows that she will be loved and cared for by Ben for the rest of her life. He thinks of his wife being pounding in the room with the movers.

Charles gets Jocelyn out of the room and hands her over to Ben, who takes her to his room. Charles convinces his daughter that he is playing a game and to trust him, which she does. He straps her to the bed with the nylon ropes and blindfolds her. Then, he gags her, sneaks out of the room, and meets Ben. Who has his pills and his cock ring? Charles tells him to have fun and not hurt her. Ben tells him he would never hurt his little dove.

Ben quietly walks into the room and to the bedroom. He sees little five-foot Joey tied helplessly to the bed, gagged, and blindfolded. He strips as quietly as he can and strokes BIG FELLA hard after taking his pills and putting on his cock ring. He gets on the bed and lines up BIG FELLA to her wet pussy. Joey is excited. He pushes deep into her tight pussy, like this is the first time she ever had BIG FELLA in her. She screams into the gag as Ben starts pounding her ferociously, stroking her deep into her pussy. It takes Ben four hours to finally climax in his little dove. Joey had stopped struggling and crying after an hour. When he is ready to cum, he pushes past her cervix and pours his first load into her. Ben comes for thirty minutes and then pulls off her blindfold.

Joey looks at him with tear-soaked eyes, “Hello, my lovely little dove. I love you and think this might excite you. Welcome to Boston.” He takes her gag out of her mouth and kisses her. “Are you alright?” “Master, I thought somebody was raping me, taking your slave's pussy. You know my pussy and my body belongs to you. I do not ever want another man in me,” Joey says.

Ben undoes the restraints and holds her, “I know; your father told me you are in love with me. I love you too,” Ben tells her as she cuddles with him. She starts stroking BIG FELLA, trying to get him hard, “I want to ride you next.” “Joey, we have all night and all day tomorrow,” Ben tells her, and she smiles.

“I want you to impregnate me. I want your babies inside of my belly. If I cannot have you, at least I can have your babies,” Joey says as she straddles BIG FELLA and pushes him deep inside of her. They make love fifteen times before they pass out from exhaustion. They wake up after two hours of sleep by Charles. Charles wakes them with BIG FELLA still firmly lodged in her pussy. And Joey on top of Ben. They shower together, and Ben returns to his room to get dressed for dinner.

Joey sees her mother try to walk into the room, and she smiles at her. Joey and her mother are both sore for the same reason. “What happened to you last night?” Joey asks. “The movers are here,” Jeanie says. “Enough said,” Joey says with a smile. Joey spends that weekend with Ben, making love the rest of the weekend, and Jeanie spends it with the movers. They both end up impregnated, Joey by Ben and who knows which one impregnated Jeanie. She does not care.

They all go to Grille 23; Jamal and Sheila come also with Steve. They have another fine meal and give Diana a considerable tip. When they return to the Ritz-Carlton, Jeanie goes with the movers after she kisses her husband goodnight. Charles and Jocelyn go with Becky and Johnny, and Ben takes Joey.

They see Ben, Joey, or Jeanie on Monday afternoon. Charles has business in Boston until Wednesday. The movers are heading out Tuesday morning, and Jeanie asks her husband if she can go back to Alabama with the guys and spend a couple of weeks with them. He cannot refuse her pleasure and agrees to this.

Joey and Jocelyn go back with Charles to DC on Wednesday. Ben, Becky, and Johnny see Diana and her daughter before they leave on Saturday.

“Diana, girls, I have a proposition for you. Why don't you move back home with us? We have plenty of room; I have six vacant houses and seven condominiums. You can pick which one you want to have. I own a restaurant there, and you can get a job there. The schools are better, and you can raise your children in a better environment. You do not have to decide now, but think about it. There are no strings attached to this offer,” Ben tells her. Pepper and Arlene beg their mother to accept. She tells Ben that she needs to think about it.

Ben, Becky, Johnny, Karl, and Dee said their goodbyes to Karl Jr. and Nikki the next day. They head to the airport to return home to Ben’s private island.

Thank You

Written by nutbuster (D C)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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